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/Wednesday, May 30, 2007.
(RUSH!!!) posted by yiiqiiann @11:58 AM #

phew..finally back home.
my schedule for today -
9am - 10am (english remedial)
10.30am - 11.30am (maths remedial)
1pm - 3pm (choir)
grr..the time now is 12.05pm..i rushed all the way back from school to eat lunch..-_-
i know it's stupid..herhh herhh.
now waiting for mum to cook finish then i can took this opportunity to actually "snatch away" the com from my sis.and do u know what she said??
"好吧,就在你走之前成全你..." which indirectly means before i(me) die,she'll grant my last wish..
grr!! heh heh.
ok,mum just told me that lunch will be ready in 5 mins time..

{Layout by thegatecrasher}