posted by yiiqiiann @6:53 PM
posted by yiiqiiann @11:09 PM
AHAHAA~ I've just realised that school re-opens a few days later than I expected xD
Finally found the video playlist of KKM on imeem. I couldn't continue watching it last time as I couldn't find any sources in other webs; never thought that imeem would have it haha. I'm currently trying my best to at least finish season 1 before school re-opens.
&There is this anime called Kuroshinjitsu (I suppose? Too lazy to check again) that I feel like watching, but it isn't completed yet. May watch it after it is completed ;B
&I'm so pissed off!!~ I haven't do my specs yet!! Mum has been dragging it for a
LONGLONGLONGG time... I really need a new specs ASAP!! The current one is like... I wore it since... P6? YAAAA- My first specs -.- It is
soooo small for me now... I feel that my blog is so dead... *a leaf flew by with wind..* xD
But I won't be posting much in 2009 I think.
Maybe frequently; when something bad/interesting/fun/weird/special happens xD
Won't have time to post daily school life since mum expects me to take some time to study everyday; which I think I won't xDD
WOOHOO! It's 11.40pm now! X.x
Feeling sleeping, but just dun feel like sleeping xD
posted by yiiqiiann @9:29 PM
933 龙虎榜 第四名:
棒棒堂 - 秘密基地
Tried to do the grammar essential today,
but it is really difficult!
So I gave up from PG21 onwards xDD
I'll just leave it haha xDD
& The last 100+ words for the scientist thingy...
I'm totally lost for words -.-
Can't think of anything else to write.
The storybook review...
I'm so gonna find some reviews online by this week!!
& also the journal writing.
posted by yiiqiiann @9:41 PM
Finished watching
May be reading the comic if possible,
since the anime caught up with the comic last time,
& thus, is not completely completed xD
Haven't been searching for animes to watch recently.
Gonna leave them till the next holiday even if I found them.
& Have to start with the schedule to play once a week when school re-opens.
Like I said, school's gonna re-open in about one week's time.
But I haven't bought my books yet!!!
& My assignments have not been completed too!!!
& I think I have to start sleeping & waking early from... TOMORROW! xD
Fridays are reserved for watching Skip Beat!
Haiz... Have to say:
to holidays like how I said it to sis this morning while half asleep xDD
posted by yiiqiiann @6:50 PM
My holidays are boring!
Have been chatting online and on phone with Shalice for the past few days.
& I'm so not used to chatting so much :X
Today when we chatted on phone for so long that my hp became hot.
& Shalice began to pass the phone to her little cousin & even told her that my phone is hot.
& she replied,"our phone is also very hot leh"
& She told me there were 2 different people who took over the phone.
I was like... -.-?!
Couldn't even differentiate lol,
the two sister's sound is almost totally the same.
Alright, managed to finish 300+ words for the scientist thingy.
100+ more to go!!
posted by yiiqiiann @10:54 PM
This post will be a summary of the year:
Those in italic ones are those that i miss ones xD
Everything seemed like they happened yesterday when I viewed through the posts xD
- First day in school as sec 2, responded to teachers when they called "sec 1s!!"
- Hang Man with Mrs Zaidi, she treated us Canadian Pizza.
- Choir performance @ SGH.
- Birthday party at chalet to celebrate cousin's 21.
- Science centre trip with class, & played with water with them ;D & confiscation of my hp TT
- We got our class tees! & iforgotwhat skit on the same day; 2A2 got 2nd!! xD
- Practise for sports carnival; MASS-SKIPPING!!
- SPORTS CARNIVAL!! 2A2 & 2C1 tied victory. 2A2 HUAT AHH!!
