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/Tuesday, June 10, 2008.
() posted by yiiqiiann @11:38 AM #

Alright, a quiz from peiwen >D

How to play :

1) Answer all the questions.
2) After you have done so,tag 8 other people!
3) Have fun!

Tagged by: peiwen

1; What is the most important thing in your life ?
- Peace, Family & Friends.

2; What is the last thing that you had bought using your own money ?
- Vampire Knight *Zero* key chain with rose from comic connection.

3; Where do you wish to get married ?
- First priority will be Japan, second will be overseas, third will be somewhere with good scenery.

4; How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love ?
- Dunno?

5; Are you in love ?
- Certainly N.O!!

6; Where was the last restaurant you had dinner ?
- Jurong Point's Ichiban sushi

7; Name the latest book you had bought.
- The Chinese storybook teacher told us to buy?

8; What is your full name ?
- Hhahas, just look at my profile?

9; Do you prefer your mother or father ?
- Sometimes mum, sometimes dad. xD

10; Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
- Idol (but won't name a specific one, so that it'll come true easier) xDD

11; Christina or Britney ?
- Neither of them: Never heard of Christina & Britney has a bad image in my mind after the news.

12; Do you do your own laundry ?
- Nope.

13; The most exciting place you want to go ?
- Japan during winter.

14; Hugs or Kisses ?
- Hugs; from my bolster. :B

15; Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
- Her world revolves around Japan, anime, music, kindness & her friends.

16; 8 things i am passionate about.
- Anime, visual arts, performing arts, online games,PSP games, Japanese songs, Taiwanese idol dramas, EATING! xD

17; 8 things i say too often.
- Dunno , huh? , ohh.. , uhmm.. , lalala , hmm.. , chey & OHHHH! :X

18; 8 books i've read recently.
- None lol?!?!

19; 8 songs I could listen to over and over again.
- Hikari, Crawl, Doubt & Trust, Wish, Regret, Fukai Mori, Blue Requiem Love Deeper.

20; 8 things i learnt last year.
- New words for English, new words for Chinese, algebra, doing various experiments, history of some countries, map reading, baking, tile painting.

beautiful 8 ladies:
♀ Cai Wen
♀ Poh Hui
♀ Sally
♀ Joey
♀ Li Jun
♀ Santhiya
♀ Sharon
♀ Shi Min

{Layout by thegatecrasher}