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/Thursday, October 29, 2009.
(Overall for 2009) posted by yiiqiiann @5:50 PM #

  • 3` A1 (Phy79, Amath84, Emath86)
  • 1`A2 (Chi71)
  • 1`B3 (Chem65)
  • 2` C5 (C.H56, Eng57)
Total: 71.1%
L1R4/ L1R5: 10/15
Class: 4/34
Level: 11/173
Remarks: Yi Qian seems a bit too reticent during lessons but she appears to communicate well with her classmates. She is also helpful and respectful. Academically, she has achieved marked improvement in most of her subjects. Well done!

After reading the whole thing, even my sis & mum thinks,"What's this chim word for?" Furthermore, my mum doesn't understand much English.
Anyway, really glad for this time, 'cos it's th 1st time mum doesn't nag too much about my results, & I didn't fail any subjects ^_^
But she's still unhappy about my Chinese =.=
Anyway, can anyone please tell me how you calculate the L1R4 & L1R5? It's kind of out of place?


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