posted by yiiqiiann @3:43 PM

Finished watching the 1st episode of 黑糖群俠傳, The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries.
令狐聰 - 王子 饰
郭敬 - 阿緯 饰
楚琉湘 - 小煜 饰
任瑩瑩 - 小薰 饰
陸見寧 - 丫頭 饰
小聾女 - 小蠻 饰
偉曉寶 - 阿本 饰
伊賀蒼太 - 小馬 饰
王子 GO!! xDDD
posted by yiiqiiann @8:20 PM
Alright, I've been having mood swings for this week.
I'm happy at a moment, down at next, and angry at another moment.
Don't know why?
X.xFor RICH3 and LifeSkill, Mrs Zaidi explained to us about the streaming details,
& these are the subjects I'm considering:
Kind of same as my sis', just that I choose Geography instead of History.
Went for choir today.
& After our sectionals, they started having audition for the guys.
They sang the "Shine for Singapore", and it suddenly became some kind of campus superstar?
Firdaus became the host LOL,
& we became the audience who will vote for them xDD
Alvin and Wilson became the top 2.
Looking forward to National Day Celebration~~
Came home & as usual... FRIDAY~~!!
Just finish MFBBT.
& GRAAA!! There's no subbed version of Nabari no Ou 16 AGAIN?!?!?!?!?! Dx
NVM, there's still D. Gray-Man!!~
& As promised, I've managed to put up the song 传说 by 林宥嘉(Yoga) & 刘力扬(Jade).
I simply
love Jade's voice xD
posted by yiiqiiann @4:38 PM
HEH! I'm back from school!
Stayed back for R&J costume making.
& I finally learned how to sew! xD
This week is definitely a progressive week :DD
Never felt so happy for this kind of achievement, haha.
& Please forgive me for removing the song...
I wanted to replace it with another, but imeem wasn't working yesterday.
I'll surely do so tomorrow!! x]
It's 4.52pm now, & I've just started having my lunch x[
Well, I'll just eat a bit later for dinner?
Okay, after eating, I'm so going to continue sewing >DD
posted by yiiqiiann @9:43 PM
YIPPEES! This week is quite
successful so far :DD
Got back both Science and Maths test,
24/30 and
17/20 respectively! :DD
Alright, had Chinese compo test today...
& I totally have
no confident this time :X
After school, went straight to art room to complete my art work with Joey and Shi Min.
Managed to finish it!! :D
Then went for music theory, and obviously, we are
After which, came home... Then play laptop till now xDD
& I'm kind of lost in my life...
I don't know what my goal is and what I route I should take sometimes.
For example, studies.
I'm streaming this year,
& by right, should have decided which subject I might be taking.
But I have not ><><
http://youtube.com/watch?v=VZiGdbnmLPYGo to this webbie okays? Chuan Shuo sang by Lin You Jia & Liu Li Yang :D
posted by yiiqiiann @6:04 PM
Another week has passed, but I think nothing went into my brain once again.
There is homework for art, yet I don't even know what to do.
TOOL worksheet for maths, but I'm too lazy to surf the net for this kind of thing.
Upcoming maths test on Tuesday... Have not even study ><
Done with Science test on Thursday, hoping to get 20 and above upon 30.
Choir's audition for teachers' day
& preparation for National Day Celebration.
I AM waiting for updates of the fanfics I have been reading for the past few weeks.Watching MFBBT as usual :DBut I've already finish the latest episode yesterday.«黑糖群俠傳» is coming up on 26th July~! YIPPEES!& «籃球火» is coming up on 27th July~!&& I'm looking forward to «霹靂MIT» too! :DDDDThere's finally subbed version for Nabari no Ou 15! xDStarted watching Kyou Kara Maou!, but there doesn't seem to have episode 2 subbed? This made me crazy!!!!!! >[&& Storyline of D. Gray-Man is getting better & better!!~Sis predicted that Mana is the Fourteenth, & when Allen made him into an akuma, his soul is so called 'sealed' in his eyes.Kind of making sense ;D& Thus, I'm gonna watch Nabari no Ou!! xDDD
(Ms Fara's absence)
posted by yiiqiiann @5:08 PM
HI! (:I'm in a great mood right now~
School ended at 1pm today as the Sec 4s have listening compre :D
& Thus, choir was canceled too >< style="font-style: italic; color: rgb(255, 204, 204);">HMM...!
