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/Thursday, August 14, 2008.
(STRESSED AGAIN) posted by yiiqiiann @4:42 PM #

I'm having mixed feelings again...

Feeling stressed because of choir, music theory, tests and of course... EOY!!
& Feeling excited and happy about my maths test today~~ :DD

may be failing lit. test Dx

tried to get our notes using the tuning fork which has the note A (soh).
Had to get the lower doh and soh.
Used up more than 1 hour for it I think?
& I totally collapsed when I got home -.-

Music Theory,
Only Shi Min, Joey, Sharon, Siok Ting and I went.
So we got to revise what Miss Alicia taught for the past few lessons,
which are all the lessons which I totally slacked.
Learned about how "Augmented" and "Diminished" works.
& I finally understand more about transposition! Dx
Got home at around 4.50pm, did some homework & slept unknowingly.
Sis tried waking me up for several times till my mum came and wake me up at 8pm xDD
Luckily I revised for Maths few days before.
Read fanfic till 12am+ then slept xDD

went on quite smoothly I suppose?
I never had this much of confidence for tests before :DD
Hope I'll get full marks~!!
*TK* LIM's class -.-
Time flew pass lol.

*Those in KT LIM's class will understand why it became TK LIM xD*

Alright, just a few days before,
Mdm Wong reminded us that EOY is coming in about 4 - 5 weeks' time.
& I'm totally down right after that.
There are so many subjects that I have totally no clue what to study about!!
I'll surely fail my history lahh.. HOW TO STUDY?!?!

Think I'll have to start revising history bahh?
& maybe revise for 2 hour per day? EXCEPT FOR TUESDAY!
The war within me has begun..
(What I call the decision war: whether to study or relax more)

{Layout by thegatecrasher}