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/Tuesday, July 15, 2008.
(Ms Fara's absence) posted by yiiqiiann @5:08 PM #

HI! (:
I'm in a great mood right now~
School ended at 1pm today as the Sec 4s have listening compre :D
& Thus, choir was canceled too >< style="font-style: italic; color: rgb(255, 204, 204);">HMM...!
& Because of Ms Fara's absence, the class started to turn upside down since last week, especially during Isabelle Chua's class :X

Lessons are getting so much more boring, especially when it is so hot...
Practically none from our class is paying attention for most of the lessons.

& I might be changing my blogskin~ YIPPEES!! xD
FINALLY! I shall say?
That is... After one year x.X


{Layout by thegatecrasher}