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/Wednesday, June 20, 2007.
(choir camp) posted by yiiqiiann @6:17 PM #

after 3 days and two nights,i'm finally back from the camp..
hmm..cramps all over the body right now..hehe.
at night,i was like.. PILLOW..!!~~
LOLs..can't really sleep well without my pillow..
then today afternoon when coming back from school,the bag..HEAVY! =b
then i was like..dragging my feet along the way..-.-
when i got back home,i first thing i did..EAT!!
the egg rolls from HK is really nice..YUMMY yummy!
then my mum cooked lunch..there's steamed sausages and eon tau hoo soup.
i simply love my mum's cooking..they are like..DELICIOUS!
after resting after the lunch..i went to Zzzz.... LOL
fell asleep in less than 10 minutes..wahaha!!
ok,after waking up..i snatched the com from sis and then posted this blog..
and i gtg now to bathe..ltr on have a tuition at 7.30pm


{Layout by thegatecrasher}