- Being nagged by mum for getting B3 for MT & one F9 with eight subject within B3-A1...
- Started with the lit. play.
- Worst NAPFA ever.
- Speech day performance!
- Preparations for MYE & ENG+CHI papers.
- MYE!!!! >.<
- Bad SA1 result D':
- TAADAA!!! THE BIRTH OF MY PP (PSP)!! Come to think of it... 9 more days & it's 7months old! xD
- Pathetic improvement of 0.4% for SA1 as compared to last year! xD
- June hols; My first attempt drawing a "model" to "design" clothes; the one with theme of black & red xDD
- ALOHA LOYANG; birthday party to celebrate cousin's 21.
- SYF Opening 08. Remember those funny pictures of Daven?!?! :X
- Change of PE teacher... -.-
- Victoria JC choir Concert @ Esplanade with choir.
- Shi Min teaching us on the topic "ANGELA CHANG" after health check up xDD
- National Day Celebration performance.
- Graduation of MFBBT1 didis.
- 70% for CA2!
- Preparation for EYE.
- Grandma ermm... stroke
- Start of EYE!
- End of EYE!!
- Quite satisfying results for SA2 ;DD
- 2A2 got champion for the inter-class competition! ;B
- Farewell to 2A2.. D':
posted by yiiqiiann @5:12 PM
Downloaded the NFL Football 09 ;D
Have been playing it for the past two days.
不良笑花 (Miss No Good) will be on
channel u at 7pm from Monday to Friday! YAAHAAH!
Skip Beat! every Friday 11pm *Same week telecast as Japan!*
There'll also be encore telecasts every Thursday 9pm!
Haha... Just realized there is Skip Beat! on OKTO channel yesterday when watching Nanny 911.
Thus, decided to check the OKTO website today haha.
OKTO is definitely better than kidcentral/artcentral ;X
I mean, there are more animes (really nice ones) xD
& I hope there'll be more coming up! ;B
I can't live without anime.
& There's this anime called Basilisk.. Ninja kind of thingy.
Sis read before & told me it isn't good for the brain lols.
She told me how the story goes...
& I felt so bored with the ending hahas.
So I'd better not watch it xD
& Thus,
that's all for today!
After watching 2-3 episodes for ES21 later,
I'm gonna watch 不良笑花 at 7pm!
(T T)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:54 PM
Time really fly fast.
It's already 5th December!! T.T
Gonna school re-open quite soon.
& I still have so many homework left!
Stopped doing my doing after somewhere around 10th november already lols.
Merely did journal writing yesterday.
& I totally despise really storybooks!
Too lazy to do so I mean... xDD
& I've been thinking for the past few nights;
Was it a right choice to choose history instead of geography?
Firstly, for history, I'm not really good in memorising things.
Secondly, My IQ/common sense is damn low.
Then, I started thinking about my ability in each subject:
A or B3 - Chinese (Must get above B3; Was being nagged for a long time this year about it)
B or C - E Maths, A Maths, English
C or D - Pure chem, Pure physics, Humanities
Hehe.. I won't dare to get anything below D,
I treasure my life you see?
I'll treat my secondary 3 as primary 3/4 I think?
Whereby we started learning science,
while in this case...
4 new subjects.
Gonna be so stressed in secondary 3 T.T
& mum asked something so ridiculous ytd when I went to the bank with her:
"do u wanna make an atm card?"
I was like... WTH LOL??
"Why would I need it?!?! I'm just 14! & I don't even shop/eat/buy expensive thing! I would rather save up every dollars/cents now which will compile to hundreds/thousands, & use it for a better life in the future!"
Her face was like... -.-...
Surely regretted asking me LOLS!
There are no men in the world who are born to be rich; but those who work hard for their future.
That's what I believe;
cos I'm an old person with weird beliefs!! xD
posted by yiiqiiann @3:08 PM
I was so bored,
thus I went to do the quiz lingqing was doing lols.

