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/Tuesday, January 27, 2009.
(CNY happenings) posted by yiiqiiann @9:36 PM #

Just a short post before I'm off to lalaland.

CNY was unexpectedly great.
At least I still get to go out unlike previous/th year before previous year.
I'm currently feeling so tired!
Th adults were gambling & it was so damn N O I S Y ~ ~
Was planning to have a rest for this two days,
but ended up going out instead.

I also wanna try mac' & kfc food for CNY!
Looks damn delicious *drools* @.@
& I suppose I dint eat as many as before, I hope?
'Cos there were too little shrimp rolls xD
Or I dint know that there are still many of them?

Alright! It's almost 10 now!
& I really really need some sleep,
although I slept for many hours for th past few nights.
But I'm really TIRED!!!!!!



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