& Because of Ms Fara's absence, the class started to turn
upside down since last week, especially during Isabelle Chua's class :X
Lessons are getting so much more boring, especially when it is so hot...
none from our class is paying attention for most of the lessons.
& I might be changing my blogskin~ YIPPEES!! xD
FINALLY! I shall say?
That is... After one year x.X
posted by yiiqiiann @9:59 PM
Alright, I have to admit... I'm in a really
bad mood for now.
Had to rush to school because I left home at 7.07am+?
Reached school and luckily, wasn't late at all.
& This made me predict that I'll have a lucky day ahead.
Well... Who knows?ARTx2I had only one drawing done...
& Teacher told us we need to have 1 and a half drawing done and coloured.
Stupid me was trying to complete outlining the drawing...
Luckily, I told teacher about it... & I managed to finish the second drawing within 30min - 1h, which is so unexpected from me >D
PEGymnastics... We are really totally uninterested in it.
But that HAIRY SQUARE told us we'll be doing handstand next lesson~!
Quite interested in it :D
& For all the lessons after recess, I'm totally slacking... :X
All the lessons are getting boring.
Went for lunch, then choir.
Didn't really practise today... Ms Grace was explaining a lot of things to us.
& Sometimes, I really doubt if I can meet her expectations with all the stress and pressure from my family and schoolwork.
Was given one week to think about it...
After choir, around 6.35pm?
While walking down the stairs directly opposite DM's territory, kanna by Ms Soo...
My blouse was out and she said she can't see my socks.
Was told to throw away my socks, tuck in my blouse and not to go home before she checks on me.
Alright, I did all of the above... I went to the LM corner to throw my socks and tuck in my blouse.
Waited outside the office till about 7pm?
Then the security guard came...
SG: You waiting for your parents?
ME: Nope, I'm waiting for Ms Soo.
SG: She left already! Just now she look here look there, like cannot find ppl, then go already.
ME: HUH?!?!
SG: Why? She sending you home?
ME: (thinking: as if..) No lah, cos I was caught for my ankle socks.
ME: Ok lah.. bye bye
SG: Bye.
TT... Just hope that she won't come after me tml...
Alright, I'll post the pictures I took on Sunday tml, since I'm really down for now...
(Old songs I've heard when I'm small)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:12 PM
(one post per week?)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:37 PM
Alright, another brief blogging for the week.
MondayStarted on our new time-table.
& I broke my own record by doing 6 hours+ of homework since I reached. All thanks to the vocab book.
TuesdayChange PE teacher, the we really
dislike him.
The whole class was like already assembled in the parade square, then he just sits there, shaking his leg, doing nothing.
Then when we finally settled down, he immediately told us to do push-ups.
After that, he started "lecturing" us for not settling down ourselves.
WTH? He was shaking his leg happily there, we didn't even know he became our PE teacher & we were expecting Mr Tan to be there.
I'm so not going to enjoy PE because of
him and the gymnastic he is gonna teach.
Went for choir, Ms Grace was feeling ill, and thus did not come. Mr Goh went through the two songs with us & we went home as early as
WednesdayMs Fara was not in school, but
made no difference since Miss Chua is attached to her & has to take over her lessons.
Assembly is still
as boring as ever.
Went for music theory, & as usual, nothing goes in to the
pig brain of mines.
ThursdayNo lessons with Ms Fara!?
& Mum came to fetch me
~ :DI definitely miss it
>DSaw Yong En near ABC with his group of friends, merely gave a smile :)
FridaySweet and short :]
Choir ended as early as my daily dismissal time, but a little later - 2.45pm.
