(My terrible life!)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:21 PM
YIPPEES! Today is another Thursday!
Another brief posting about what I've did throughout the week.
Tried to finish "Inventing Elliot" for the test, but in ended up that there's no more readers tests! YIPPEES!
But had to do the scrapbook activity. Did history test, confirm failing, to the fact that I thought the test is on Tuesday. Did not understand a thing teacher taught in class and never study.
Skipped choir on Tuesday because of a sudden stomach ache, should be because of the milo I drank during recess, because after recess, during literature lesson, went to the toilet and vomited.
Yesterday did science test. The result should be good I think? Maybe just a pass? Went for CNY concert rehearsal.
Today, last lesson's art completed, but all was not need, because the overall jewellery design has just started...
NEVERMIND!! I'm gonna choose the crabby crabby jewellery I designed and the anemone design. Still need to draw the gems sia! RAWRRS!
Tuition starting this Saturday... Haiz... An official start of a miserable school life... T.T Anyway, the venue is YSS. Shi Min having tuition too! Hehehe!
CNY coming! YIPPEES! I'm gonna have a enjoyable February!
6th Feb (WED) - CNY Eve. Maybe going back to PYPS
7th Feb (THUR) - 1st day of CNY
8th Feb ( FRI) - 2nd day of CNY
9th Feb (SAT) - 3rd day of CNY, going to chalet to celebrate cousin's 21st b`dae.
17th Feb (SUN) - Cousin booked chalet for family gathering~
(SGH performance)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:49 PM
Last Friday, went to SGH to perform.
Went there and waited for our turn to rehearse.
Then, the patients came down and the performance started.
It's showdown time for OPSS!
First item was a dance item, then, our turn! We did well YEAHH~ And there is three more dance items and wushu performance.
After which, the patients went back to their rooms, and we ate our dinner. Choir sat on the steps to the "stage" lol. It's like, people might pass by and ask,"Are you all working here?" =.=
You will know why when you see what we wore!
And took a lot of picture before and after the performance!
Here are the pictures!
During the performance

The soprano. At the left is Mr. Goh playing the clarinet for "Flying Free"

Chairman Chyee Gin playing the guitar for "Qing Chun Nian Hua"
Before and after the performance
Me and Clara~

Mr. Goh playing the clarinet

xD Firdaus ran in later on

Joaquim Chorale!

Hua Feng, Amanda Yeong, Amanda Tan, Clara and Me

Sharon, Daven, Clara, Shi Min, Joey and Me with Mr. Ben Chew aka grandpa! xD Our chinese teacher in 1A2!

