(6A~Seoul Garden)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:12 AM
Went to have Seoul Garden with Mr Yong & the usual few on 7/12 Monday ;D Mr Yong's treat. Initially, we were practically having a war with the oil xD Luckily the waitress saved us by turning down the heat ;b
Creative Natale BBQed the fruits... xD & Stella created a
SPECIAL soup base consisting of
ice-kacang, ice-cream, half-cooked egg etc, & also the chaota ice-cream >.< *PUKE* xD
Photo & editting credits to Caiwen~
Taking class photo in shopping centre xD 

Hungry hungry~very hungry~hungry very xD
Planning to have either chalet or just BBQ next year RIGHT AFTER 'O' LEVEL XD On the last paper itself somemore lols xD JKJK
(6A~Seoul Garden)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:12 AM
Went to have Seoul Garden with Mr Yong & the usual few on 7/12 Monday ;D Mr Yong's treat. Initially, we were practically having a war with the oil xD Luckily the waitress saved us by turning down the heat ;b
Creative Natale BBQed the fruits... xD & Stella created a
SPECIAL soup base consisting of
ice-kacang, ice-cream, half-cooked egg etc, & also the chaota ice-cream >.< *PUKE* xD
Photo & editting credits to Caiwen~
Taking class photo in shopping centre xD 

Hungry hungry~very hungry~hungry very xD
Planning to have either chalet or just BBQ next year RIGHT AFTER 'O' LEVEL XD On the last paper itself somemore lols xD JKJK