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/Monday, July 16, 2007.
(announcement) posted by yiiqiiann @2:36 PM #

hmm..i put title as "announcement",because i would like to tell you all, future posts will have no titles.. hmm..think i'm talking to myself huh??

okays, today is a really fine day!!
miss fara is not here,so..last period was a free period..then we sat there..and i think we sang 爱的主旋律 for the whole 40mins of free period in the hall..LOLs.
then in the morning assembly, the GB looks great. well, i have to say, every uniform group looks great.

then just now just ate finish my lunch..yummy yummy!! mum cook de 伊面 so nice!! then now resting..waiting for my lunch to digest..then ltr on drink green bean soup. sis' b`dae..ytd dad bought her a laptop as a b`dae present!! hyahyahya!! then i can play online games,watch anime,listen to music and many many other things which my com can't do.

LOLs..then my sis say that the com is her husband,the laptop is her boyfriend,then her PSP is her child..LOL!!

{Layout by thegatecrasher}