Me and Sharon

Me and Joey
And that's my happy Friday!
(Today turned out to be a fine one!)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:18 PM
WEETS! Today turned out to be a fine day!
I thought that I'll surely kanna for not doing homework today, but nope! xD
During morning assembly, Ms Soo talked about us having the habit of speaking vulgarities.
Then throughout the whole day, Li Jun so funny! She said,"I must not speak vulgarities! For TODAY~" xD
And we had a deal: 50 cents per vulgar word. Haha! Seems like she's really keen on not speaking any vulgarities!
Heng, I don't really speak vulgarities that much... No need to waste money on stupid things!
yaddayadda~ During art, teacher picked some others' work and mine to show on screen. Stupid lor... That TOOPID KIANHUI! Keep on mocking that the jellyfish I drew is a mushroom. Then I co-operate lol, teacher took away for a long while, then I say,"Where did my dear mushroom go?!" xD
After art, stayed back at class to have composition test. This is the fun part lol!
Towards the end of the paper, she took up her phone, obvious that she's going to take a picture of the whole class. Then everyone quickly placed their head on the table and covered themselves lol! After hearing the snap, we all shot up. Later when she took up her phone, everyone did the same thing again. Then she laugh... =.=
When she asked us to hand up the paper, she said,"You all are so cute when I take picture! I have been snapping throughout the whole paper!"
Well, that explains why she has been laughing to her phone throughout the whole paper! I saw her doing that several times!
Okay, today is thursday, no homework I think?! YIPPEES! And there will be Romantic Princess on channel u at 8pm!
(Romantic Princess!!~)
posted by yiiqiiann @12:39 PM
Whew! Day passes so quickly! It's Sunday already!
Hmm... On Friday, went for choir practice. The response from the secondary 1 was good I think? 'Cos some of them seems to go there unwillingly.
We played WHACKO first. After that, went for sectional. After which, combined and sang the songs. T.T I just can't get the notes right for Qing Chun Nian Hua!!
Yesterday was a meaningful day for me! xD Watched episode 13 to 17 or 18 of Death Note!! Muahaha!! Then watched Green Forest, My Home on channel u. At night, watched the dog show on channel u, then went to read the Six Shakespeare Stories, or rather, study for the test on Monday.
I realized that I do last minute work every time when there are tests. Hmm... That's the main factor why I get terrible marks.
Read till... 11pm? Then slept.
Today woke up and continued reading. I still have four more stories to go! T.T I think this is the first time I manage to read 30 pages in one day.
This Thursday!!~ Romantic Princess is going to be telecast on channel U at 8pm! NYAHAHAHA! xD
Alright, going to do homework and play computer, bye!
(Pizza tomorrow!)
posted by yiiqiiann @6:38 PM
Hai! I'm able to use the computer
finally! This whole week is fine as compared to the previous weeks.
Briefly what I did for this week... Went for choir practice on Tuesday and we managed to learn finish two songs that we'll be performing during Chinese New Year Eve, I think. On Wednesday, which is yesterday, during life skills, the whole class refused to have the theme that Ms. Fara gave us. Then, she asked what we would like to do.
After many suggestions, we decided to play Hang-Man with the names of movies. The deal is: Ms. Fara VS All. If we win, she'll treat us to something. Hyahyahyah! So funny lahh, we keep on bargaining. Original game of Hang-Man is just by drawing a stick-man. They all say,"Plus a coffin lah.", "No no no! Must have the eye-brow, eyes, mouth, ear, arm-pit hair all this leh!"
Hahah! Then in the end, we won! (Of course) Haha. Then after we discussed, Ms. Fara decided to treat us on Canadian Pizza on Friday, which is tomorrow!
Then today, I didn't finish the art, luckily Miss Soh gave everyone a chance to hand up tomorrow. Then homework for art, was to draw out the jewelery design based on sea-creatures.
Okay, I'm signing off for dinner. Tomorrow is Friday! I'm super duper hyper! Hyahyahya! For the fact that tomorrow is the last day of the week for us to go school, and my lunch will be handled by Ms. Fara! xD
(Poor poor me!)
posted by yiiqiiann @5:10 PM
Hi everyone out there! Want to know something incredible that happened to me?