Am-I-Dumb.com -
Are You Smarter?

Free-IQTest.net -
Online IQ Test

Don't know if it's reliable lols.
posted by yiiqiiann @12:35 PM
Have been finding for background for my blog for the past two days & two hours.
& reused some of the gifs I uploaded in photobucket; except for the one under profile.
& also found some pictures in the past!!

HAHAHS! Guess who is it??

I miss Mrs Lee!!~

SYF'o6 - Frolic In The Rain

The LORMEE last time xDD

I forgot when I made it lols?
Alright, I shall continue my shows now!! :B
posted by yiiqiiann @6:53 PM
posted by yiiqiiann @11:09 PM
AHAHAA~ I've just realised that school re-opens a few days later than I expected xD
Finally found the video playlist of KKM on imeem. I couldn't continue watching it last time as I couldn't find any sources in other webs; never thought that imeem would have it haha. I'm currently trying my best to at least finish season 1 before school re-opens.
&There is this anime called Kuroshinjitsu (I suppose? Too lazy to check again) that I feel like watching, but it isn't completed yet. May watch it after it is completed ;B
&I'm so pissed off!!~ I haven't do my specs yet!! Mum has been dragging it for a
LONGLONGLONGG time... I really need a new specs ASAP!! The current one is like... I wore it since... P6? YAAAA- My first specs -.- It is
soooo small for me now... I feel that my blog is so dead... *a leaf flew by with wind..* xD
But I won't be posting much in 2009 I think.
Maybe frequently; when something bad/interesting/fun/weird/special happens xD
Won't have time to post daily school life since mum expects me to take some time to study everyday; which I think I won't xDD
WOOHOO! It's 11.40pm now! X.x
Feeling sleeping, but just dun feel like sleeping xD
posted by yiiqiiann @9:29 PM
933 龙虎榜 第四名:
棒棒堂 - 秘密基地
Tried to do the grammar essential today,
but it is really difficult!
So I gave up from PG21 onwards xDD
I'll just leave it haha xDD
& The last 100+ words for the scientist thingy...
I'm totally lost for words -.-
Can't think of anything else to write.
The storybook review...
I'm so gonna find some reviews online by this week!!
& also the journal writing.
posted by yiiqiiann @9:41 PM
Finished watching
May be reading the comic if possible,
since the anime caught up with the comic last time,
& thus, is not completely completed xD
Haven't been searching for animes to watch recently.
Gonna leave them till the next holiday even if I found them.
& Have to start with the schedule to play once a week when school re-opens.
Like I said, school's gonna re-open in about one week's time.
But I haven't bought my books yet!!!
& My assignments have not been completed too!!!
& I think I have to start sleeping & waking early from... TOMORROW! xD
Fridays are reserved for watching Skip Beat!
Haiz... Have to say:
to holidays like how I said it to sis this morning while half asleep xDD
posted by yiiqiiann @6:50 PM
My holidays are boring!
Have been chatting online and on phone with Shalice for the past few days.
& I'm so not used to chatting so much :X
Today when we chatted on phone for so long that my hp became hot.
& Shalice began to pass the phone to her little cousin & even told her that my phone is hot.
& she replied,"our phone is also very hot leh"
& She told me there were 2 different people who took over the phone.
I was like... -.-?!
Couldn't even differentiate lol,
the two sister's sound is almost totally the same.
Alright, managed to finish 300+ words for the scientist thingy.
100+ more to go!!
posted by yiiqiiann @10:54 PM
This post will be a summary of the year:
Those in italic ones are those that i miss ones xD
Everything seemed like they happened yesterday when I viewed through the posts xD
- First day in school as sec 2, responded to teachers when they called "sec 1s!!"
- Hang Man with Mrs Zaidi, she treated us Canadian Pizza.
- Choir performance @ SGH.
- Birthday party at chalet to celebrate cousin's 21.
- Science centre trip with class, & played with water with them ;D & confiscation of my hp TT
- We got our class tees! & iforgotwhat skit on the same day; 2A2 got 2nd!! xD
- Practise for sports carnival; MASS-SKIPPING!!
- SPORTS CARNIVAL!! 2A2 & 2C1 tied victory. 2A2 HUAT AHH!!
