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/Sunday, December 23, 2007.
(Stupid ulcers) posted by yiiqiiann @1:02 AM #

The time currently is 1.05AM. It's Sunday!
WAAA!! T.T. Tomorrow going to one of my relatives' new house to have dinner.
By right, I should be happy. BUT! There's three irritating ulcers torturing me...! What's more... One on the tongue, one on the left side and one on the right side. How do you expect me to eat PEACEFULLY?! It really hurts you know?!
I was thinking of placing salt on them... But I'm sure the pain will really kill me and I'll be screaming like nobody else's business.
And the medicine for curing ulcers ran out. What to do?... SUFFER!
RAWRRS! Wasn't able to finish my food this few days, thanks to the ulcers. T.T
In the end, I think the only way out is to either put salt (I think I'll bleed) or SUFFER longer. T.T

{Layout by thegatecrasher}