(2.4km run)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:05 PM
TT Went for 2.4km NAPFA test today.
Damn exhausted lahh.. In the end only got 18:20? But still passed! xD
2008 NAPFA test passed!
Actually planned on not going to school tml?
But have to, 'cos having combined speech day rehearsal.
I'm so going to sleep when I have a chance during classes tml!!
Smell FRIED WINGS! gtg eat!!~
posted by yiiqiiann @6:01 PM
Alright, after 5 miserable weeks,
my poor imprisoned phone.. Was being tied up by rubber band and scotch tape just to stick as paper with my name on it?! D:
&&! Joystick and some side's skin got scrapped off?!?! TT
Dad is so going to nag & scold me when he gets back.
& If I want to sell it, I think the value will be damn low? So many scratches & thingies.
(NAPFA test)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:45 PM
Alright, today, Ms Fara started on MOV's skit. R&J next week I suppose?
Started on planning the colours of the clothes for each character in R&J, but ended up with only doing Juliet's?
& GOSHH! How are we going to sew the clothes? What will happen if everyone's clothes dropped, or slipped down?! :X
Sorry, not cursing or fearing any of the actors. BUT!... Haiz... We only know how to design lol... We don't know how to sew clothes.
Think we have to look for help from our relatives?
Alright, after that, "stripped" at the hall?!?! LOL... I was trying to mean - took off our uniform (PE shirt inside of course!).
Then, went to the art gallery & practiced for a while. Then suddenly, spongebob squarepant made an announcement.
Went to the second stairs, got our forms and started doing our NAPFA test.
Firstly, went to the sit-ups & we cheated? LOL. First time I got A for sit-ups?!?! LOL... got 35 (cheated) LOL.
Until 10+ then I begin cheating liao, but Mdm Yuan got see, but didn't say anything?! Didn't put my hand behind my ears, but using it to swing me up.
Secondly, went to the SBJ.. Teacher helped me round off to 135 LOL?
Thirdly, sit&reach. Ask Li Jun to pull my hands while in position. & got 41 while testing?! WOW.
Then went for incline pull-up D:
Hate it lahh, it is my weakest point lorh.. I'm so heavy.. Then pull-pull-pull only got 6? But then actually 3 only? But then Mdm Ng damn good, anyhow count one, so I got 6 LOL.
Lastly, shuttle run. got 12.5s...
So long never exercise liao, then NAPFA test just popped out of nowhere...
Didn't have time for exercises because of the busy schedule and rests that I really needed.
After NAPFA, had to go for choir practice & rehearsal for speech day.
Ehh... Quite a torture? Cos I'm stinking...
& My cheeks muscle were shaking when I was trying to smile?!?! D:
I hate my smile lahh.
Got home & I'm currently having my DEAR dinner!
(nabari no ou)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:06 PM
Went to crunchy roll & saw a preview for an upcoming anime. Not out yet, many say it will be out on April I think? But comic is until the 7th volume I think?
Nabari no Ou 隠の王

Rokujou Miharu was a seemly reluctant junior high student living in his own world. However, within him, lurked the ultimate power of Nabari, “Omnipotent”. To possess such supreme weapon, the Wolf Pack of Iga swore to bring Miharu back to Iga village. On the other hand, Miharu’s English teacher, Kumohira sensei, and classmate, Kouichi, were the Banten ninjas whose mission was to protect Miharu. A war waged over the ownership of “Omnipotent” thus started. To survive, Miharu must enter the hidden world Nabari, to become the king.
Saw the
trailer for this anime. & It's so
Sources taken from
(SIANsation in school)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:36 PM
Went to school today with a swollen eye.. TT
But got better after recess?
Ms Fara had to go for her scholarship thingy? So there was a free period at the last period.
Then, went to bookshop with Li Jun & Debbie to buy their scrapbooks.
Forgot to bring $$... So, have to buy outside, around $4+? Gosh lorh.. School $3+ lehh..
So, walked home with Li Jun while Debbie took 811.
Came home, curently posting & chatting with Xin Lei, Tian Fu & Kian Hui.
(Thanks for the sweets!)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:54 PM
&& Thanks Kian Hui, Debbie & Santhiya for the sweets today!
Kian Hui said that he's going to buy sweets for us tml again! :B
posted by yiiqiiann @9:05 PM
Haiz... Actually in a bad mood to post, but wanted to vent my anger, so decided to post in the end.
