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/Tuesday, March 25, 2008.
(NAPFA test) posted by yiiqiiann @7:45 PM #

Alright, today, Ms Fara started on MOV's skit. R&J next week I suppose?
Started on planning the colours of the clothes for each character in R&J, but ended up with only doing Juliet's?
& GOSHH! How are we going to sew the clothes? What will happen if everyone's clothes dropped, or slipped down?! :X
Sorry, not cursing or fearing any of the actors. BUT!... Haiz... We only know how to design lol... We don't know how to sew clothes.
Think we have to look for help from our relatives?

Alright, after that, "stripped" at the hall?!?! LOL... I was trying to mean - took off our uniform (PE shirt inside of course!).

Then, went to the art gallery & practiced for a while. Then suddenly, spongebob squarepant made an announcement.

Went to the second stairs, got our forms and started doing our NAPFA test.

Firstly, went to the sit-ups & we cheated? LOL. First time I got A for sit-ups?!?! LOL... got 35 (cheated) LOL.
Until 10+ then I begin cheating liao, but Mdm Yuan got see, but didn't say anything?! Didn't put my hand behind my ears, but using it to swing me up.

Secondly, went to the SBJ.. Teacher helped me round off to 135 LOL?

Thirdly, sit&reach. Ask Li Jun to pull my hands while in position. & got 41 while testing?! WOW.

Then went for incline pull-up D:
Hate it lahh, it is my weakest point lorh.. I'm so heavy.. Then pull-pull-pull only got 6? But then actually 3 only? But then Mdm Ng damn good, anyhow count one, so I got 6 LOL.

Lastly, shuttle run. got 12.5s...

So long never exercise liao, then NAPFA test just popped out of nowhere...
Didn't have time for exercises because of the busy schedule and rests that I really needed.

After NAPFA, had to go for choir practice & rehearsal for speech day.
Ehh... Quite a torture? Cos I'm stinking...
& My cheeks muscle were shaking when I was trying to smile?!?! D:
I hate my smile lahh.

Got home & I'm currently having my DEAR dinner!

{Layout by thegatecrasher}