That is - I've not used the computer for
one whole week! Surprised?! xD
Main reason should be because that I promised my mum that, when school re-opens, I will finish all my homeworks before using the computer. Well, many of my friends know this - I'm
DAMN slow when I do my homework... x[
Alright, roughly what happened for the week...
SATURDAYDidn't go out... I think?
SUNDAYWent to Ah Yi's house, cousin brought us to east/west coast park, piggie and I rode bicycle for... 1hr? Lormi went with cousin, his gf and Ricky (the puppy). When we're cycling back to return the bike, it started raining a little, then suddenly became a very heavy rain. Thus, took cover in a shelter. Called cousin and he came to fetch us up. In the end, our legs were covered with a little of sand and it was so
MONDAYWent to mummy's (my second ah yi, piggie, lormi and I call her mummy) house there, 'cos mum need to settle some things. Then went to her house and started playing the computer. Watched Death Note episode 9. Then, went with piggie's family to IMM. Went to GIANT and bought things. Took MRT home and used laptop for a while... Watched Death Note until episode 11, and had dinner.
TUESDAYFixed up the double-decker bed I am currently sharing with my sis. She took the upper deck while i took the lower one.
officially a secondary 2 student! Lol, not used to everyone calling us the sec 2s. During assembly, they said,"Sec 1s,"
blahblahblah, then I look up... x] Then everything is brought forward by 10mins... T.T All because of the silent reading program. Have two new classmates: Fei Wen and John. Sean left us to Yishun Town Secondary... Kind of not used to it lol... 'Cos basically, he's the one that makes the most noise. The class became much more quiet than before lol.
THURSDAYNothing interesting.
TODAYHmm... Nothing interesting also... Went for choir practice, too tired to have the spirit to sing, so... I was sleep walking and talking throughout the whole 2 hours.
Alright, I'm so going to chiong Death Note later on, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!
Now, I'm so going to chiong fanfiction and games! YIPPEES!
(My terrible life!)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:21 PM
YIPPEES! Today is another Thursday!
Another brief posting about what I've did throughout the week.
Tried to finish "Inventing Elliot" for the test, but in ended up that there's no more readers tests! YIPPEES!
But had to do the scrapbook activity. Did history test, confirm failing, to the fact that I thought the test is on Tuesday. Did not understand a thing teacher taught in class and never study.
Skipped choir on Tuesday because of a sudden stomach ache, should be because of the milo I drank during recess, because after recess, during literature lesson, went to the toilet and vomited.
Yesterday did science test. The result should be good I think? Maybe just a pass? Went for CNY concert rehearsal.
Today, last lesson's art completed, but all was not need, because the overall jewellery design has just started...
NEVERMIND!! I'm gonna choose the crabby crabby jewellery I designed and the anemone design. Still need to draw the gems sia! RAWRRS!
Tuition starting this Saturday... Haiz... An official start of a miserable school life... T.T Anyway, the venue is YSS. Shi Min having tuition too! Hehehe!
CNY coming! YIPPEES! I'm gonna have a enjoyable February!
6th Feb (WED) - CNY Eve. Maybe going back to PYPS
7th Feb (THUR) - 1st day of CNY
8th Feb ( FRI) - 2nd day of CNY
9th Feb (SAT) - 3rd day of CNY, going to chalet to celebrate cousin's 21st b`dae.
17th Feb (SUN) - Cousin booked chalet for family gathering~
(SGH performance)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:49 PM
Last Friday, went to SGH to perform.
Went there and waited for our turn to rehearse.
Then, the patients came down and the performance started.
It's showdown time for OPSS!
First item was a dance item, then, our turn! We did well YEAHH~ And there is three more dance items and wushu performance.
After which, the patients went back to their rooms, and we ate our dinner. Choir sat on the steps to the "stage" lol. It's like, people might pass by and ask,"Are you all working here?" =.=
You will know why when you see what we wore!
And took a lot of picture before and after the performance!
Here are the pictures!
During the performance