Got back report book. The result is quite "good" I think? But my mum is still not satisfied... D':
ENG - B3
CHI - B3
SCI - A1
LIT - B3
D&T - A2
Damn angry lahh... She didn't even went for JC or poly, at there talk so much, like she went for university before like that.
& I've already told her the formula for English mark for don't know how many times?! Then ask me.."Why is the 1st test and 3rd test counted as 2nd test?!"
Like I know?! The stupid school want to count it like that, like as if I can sit in the meeting & object to it?!
Can't tolerate already lahh.. Last year I didn't do well at there siao also nvm. But now?! I did better!! But there's not even a word of encouragement or anything positive!!
Instead, she told me this... "Mei ahh, I think if your marks next term is still bad, you should better just quit school lahh!! Your sis sec 2 results better than you also got so bad for poly EOY"
WTH lorhh... Then last time told me this... "If you cannot make it to JC, just forget about studying after sec 4" Which is still ok?
GRAAA!!! Got enough of it lahh... Whether I'm good or bad, she still doesn't like it... So what's the use of being good?!?!
Stupid me even cried for this matter. Gonna have swollen eyes tml... TT
(Time table changed)
posted by yiiqiiann @10:44 PM
Alright a short post about yesterday & today.
Yesterday, ah gu came to drive mum & me to ah yi's house.
& Goshh! Piggie damn
dark lahh! ENVY~ Yuan Ching Sec. so good lahh.. Got dragon boat.
ENVY 2~ Her parents brought her to the movies to watch Ah Long PTE LTD, then lormi watch Water Horse. TT
Got there, then went to buy lunch with mum.
Then, slacked around. Watched lormi's scooby doo.
I miss it lahh.. xD One of my favourite shows? :B
After a while, cousin and came back with her husband.
Then watched the video clip of their marriage day.
Another cousin came back... &&&... RICKY!!
He grew quite a bit lol. Kept on licking our hands & I think I felt my fingers in his mouth?! But he didn't bite >D
Hope to get a puppy when I grow up lahh.
Played for quite a while with him.
Ate dinner, played with Ricky, then went home on MRT.
Went to school today & I thought I was late. But when I got to the gate, heard the councilor saying,"Still got 1 minute" to another councilor.
But I still chiong-ed! LoLx.. Though I believe them, but still think that they are not trustable.. :X
Forgot to bring reading material today... Had to stand up for the 10mins of silent reading.
Scary lahh, Ms. Soo passed me the book, then I was like..."GOSHH.. Is my shirt tucked in?!"
& There's a change of time-table. Mrs Tan crapped once again, then went back to classroom.
School is as boring!
Alright, I have to go now. adieu!
(Choir exchange program)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:00 PM
Yesterday went to St. Margaret Secondary School to watch the choir.
Ehh.. No comment lol, too impressive.
But then kind of envy them lor.. Cos girls' school, no boys in there.
Slept at 1am & woke up at 10am+ today. Damn siok lahh! I'm so going to miss my holidays!
After breakfast, watched anime.
& Now, gonna do homework...
Didn't bring my geography workbook back & haven't buy the A3 scrapbook for art.
So all I'm left with is maths...
posted by yiiqiiann @9:18 AM
Damn bored at home D:
Mum went to market & Sis went to work.
Haiz... Today actually going to play badminton with Xin Lei and friends...
But had to stay at home to look after grandma.
GOSHH lahh... She keep on smoking... Mum went out at around 9am, then by 9.30am she smoked 3 cigarettes already...
Hate smokers!!!
(got better)
posted by yiiqiiann @8:26 PM
Hohohohs! I'm feeling better now!
Woke up today at 9am+!! YIPPEES!! I LOVE HOLIDAYS!! xD
Slacked & played com till 12pm, bathe, ate, got ready & went to school for choir.
& I got
Tissue & Jacket! x3
Seems so aunty lol, but had no choice; I'm sick.
After choir practice, came home & sis actually volunteered! - Asked me if I wanted the com.
'Cos she wanted to accompany her son - PSP
Played for a while, then ate dinner, & I broke another record!! Ate for less than 45mins!!
Lol... Usually 1 hour ++.. x|
Then Cai Wen called me about tml's badminton.
But I can't go... D:
There's no one at home that time to look after my grandma.
Alrights, going to eat
(Sick.. -.-)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:18 PM
Haiz... Had a
bad day today...
Reached school at around 1.25pm for the enrichment program.
Waited with Cheryl & Sarfina for Li Jun, Debbie & Santhiya.
Went up for the enrichment program & started feeling sick once I settled down.
Sore-eye, flu & fever came.