It was still early, so Sharon, Joey, Shi Min, Siok Ting & me decided to go to the pasar malam.
Saw Yong En AGAIN at the basketball court near OPSS. Did not manage to greet him as he was busy playing basketball lol.
& Walking in the pasar malam is
totally boring. There's nothing much to see.
But may be going there tml night with sis, or maybe my family.
& I've sort of finished reading the
FANS magazine Joey lent me.
Of course, I merely read news about
LOLLIPOP & maybe some dramas.
Hmm... Alright, kind of looking forward to Sunday's concert at
Esplanade :) & Monday's youth day~
& YEPPIES, I know the current song doesn't suits my blog. But I found it
cute & interesting lol. Anyway, it is the opening song for Brown Sugar Macchiato, just that this is the cute verson.
(yet another quiz :D)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:45 PM
1. You can only say Yes or No!
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!
4. At the end of the game,tag at least 5 people to play this game.EnjOy~
Over 18?
` NO
Kissed someone on your top friends?
` NO
Ever told a lie?
Been arrested?
` NO
Kissed a picture?
Fallen asleep at work/school?
Held an actual snake?
` NO
Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident?
` NO
Been fired from a job?
` NO
Sang karaoke?
Done something you told yourself youwouldn't?
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
` NO
Kissed in the rain?
` NO
Sang in the shower?
Sat on a roof top?
` NO
Thought about your past with regret?
Been pushed into a pool with all yourclothes on?
` NO
Broken a bone?
` NO
Shaved your head?
` NO
Slept naked?
` NO
Played a prank on someone?
Stayed up longer than 24 hoursstraight?
` NO
Had a gym membership?
` NO
Felt like killing someone?
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
` NO
Been in a band?
` NO
Shot a gun?
` NO
Liked someone with nobody else knowing about it?
` NO
Played strip poker?
` NO
Loved someone you shouldn't?
` NO
Have a tattoo?
` NO
Have or had any piercings more thantwo?
` NO
& Nobody is tagged :D
Anyone who passes by & is interested can do it.
posted by yiiqiiann @3:43 PM

Finished watching the 1st episode of 黑糖群俠傳, The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries.
令狐聰 - 王子 饰
郭敬 - 阿緯 饰
楚琉湘 - 小煜 饰
任瑩瑩 - 小薰 饰
陸見寧 - 丫頭 饰
小聾女 - 小蠻 饰
偉曉寶 - 阿本 饰
伊賀蒼太 - 小馬 饰
王子 GO!! xDDD
posted by yiiqiiann @8:20 PM
Alright, I've been having mood swings for this week.
I'm happy at a moment, down at next, and angry at another moment.
Don't know why?
X.xFor RICH3 and LifeSkill, Mrs Zaidi explained to us about the streaming details,
& these are the subjects I'm considering:
Kind of same as my sis', just that I choose Geography instead of History.
Went for choir today.
& After our sectionals, they started having audition for the guys.
They sang the "Shine for Singapore", and it suddenly became some kind of campus superstar?
Firdaus became the host LOL,
& we became the audience who will vote for them xDD
Alvin and Wilson became the top 2.
Looking forward to National Day Celebration~~
Came home & as usual... FRIDAY~~!!
Just finish MFBBT.
& GRAAA!! There's no subbed version of Nabari no Ou 16 AGAIN?!?!?!?!?! Dx
NVM, there's still D. Gray-Man!!~
& As promised, I've managed to put up the song 传说 by 林宥嘉(Yoga) & 刘力扬(Jade).
I simply
love Jade's voice xD
posted by yiiqiiann @4:38 PM
HEH! I'm back from school!
Stayed back for R&J costume making.
& I finally learned how to sew! xD
This week is definitely a progressive week :DD
Never felt so happy for this kind of achievement, haha.
& Please forgive me for removing the song...
I wanted to replace it with another, but imeem wasn't working yesterday.
I'll surely do so tomorrow!! x]
It's 4.52pm now, & I've just started having my lunch x[
Well, I'll just eat a bit later for dinner?
