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/Monday, May 17, 2010.
(JOAQUIM CHORALE CONCERT) posted by yiiqiiann @6:17 PM #

Had choir today from 9AM - 5PM.
Initially, my mind was totally blank, since I only had 6hrs+ of sleep :x But managed to come back alive in between. Had mac's for lunch with Joey & Sharon. Overall, we learnt 7-8 pieces today - that's half of the number of pieces we're performing ;D A good start; very encouraging xD Alto was kind of lacking behind though.
FIGHTING~ ALTO!! We can do it!!

I'm really looking forward to this concert right now - although we are only in the first phase of preparing it. I think it will be a memorable one; a good farewell concert. I'm starting to regret for deciding not to go Australia? But, nvm, that's my decision. The choir concert will be enough for memories of choir.

The concert's tickets are already up for sale.
Anyone interested, I can help you order the tickets :D They are priced at $6.
The concert will be held in the evening at Republic Poly on 5th of June.

P.S.: Specific details on what time or which area of RP etc are still not given to the choir members.

{Layout by thegatecrasher}