Well, was having sore throat & flu yesterday before sleeping.
But I was quite well this morning!
Maybe because of the weather & the air-con in AVA room?
Stubborned till 2.30pm rest time, then cannot tolerate.
& Thanks Cheryl for accompanying me to the general office!&& Thanks Li Jun and gang, 'cos I know u all wanted to accompany me initially, but the coach did not allow.Took a nap in sick bay till 3.30pm & mum came to fetch me.
Got home & quickly drank a cup of milo. so WARM~
Then sis let me play PSP for a while, then I went for a sleep again.
Alright, I hope I should be ok by tomorrow, since I have choir. If not, have to waste money to visit the doctor's just for a MC again.
THANKS CHERYL, for ur concern. I'll definitely drink more water! :DD
(Tuition is as boring as ever.)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:06 PM
Dx Was woken up this morning by mum at 7.15am.
Brushed teeth,
yadaayadaa & left home at around 8.40am.
Reached YSS & went to my tuition class.
MATHAlgebraic expressions, main cause of all headaches.
ENGLISHTeacher was absent. Relieve teacher let us write compo.
Then came home.
&& Shi Min told me something
NG EE TZER DIDN'T SUBMIT THE ANTI-DRUG ENTRY!!Chicken sia... one entry counts as
1 mark lehh! If there was an extra mark, the mark will be
26, & 2A2 would have become the
only champion lehh!
posted by yiiqiiann @7:05 PM
Did not like it when I was in sec 1, maybe because 2A2 was not that united last year? 8|
Okay, today went to school as usual, but in CLASS TEE!! <33
Got to school & saw lots of ppl... Dx Almost fainted.
Finally found Li Jun and friends, but had to settle down already.
Morning assembly was exceptionally high?! Marikita became a funny one.
Went to basketball court and practiced for mass-skipping. After a while, was told to get ready?!
Cheered! ((: 2A2 HUAT AHH! xD
We only managed to jump 29 for total... 2C1 didn't even practice before lor, can get first...
After that, went to parade square to watch street basketball.
Went to field for a while to cheer for Debbie. x3
Then stayed at parade square to watch street basketball.
2A2 boys pro lol, 12 - 3, 7 - 3 & so on.
Watched till sian, then we all went up hall to play the rope xD.
Wanted to dedicate song to 2A2, but not available anymore?!
After a while, assembled.
& These are the following prizes we got:
- 1st for street basketball (Thanks to Eugene & gang, they are really bball pro!)
- 2nd for dancing marathon (Thanks to Chyee Gin)
- 2nd for anti-drug poster (Thanks to Chao Yue)
Cool lahh! xD & The champion is 2A2 & 2C1!! x33 Natale's class ehh.
Did the 11 claps and all this, then went home.
Used laptop to watch anime! xD
posted by yiiqiiann @4:09 PM
Hmm.. Almost one week since I've last posted?
Alright, this week, got back these tests and I'm satisfied with them!
Maths - 16/20 - Previous one was 15/20?
Science - 22/25 - HURRAY! So unbelievable lahh, didn't even listen to teacher for the two chapters that were tested. 88/100! Previous one was 24/30?
Chinese - 70/100 - Expected it to be A2. But hoped that it will be higher in order to bring up my CA marks.
Today, assembled in hall, they gave out prizes to the most courteous student in every class.
PEMass-skipping! TT Tml is the day, what should we do?! we only have 5 chances! TT
MTDid newspaper cutting but did not hand up? 8| Then teacher gave back test paper.
ENGLISHWell, was supposed to be English period, but Miss Kwok took over for history test. Ehh.. 80% failing I think?!
MATHSMiss Ong took over. Damn boring... Didn't even listen to what she was talking. In the end, had to copy the worksheet she went through from Martin & hand up.
ARTBORING! & Stupid Kian Hui lahh, he almost told Benny about 'it'. Thanks to Daven for stopping him from doing so!! xD & Told Daven about it through Kian Hui. 'Cos he is trustable! :]]
Then came home.
& While eating, found cockroaches running here & there!!! GOSHHHH! 'Cos the people spray pesticide into the garbage thingy under the block. & The war started!
SIS VSKILLS COCKROACHES!!Gosh lol.. Have to mop the floor today again...
TML IS SPORTS CARNIVAL!!Though excited about it, but I don't want to wear that oversized class tee of mine!
The sleeve is so long that it exceeded my arm's length! & The line that is suppose to be at the end of our shoulders, can become my sleeve already! GOSH!
