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/Tuesday, October 30, 2007.
(pissed off this early..) posted by yiiqiiann @4:10 PM #

As mention, I'm already totally pissed off on the second day of holiday.
I've kind of finished the english worksheets given to us except for the 4 book reviews and did partially of the maths worksheets given.
This two days has been a totally boring, and I'm already thinking of finding small jobs like distributing fliers.. Which might more or less help me by not sitting infront of the computer for the WHOLE DAY since my sis is doing part time job at a company currently.
Or either, play badminton,netball or whatever things with my friends.
I have no other choices but to stay infront of the computer since i REALLY have nothing to do..

Homeworks will be done constantly everyday though, and life still goes on no matter what, I SHOULD confess..

Alright, on Sunday, I was supposed to go library with my mum and sis, which turned out to be a gathering of my relatives and us.. That's why my book review will be done at a later date, or not at all..?? lols.

And I hate being the youngest in the family! I have to go out and help photocopy some documents for those forms! HATE IT as much as i hate school!

Okay, whatever.. Have been reading online comic of INUYASHA since exam ends, and some fanfics of it recently. Hmm..Should I start a fanfic? Based on what? I don't know..lalals.

{Layout by thegatecrasher}