Okay, after eating, I'm so going to continue sewing >DD
posted by yiiqiiann @9:43 PM
YIPPEES! This week is quite
successful so far :DD
Got back both Science and Maths test,
24/30 and
17/20 respectively! :DD
Alright, had Chinese compo test today...
& I totally have
no confident this time :X
After school, went straight to art room to complete my art work with Joey and Shi Min.
Managed to finish it!! :D
Then went for music theory, and obviously, we are
After which, came home... Then play laptop till now xDD
& I'm kind of lost in my life...
I don't know what my goal is and what I route I should take sometimes.
For example, studies.
I'm streaming this year,
& by right, should have decided which subject I might be taking.
But I have not ><><
http://youtube.com/watch?v=VZiGdbnmLPYGo to this webbie okays? Chuan Shuo sang by Lin You Jia & Liu Li Yang :D
posted by yiiqiiann @6:04 PM
Another week has passed, but I think nothing went into my brain once again.
There is homework for art, yet I don't even know what to do.
TOOL worksheet for maths, but I'm too lazy to surf the net for this kind of thing.
Upcoming maths test on Tuesday... Have not even study ><
Done with Science test on Thursday, hoping to get 20 and above upon 30.
Choir's audition for teachers' day
& preparation for National Day Celebration.
I AM waiting for updates of the fanfics I have been reading for the past few weeks.Watching MFBBT as usual :DBut I've already finish the latest episode yesterday.«黑糖群俠傳» is coming up on 26th July~! YIPPEES!& «籃球火» is coming up on 27th July~!&& I'm looking forward to «霹靂MIT» too! :DDDDThere's finally subbed version for Nabari no Ou 15! xDStarted watching Kyou Kara Maou!, but there doesn't seem to have episode 2 subbed? This made me crazy!!!!!! >[&& Storyline of D. Gray-Man is getting better & better!!~Sis predicted that Mana is the Fourteenth, & when Allen made him into an akuma, his soul is so called 'sealed' in his eyes.Kind of making sense ;D& Thus, I'm gonna watch Nabari no Ou!! xDDD
(Ms Fara's absence)
posted by yiiqiiann @5:08 PM
HI! (:I'm in a great mood right now~
School ended at 1pm today as the Sec 4s have listening compre :D
& Thus, choir was canceled too >< style="font-style: italic; color: rgb(255, 204, 204);">HMM...!
& Because of Ms Fara's absence, the class started to turn
upside down since last week, especially during Isabelle Chua's class :X
Lessons are getting so much more boring, especially when it is so hot...
none from our class is paying attention for most of the lessons.
& I might be changing my blogskin~ YIPPEES!! xD
FINALLY! I shall say?
That is... After one year x.X
posted by yiiqiiann @9:59 PM
Alright, I have to admit... I'm in a really
bad mood for now.
Had to rush to school because I left home at 7.07am+?
Reached school and luckily, wasn't late at all.
& This made me predict that I'll have a lucky day ahead.
Well... Who knows?ARTx2I had only one drawing done...
& Teacher told us we need to have 1 and a half drawing done and coloured.
Stupid me was trying to complete outlining the drawing...
Luckily, I told teacher about it... & I managed to finish the second drawing within 30min - 1h, which is so unexpected from me >D
PEGymnastics... We are really totally uninterested in it.
But that HAIRY SQUARE told us we'll be doing handstand next lesson~!
Quite interested in it :D
& For all the lessons after recess, I'm totally slacking... :X
All the lessons are getting boring.
Went for lunch, then choir.
Didn't really practise today... Ms Grace was explaining a lot of things to us.
& Sometimes, I really doubt if I can meet her expectations with all the stress and pressure from my family and schoolwork.
Was given one week to think about it...
After choir, around 6.35pm?
While walking down the stairs directly opposite DM's territory, kanna by Ms Soo...
My blouse was out and she said she can't see my socks.
Was told to throw away my socks, tuck in my blouse and not to go home before she checks on me.
