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/Sunday, December 2, 2007.
(881) posted by yiiqiiann @11:16 PM #

Today went to aunt's house and chit-chatted with piggie and yaddayaddayadda.
Then at night after dinner, ate ice-cream and watched 881.
Mostly in hokkien (Luckily I'm hokkien, and understands mostly of it, if not, I'll be reading the english subs throughout the whole film), and very funny... xD Caught all the balls! x)
Watch till 9pm+ then went home.

Currently watching Meteor Garden 1. Alright, I know it's... old fashioned? Watched it in Primary 2.
Uhh... Did TRY to watch Meteor Garden 2. But I just... Don't like it.

{Layout by thegatecrasher}