- Being nagged by mum for getting B3 for MT & one F9 with eight subject within B3-A1...
- Started with the lit. play.
- Worst NAPFA ever.
- Speech day performance!
- Preparations for MYE & ENG+CHI papers.
- MYE!!!! >.<
- Bad SA1 result D':
- TAADAA!!! THE BIRTH OF MY PP (PSP)!! Come to think of it... 9 more days & it's 7months old! xD
- Pathetic improvement of 0.4% for SA1 as compared to last year! xD
- June hols; My first attempt drawing a "model" to "design" clothes; the one with theme of black & red xDD
- ALOHA LOYANG; birthday party to celebrate cousin's 21.
- SYF Opening 08. Remember those funny pictures of Daven?!?! :X
- Change of PE teacher... -.-
- Victoria JC choir Concert @ Esplanade with choir.
- Shi Min teaching us on the topic "ANGELA CHANG" after health check up xDD
- National Day Celebration performance.
- Graduation of MFBBT1 didis.
- 70% for CA2!
- Preparation for EYE.
- Grandma ermm... stroke
- Start of EYE!
- End of EYE!!
- Quite satisfying results for SA2 ;DD
- 2A2 got champion for the inter-class competition! ;B
- Farewell to 2A2.. D':
posted by yiiqiiann @5:12 PM
Downloaded the NFL Football 09 ;D
Have been playing it for the past two days.
不良笑花 (Miss No Good) will be on
channel u at 7pm from Monday to Friday! YAAHAAH!
Skip Beat! every Friday 11pm *Same week telecast as Japan!*
There'll also be encore telecasts every Thursday 9pm!
Haha... Just realized there is Skip Beat! on OKTO channel yesterday when watching Nanny 911.
Thus, decided to check the OKTO website today haha.
OKTO is definitely better than kidcentral/artcentral ;X
I mean, there are more animes (really nice ones) xD
& I hope there'll be more coming up! ;B
I can't live without anime.
& There's this anime called Basilisk.. Ninja kind of thingy.
Sis read before & told me it isn't good for the brain lols.
She told me how the story goes...
& I felt so bored with the ending hahas.
So I'd better not watch it xD
& Thus,
that's all for today!
After watching 2-3 episodes for ES21 later,
I'm gonna watch 不良笑花 at 7pm!
(T T)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:54 PM
Time really fly fast.
It's already 5th December!! T.T
Gonna school re-open quite soon.
& I still have so many homework left!
Stopped doing my doing after somewhere around 10th november already lols.
Merely did journal writing yesterday.
& I totally despise really storybooks!
Too lazy to do so I mean... xDD
& I've been thinking for the past few nights;
Was it a right choice to choose history instead of geography?
Firstly, for history, I'm not really good in memorising things.
Secondly, My IQ/common sense is damn low.
Then, I started thinking about my ability in each subject:
A or B3 - Chinese (Must get above B3; Was being nagged for a long time this year about it)
B or C - E Maths, A Maths, English
C or D - Pure chem, Pure physics, Humanities
Hehe.. I won't dare to get anything below D,
I treasure my life you see?
I'll treat my secondary 3 as primary 3/4 I think?
Whereby we started learning science,
while in this case...
4 new subjects.
Gonna be so stressed in secondary 3 T.T
& mum asked something so ridiculous ytd when I went to the bank with her:
"do u wanna make an atm card?"
I was like... WTH LOL??
"Why would I need it?!?! I'm just 14! & I don't even shop/eat/buy expensive thing! I would rather save up every dollars/cents now which will compile to hundreds/thousands, & use it for a better life in the future!"
Her face was like... -.-...
Surely regretted asking me LOLS!
There are no men in the world who are born to be rich; but those who work hard for their future.
That's what I believe;
cos I'm an old person with weird beliefs!! xD
posted by yiiqiiann @3:08 PM
I was so bored,
thus I went to do the quiz lingqing was doing lols.

Am-I-Dumb.com -
Are You Smarter?

Free-IQTest.net -
Online IQ Test

Don't know if it's reliable lols.
posted by yiiqiiann @12:35 PM
Have been finding for background for my blog for the past two days & two hours.
& reused some of the gifs I uploaded in photobucket; except for the one under profile.
& also found some pictures in the past!!

HAHAHS! Guess who is it??

I miss Mrs Lee!!~

SYF'o6 - Frolic In The Rain

The LORMEE last time xDD

I forgot when I made it lols?
Alright, I shall continue my shows now!! :B