Alright, I did all of the above... I went to the LM corner to throw my socks and tuck in my blouse.
Waited outside the office till about 7pm?
Then the security guard came...
SG: You waiting for your parents?
ME: Nope, I'm waiting for Ms Soo.
SG: She left already! Just now she look here look there, like cannot find ppl, then go already.
ME: HUH?!?!
SG: Why? She sending you home?
ME: (thinking: as if..) No lah, cos I was caught for my ankle socks.
ME: Ok lah.. bye bye
SG: Bye.
TT... Just hope that she won't come after me tml...
Alright, I'll post the pictures I took on Sunday tml, since I'm really down for now...
(Old songs I've heard when I'm small)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:12 PM
(one post per week?)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:37 PM
Alright, another brief blogging for the week.
MondayStarted on our new time-table.
& I broke my own record by doing 6 hours+ of homework since I reached. All thanks to the vocab book.
TuesdayChange PE teacher, the we really
dislike him.
The whole class was like already assembled in the parade square, then he just sits there, shaking his leg, doing nothing.
Then when we finally settled down, he immediately told us to do push-ups.
After that, he started "lecturing" us for not settling down ourselves.
WTH? He was shaking his leg happily there, we didn't even know he became our PE teacher & we were expecting Mr Tan to be there.
I'm so not going to enjoy PE because of
him and the gymnastic he is gonna teach.
Went for choir, Ms Grace was feeling ill, and thus did not come. Mr Goh went through the two songs with us & we went home as early as
WednesdayMs Fara was not in school, but
made no difference since Miss Chua is attached to her & has to take over her lessons.
Assembly is still
as boring as ever.
Went for music theory, & as usual, nothing goes in to the
pig brain of mines.
ThursdayNo lessons with Ms Fara!?
& Mum came to fetch me
~ :DI definitely miss it
>DSaw Yong En near ABC with his group of friends, merely gave a smile :)
FridaySweet and short :]
Choir ended as early as my daily dismissal time, but a little later - 2.45pm.
It was still early, so Sharon, Joey, Shi Min, Siok Ting & me decided to go to the pasar malam.
Saw Yong En AGAIN at the basketball court near OPSS. Did not manage to greet him as he was busy playing basketball lol.
& Walking in the pasar malam is
totally boring. There's nothing much to see.
But may be going there tml night with sis, or maybe my family.
& I've sort of finished reading the
FANS magazine Joey lent me.
Of course, I merely read news about
LOLLIPOP & maybe some dramas.
Hmm... Alright, kind of looking forward to Sunday's concert at
Esplanade :) & Monday's youth day~
& YEPPIES, I know the current song doesn't suits my blog. But I found it
cute & interesting lol. Anyway, it is the opening song for Brown Sugar Macchiato, just that this is the cute verson.
(yet another quiz :D)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:45 PM
1. You can only say Yes or No!
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!
4. At the end of the game,tag at least 5 people to play this game.EnjOy~
Over 18?
` NO
Kissed someone on your top friends?
` NO
Ever told a lie?
Been arrested?
` NO
Kissed a picture?
Fallen asleep at work/school?
Held an actual snake?
` NO
Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident?
` NO
Been fired from a job?
` NO
Sang karaoke?
Done something you told yourself youwouldn't?
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
` NO
Kissed in the rain?
` NO
Sang in the shower?
Sat on a roof top?
` NO
Thought about your past with regret?
Been pushed into a pool with all yourclothes on?
` NO
Broken a bone?
` NO
Shaved your head?
` NO
Slept naked?
` NO
Played a prank on someone?
Stayed up longer than 24 hoursstraight?
` NO
Had a gym membership?
` NO
Felt like killing someone?
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
` NO
Been in a band?
` NO
Shot a gun?
` NO
Liked someone with nobody else knowing about it?
` NO
Played strip poker?
` NO
Loved someone you shouldn't?
` NO
Have a tattoo?
` NO
Have or had any piercings more thantwo?
` NO
& Nobody is tagged :D
Anyone who passes by & is interested can do it.