(2.4km run)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:05 PM
TT Went for 2.4km NAPFA test today.
Damn exhausted lahh.. In the end only got 18:20? But still passed! xD
2008 NAPFA test passed!
Actually planned on not going to school tml?
But have to, 'cos having combined speech day rehearsal.
I'm so going to sleep when I have a chance during classes tml!!
Smell FRIED WINGS! gtg eat!!~
posted by yiiqiiann @6:01 PM
Alright, after 5 miserable weeks,
my poor imprisoned phone.. Was being tied up by rubber band and scotch tape just to stick as paper with my name on it?! D:
&&! Joystick and some side's skin got scrapped off?!?! TT
Dad is so going to nag & scold me when he gets back.
& If I want to sell it, I think the value will be damn low? So many scratches & thingies.
(NAPFA test)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:45 PM
Alright, today, Ms Fara started on MOV's skit. R&J next week I suppose?
Started on planning the colours of the clothes for each character in R&J, but ended up with only doing Juliet's?
& GOSHH! How are we going to sew the clothes? What will happen if everyone's clothes dropped, or slipped down?! :X
Sorry, not cursing or fearing any of the actors. BUT!... Haiz... We only know how to design lol... We don't know how to sew clothes.
Think we have to look for help from our relatives?
Alright, after that, "stripped" at the hall?!?! LOL... I was trying to mean - took off our uniform (PE shirt inside of course!).
Then, went to the art gallery & practiced for a while. Then suddenly, spongebob squarepant made an announcement.
Went to the second stairs, got our forms and started doing our NAPFA test.
Firstly, went to the sit-ups & we cheated? LOL. First time I got A for sit-ups?!?! LOL... got 35 (cheated) LOL.
Until 10+ then I begin cheating liao, but Mdm Yuan got see, but didn't say anything?! Didn't put my hand behind my ears, but using it to swing me up.
Secondly, went to the SBJ.. Teacher helped me round off to 135 LOL?
Thirdly, sit&reach. Ask Li Jun to pull my hands while in position. & got 41 while testing?! WOW.
Then went for incline pull-up D:
Hate it lahh, it is my weakest point lorh.. I'm so heavy.. Then pull-pull-pull only got 6? But then actually 3 only? But then Mdm Ng damn good, anyhow count one, so I got 6 LOL.
Lastly, shuttle run. got 12.5s...
So long never exercise liao, then NAPFA test just popped out of nowhere...
Didn't have time for exercises because of the busy schedule and rests that I really needed.
After NAPFA, had to go for choir practice & rehearsal for speech day.
Ehh... Quite a torture? Cos I'm stinking...
& My cheeks muscle were shaking when I was trying to smile?!?! D:
I hate my smile lahh.
Got home & I'm currently having my DEAR dinner!
(nabari no ou)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:06 PM
Went to crunchy roll & saw a preview for an upcoming anime. Not out yet, many say it will be out on April I think? But comic is until the 7th volume I think?
Nabari no Ou 隠の王

Rokujou Miharu was a seemly reluctant junior high student living in his own world. However, within him, lurked the ultimate power of Nabari, “Omnipotent”. To possess such supreme weapon, the Wolf Pack of Iga swore to bring Miharu back to Iga village. On the other hand, Miharu’s English teacher, Kumohira sensei, and classmate, Kouichi, were the Banten ninjas whose mission was to protect Miharu. A war waged over the ownership of “Omnipotent” thus started. To survive, Miharu must enter the hidden world Nabari, to become the king.
Saw the
trailer for this anime. & It's so
Sources taken from
(SIANsation in school)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:36 PM
Went to school today with a swollen eye.. TT
But got better after recess?
Ms Fara had to go for her scholarship thingy? So there was a free period at the last period.
Then, went to bookshop with Li Jun & Debbie to buy their scrapbooks.
Forgot to bring $$... So, have to buy outside, around $4+? Gosh lorh.. School $3+ lehh..
So, walked home with Li Jun while Debbie took 811.
Came home, curently posting & chatting with Xin Lei, Tian Fu & Kian Hui.
(Thanks for the sweets!)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:54 PM
&& Thanks Kian Hui, Debbie & Santhiya for the sweets today!
Kian Hui said that he's going to buy sweets for us tml again! :B
posted by yiiqiiann @9:05 PM
Haiz... Actually in a bad mood to post, but wanted to vent my anger, so decided to post in the end.