The soprano. At the left is Mr. Goh playing the clarinet for "Flying Free"

Chairman Chyee Gin playing the guitar for "Qing Chun Nian Hua"
Before and after the performance
Me and Clara~

Mr. Goh playing the clarinet

xD Firdaus ran in later on

Joaquim Chorale!

Hua Feng, Amanda Yeong, Amanda Tan, Clara and Me

Sharon, Daven, Clara, Shi Min, Joey and Me with Mr. Ben Chew aka grandpa! xD Our chinese teacher in 1A2!

Me and Sharon

Me and Joey
And that's my happy Friday!
(Today turned out to be a fine one!)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:18 PM
WEETS! Today turned out to be a fine day!
I thought that I'll surely kanna for not doing homework today, but nope! xD
During morning assembly, Ms Soo talked about us having the habit of speaking vulgarities.
Then throughout the whole day, Li Jun so funny! She said,"I must not speak vulgarities! For TODAY~" xD
And we had a deal: 50 cents per vulgar word. Haha! Seems like she's really keen on not speaking any vulgarities!
Heng, I don't really speak vulgarities that much... No need to waste money on stupid things!
yaddayadda~ During art, teacher picked some others' work and mine to show on screen. Stupid lor... That TOOPID KIANHUI! Keep on mocking that the jellyfish I drew is a mushroom. Then I co-operate lol, teacher took away for a long while, then I say,"Where did my dear mushroom go?!" xD
After art, stayed back at class to have composition test. This is the fun part lol!
Towards the end of the paper, she took up her phone, obvious that she's going to take a picture of the whole class. Then everyone quickly placed their head on the table and covered themselves lol! After hearing the snap, we all shot up. Later when she took up her phone, everyone did the same thing again. Then she laugh... =.=
When she asked us to hand up the paper, she said,"You all are so cute when I take picture! I have been snapping throughout the whole paper!"
Well, that explains why she has been laughing to her phone throughout the whole paper! I saw her doing that several times!
Okay, today is thursday, no homework I think?! YIPPEES! And there will be Romantic Princess on channel u at 8pm!
(Romantic Princess!!~)
posted by yiiqiiann @12:39 PM
Whew! Day passes so quickly! It's Sunday already!
Hmm... On Friday, went for choir practice. The response from the secondary 1 was good I think? 'Cos some of them seems to go there unwillingly.
We played WHACKO first. After that, went for sectional. After which, combined and sang the songs. T.T I just can't get the notes right for Qing Chun Nian Hua!!
Yesterday was a meaningful day for me! xD Watched episode 13 to 17 or 18 of Death Note!! Muahaha!! Then watched Green Forest, My Home on channel u. At night, watched the dog show on channel u, then went to read the Six Shakespeare Stories, or rather, study for the test on Monday.
I realized that I do last minute work every time when there are tests. Hmm... That's the main factor why I get terrible marks.
Read till... 11pm? Then slept.
Today woke up and continued reading. I still have four more stories to go! T.T I think this is the first time I manage to read 30 pages in one day.
This Thursday!!~ Romantic Princess is going to be telecast on channel U at 8pm! NYAHAHAHA! xD
Alright, going to do homework and play computer, bye!
(Pizza tomorrow!)
posted by yiiqiiann @6:38 PM
Hai! I'm able to use the computer
finally! This whole week is fine as compared to the previous weeks.
Briefly what I did for this week... Went for choir practice on Tuesday and we managed to learn finish two songs that we'll be performing during Chinese New Year Eve, I think. On Wednesday, which is yesterday, during life skills, the whole class refused to have the theme that Ms. Fara gave us. Then, she asked what we would like to do.
After many suggestions, we decided to play Hang-Man with the names of movies. The deal is: Ms. Fara VS All. If we win, she'll treat us to something. Hyahyahyah! So funny lahh, we keep on bargaining. Original game of Hang-Man is just by drawing a stick-man. They all say,"Plus a coffin lah.", "No no no! Must have the eye-brow, eyes, mouth, ear, arm-pit hair all this leh!"
Hahah! Then in the end, we won! (Of course) Haha. Then after we discussed, Ms. Fara decided to treat us on Canadian Pizza on Friday, which is tomorrow!
Then today, I didn't finish the art, luckily Miss Soh gave everyone a chance to hand up tomorrow. Then homework for art, was to draw out the jewelery design based on sea-creatures.
Okay, I'm signing off for dinner. Tomorrow is Friday! I'm super duper hyper! Hyahyahya! For the fact that tomorrow is the last day of the week for us to go school, and my lunch will be handled by Ms. Fara! xD
(Poor poor me!)
posted by yiiqiiann @5:10 PM
Hi everyone out there! Want to know something incredible that happened to me?
That is - I've not used the computer for
one whole week! Surprised?! xD
Main reason should be because that I promised my mum that, when school re-opens, I will finish all my homeworks before using the computer. Well, many of my friends know this - I'm
DAMN slow when I do my homework... x[
Alright, roughly what happened for the week...
SATURDAYDidn't go out... I think?
SUNDAYWent to Ah Yi's house, cousin brought us to east/west coast park, piggie and I rode bicycle for... 1hr? Lormi went with cousin, his gf and Ricky (the puppy). When we're cycling back to return the bike, it started raining a little, then suddenly became a very heavy rain. Thus, took cover in a shelter. Called cousin and he came to fetch us up. In the end, our legs were covered with a little of sand and it was so
MONDAYWent to mummy's (my second ah yi, piggie, lormi and I call her mummy) house there, 'cos mum need to settle some things. Then went to her house and started playing the computer. Watched Death Note episode 9. Then, went with piggie's family to IMM. Went to GIANT and bought things. Took MRT home and used laptop for a while... Watched Death Note until episode 11, and had dinner.
TUESDAYFixed up the double-decker bed I am currently sharing with my sis. She took the upper deck while i took the lower one.
officially a secondary 2 student! Lol, not used to everyone calling us the sec 2s. During assembly, they said,"Sec 1s,"
blahblahblah, then I look up... x] Then everything is brought forward by 10mins... T.T All because of the silent reading program. Have two new classmates: Fei Wen and John. Sean left us to Yishun Town Secondary... Kind of not used to it lol... 'Cos basically, he's the one that makes the most noise. The class became much more quiet than before lol.
THURSDAYNothing interesting.
TODAYHmm... Nothing interesting also... Went for choir practice, too tired to have the spirit to sing, so... I was sleep walking and talking throughout the whole 2 hours.
Alright, I'm so going to chiong Death Note later on, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!
Now, I'm so going to chiong fanfiction and games! YIPPEES!