Got back report book. The result is quite "good" I think? But my mum is still not satisfied... D':
ENG - B3
CHI - B3
SCI - A1
LIT - B3
D&T - A2
Damn angry lahh... She didn't even went for JC or poly, at there talk so much, like she went for university before like that.
& I've already told her the formula for English mark for don't know how many times?! Then ask me.."Why is the 1st test and 3rd test counted as 2nd test?!"
Like I know?! The stupid school want to count it like that, like as if I can sit in the meeting & object to it?!
Can't tolerate already lahh.. Last year I didn't do well at there siao also nvm. But now?! I did better!! But there's not even a word of encouragement or anything positive!!
Instead, she told me this... "Mei ahh, I think if your marks next term is still bad, you should better just quit school lahh!! Your sis sec 2 results better than you also got so bad for poly EOY"
WTH lorhh... Then last time told me this... "If you cannot make it to JC, just forget about studying after sec 4" Which is still ok?
GRAAA!!! Got enough of it lahh... Whether I'm good or bad, she still doesn't like it... So what's the use of being good?!?!
Stupid me even cried for this matter. Gonna have swollen eyes tml... TT
(Time table changed)
posted by yiiqiiann @10:44 PM
Alright a short post about yesterday & today.
Yesterday, ah gu came to drive mum & me to ah yi's house.
& Goshh! Piggie damn
dark lahh! ENVY~ Yuan Ching Sec. so good lahh.. Got dragon boat.
ENVY 2~ Her parents brought her to the movies to watch Ah Long PTE LTD, then lormi watch Water Horse. TT
Got there, then went to buy lunch with mum.
Then, slacked around. Watched lormi's scooby doo.
I miss it lahh.. xD One of my favourite shows? :B
After a while, cousin and came back with her husband.
Then watched the video clip of their marriage day.
Another cousin came back... &&&... RICKY!!
He grew quite a bit lol. Kept on licking our hands & I think I felt my fingers in his mouth?! But he didn't bite >D
Hope to get a puppy when I grow up lahh.
Played for quite a while with him.
Ate dinner, played with Ricky, then went home on MRT.
Went to school today & I thought I was late. But when I got to the gate, heard the councilor saying,"Still got 1 minute" to another councilor.
But I still chiong-ed! LoLx.. Though I believe them, but still think that they are not trustable.. :X
Forgot to bring reading material today... Had to stand up for the 10mins of silent reading.
Scary lahh, Ms. Soo passed me the book, then I was like..."GOSHH.. Is my shirt tucked in?!"
& There's a change of time-table. Mrs Tan crapped once again, then went back to classroom.
School is as boring!
Alright, I have to go now. adieu!
(Choir exchange program)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:00 PM
Yesterday went to St. Margaret Secondary School to watch the choir.
Ehh.. No comment lol, too impressive.
But then kind of envy them lor.. Cos girls' school, no boys in there.
Slept at 1am & woke up at 10am+ today. Damn siok lahh! I'm so going to miss my holidays!
After breakfast, watched anime.
& Now, gonna do homework...
Didn't bring my geography workbook back & haven't buy the A3 scrapbook for art.
So all I'm left with is maths...
posted by yiiqiiann @9:18 AM
Damn bored at home D:
Mum went to market & Sis went to work.
Haiz... Today actually going to play badminton with Xin Lei and friends...
But had to stay at home to look after grandma.
GOSHH lahh... She keep on smoking... Mum went out at around 9am, then by 9.30am she smoked 3 cigarettes already...
Hate smokers!!!
(got better)
posted by yiiqiiann @8:26 PM
Hohohohs! I'm feeling better now!
Woke up today at 9am+!! YIPPEES!! I LOVE HOLIDAYS!! xD
Slacked & played com till 12pm, bathe, ate, got ready & went to school for choir.
& I got
Tissue & Jacket! x3
Seems so aunty lol, but had no choice; I'm sick.
After choir practice, came home & sis actually volunteered! - Asked me if I wanted the com.
'Cos she wanted to accompany her son - PSP
Played for a while, then ate dinner, & I broke another record!! Ate for less than 45mins!!
Lol... Usually 1 hour ++.. x|
Then Cai Wen called me about tml's badminton.
But I can't go... D:
There's no one at home that time to look after my grandma.
Alrights, going to eat
(Sick.. -.-)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:18 PM
Haiz... Had a
bad day today...
Reached school at around 1.25pm for the enrichment program.
Waited with Cheryl & Sarfina for Li Jun, Debbie & Santhiya.
Went up for the enrichment program & started feeling sick once I settled down.
Sore-eye, flu & fever came.
Well, was having sore throat & flu yesterday before sleeping.
But I was quite well this morning!
Maybe because of the weather & the air-con in AVA room?
Stubborned till 2.30pm rest time, then cannot tolerate.
& Thanks Cheryl for accompanying me to the general office!&& Thanks Li Jun and gang, 'cos I know u all wanted to accompany me initially, but the coach did not allow.Took a nap in sick bay till 3.30pm & mum came to fetch me.
Got home & quickly drank a cup of milo. so WARM~
Then sis let me play PSP for a while, then I went for a sleep again.
Alright, I hope I should be ok by tomorrow, since I have choir. If not, have to waste money to visit the doctor's just for a MC again.
THANKS CHERYL, for ur concern. I'll definitely drink more water! :DD
(Tuition is as boring as ever.)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:06 PM
Dx Was woken up this morning by mum at 7.15am.
Brushed teeth,
yadaayadaa & left home at around 8.40am.
Reached YSS & went to my tuition class.
MATHAlgebraic expressions, main cause of all headaches.
ENGLISHTeacher was absent. Relieve teacher let us write compo.
Then came home.
&& Shi Min told me something
NG EE TZER DIDN'T SUBMIT THE ANTI-DRUG ENTRY!!Chicken sia... one entry counts as
1 mark lehh! If there was an extra mark, the mark will be
26, & 2A2 would have become the
only champion lehh!
posted by yiiqiiann @7:05 PM
Did not like it when I was in sec 1, maybe because 2A2 was not that united last year? 8|
Okay, today went to school as usual, but in CLASS TEE!! <33
Got to school & saw lots of ppl... Dx Almost fainted.
Finally found Li Jun and friends, but had to settle down already.
Morning assembly was exceptionally high?! Marikita became a funny one.
Went to basketball court and practiced for mass-skipping. After a while, was told to get ready?!
Cheered! ((: 2A2 HUAT AHH! xD
We only managed to jump 29 for total... 2C1 didn't even practice before lor, can get first...
After that, went to parade square to watch street basketball.
Went to field for a while to cheer for Debbie. x3
Then stayed at parade square to watch street basketball.
2A2 boys pro lol, 12 - 3, 7 - 3 & so on.
Watched till sian, then we all went up hall to play the rope xD.
Wanted to dedicate song to 2A2, but not available anymore?!
After a while, assembled.
& These are the following prizes we got:
- 1st for street basketball (Thanks to Eugene & gang, they are really bball pro!)
- 2nd for dancing marathon (Thanks to Chyee Gin)
- 2nd for anti-drug poster (Thanks to Chao Yue)
Cool lahh! xD & The champion is 2A2 & 2C1!! x33 Natale's class ehh.
Did the 11 claps and all this, then went home.
Used laptop to watch anime! xD
posted by yiiqiiann @4:09 PM
Hmm.. Almost one week since I've last posted?
Alright, this week, got back these tests and I'm satisfied with them!
Maths - 16/20 - Previous one was 15/20?
Science - 22/25 - HURRAY! So unbelievable lahh, didn't even listen to teacher for the two chapters that were tested. 88/100! Previous one was 24/30?
Chinese - 70/100 - Expected it to be A2. But hoped that it will be higher in order to bring up my CA marks.
Today, assembled in hall, they gave out prizes to the most courteous student in every class.
PEMass-skipping! TT Tml is the day, what should we do?! we only have 5 chances! TT
MTDid newspaper cutting but did not hand up? 8| Then teacher gave back test paper.
ENGLISHWell, was supposed to be English period, but Miss Kwok took over for history test. Ehh.. 80% failing I think?!
MATHSMiss Ong took over. Damn boring... Didn't even listen to what she was talking. In the end, had to copy the worksheet she went through from Martin & hand up.
ARTBORING! & Stupid Kian Hui lahh, he almost told Benny about 'it'. Thanks to Daven for stopping him from doing so!! xD & Told Daven about it through Kian Hui. 'Cos he is trustable! :]]
Then came home.
& While eating, found cockroaches running here & there!!! GOSHHHH! 'Cos the people spray pesticide into the garbage thingy under the block. & The war started!
SIS VSKILLS COCKROACHES!!Gosh lol.. Have to mop the floor today again...
TML IS SPORTS CARNIVAL!!Though excited about it, but I don't want to wear that oversized class tee of mine!
The sleeve is so long that it exceeded my arm's length! & The line that is suppose to be at the end of our shoulders, can become my sleeve already! GOSH!