(黑Girl 首张同名专辑)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:08 PM
黑Girl -《首张同名专辑》
o1 叫姊姊
o3 女生
o4 果酱面包
o5 恋爱梦游中
o6 纪念品
o7 哈库呐玛塔塔
o8 笨蛋再见
o9 谁说
1o 爱情弹力带HAHA.
Downloaded the songs on that day itself. :X
Hmm.. Kind of not used to some of the songs initially,
but gradually starting to get used lahh hehe.
The songs that I prefer so far are 1,2,3,6 & 9 :DD
posted by yiiqiiann @5:03 PM
Currently using computer to post.
Went to school at 8am,
& there was acid rain -.-
Had summary test today...
I think I'm so going to fail it :'O
Got our Geography test back.
20/25! xD
But dropped a lot as compared to the previous test.
& we got our D&T test back too!
18/25 for orthographical drawing.
& I think I have problems with maths lol?
15+35= 70?!?!
I wanted to slap myself for that lol.
& D&T teacher changed to Mr. Matthew Tan.
He's really a nice teacher lah :DD
After D&T, wanted to go NTUC with Li Jun, Shi Min & Joey.
But after I came out from the washroom,
they were gone.
Thus, walked home with Sharon,
& it began raining again!!
GRAWRR!!Alright, gonna use laptop now :D
posted by yiiqiiann @6:36 PM
Have been staying back for almost everyday since last week, all thanks to lit play.
Monday,Packed chicken rice and ate in classroom after school,
then played while they are doing lit play xD
Listened to many songs too :D
Tuesday,Went to NEWater and Lu Jing was there too! :DD
Got back to school at 6pm & went for choir.
& I'm back in
Today,Had Chinese test, should be okay?
After school, packed fried rice & ate outside classroom.
Went for music theory at CR4,
& our
algernon-gordon effect aroused lol.
Then went back to class to help with the props.
& I got
25.5/30 for Science theory test!! YIPPEES~
5/8 for practical (:
Considered good for me as it's individual work.
Alright, I'll be busy watching anime and shows for now xDD
(❤邱胜翊 xD)
posted by yiiqiiann @10:49 PM
Alright, I've finally changed my blogskin after
1 year?
LOLJust that it's quite an
old blogskin ya?
Music this time are OST of Hot Shot,
Superman & 绝对无敌U Got Me.
Watched finished the exchanging of presents for MFBBT's graduation.
Damn touching :'O
Although it's good for them to pursue higher levels for their career.
But... TT
I don't think the show will be interesting w/o them.Alright, was thinking of going to library today,
but it rained for almost the whole day..
So mum suggested to go another day.
I really have to rush finish my scrapbook activity you see.
Thus, have been using the laptop since 2pm+ till now?
& mum said that we may be out for the whole day tml,
& I haven't done any homework yet X.x
posted by yiiqiiann @9:37 PM
TT Heard that MFBBT didi are gonna graduate from MFBBT...:'OLess entertainment in the future...& Less opportunity to know more about them...HAIZ!Alright, today is really a long day, so I'll just summarize all up.
Before recess, had Maths, Chinese and English lessons.
Halfway through Chinese, there was a fire drill.
When we got back on English lesson, only 10mins left.
Chatted outside the classroom during recess.
After recess, RICH3.
Then went down to find Mrs Sasi at 11am.
After which, went to eat, then choir.
After choir, around 3.30pm.
Went out of school cos Joey and guys wanted to buy snacks.
Got back to school and ate outside classroom.
5.30pm, went to foyer to wait for my mum.
She came at around 6pm.
So, went to hall, then settled down.
& mum was like sitting behind TK.. Dx
Was surprised that she didn't glare at him lol.Alright, went home at around 8.15pm.
Bought french fries to eat.. Too hungry.
&& HURRAY! Teachers' Day is coming~
Looking forward to meet my 6A buddies~ :DD
posted by yiiqiiann @11:45 AM
LIJUN here posting!
YIQIAN is a stupiddddd ___________ xD
Mdm Yuen bring to CR2 to find information & do compo.
So I'm secretly posting here~~
Secretly listened to songs & things hehe!
& theres free period later on~ YIPPEES!!!
Okay, have to close blogger..
Need to ask teacher something xD
posted by yiiqiiann @3:30 PM
Feeling troubled for no reasons lol.
Maybe because of geography test, choir and lit play?
So, summarizing everything up,
PE was damn boring.
Science was tiring.
Geography was confusing.
hide&seek lol.
Lit play was once again boring.
Amanda, Debbie & I were asked to see Ms Soo for something confidential.
So don't bother to ask what it is about.
English, totally don't understand what Mrs Zaidi was talking about as we missed about half of the lesson.
Music, watched funny and scary videos.
Maths, half-asleep but doing my work lol.
I don't think I'll be able to post this few days..
Will be busy with homeworks and tests.
posted by yiiqiiann @2:40 PM
#1 The first person who tag/pass you is?
#2 Your relationship with him/her?
#3 Your first impression of him/her?
Irritating lol
#4 The most memorable thing he/she had done for you ?
Don't know?
#5 The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
Don't Know.
#6 If he/she become your lover, you will ?
DON'T Know.
#7 If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be ?
Less vulgarities & his laziness.
#8 If he/she become your enemy, you will?
#9 If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be ?
Calling each other by our surnames.
#10 The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is ?
Mess up his hair xD
#11 Your overall impression of him/her is .
Quite nice, but IRRITATING!!
#12 How you think people around you will feel about you ?
#13 The characters you love of yourself are ?
Clowning around at home.
#14 On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are,
Being way too kind-hearted.
#15 The most ideal person you want to be is ?
#16 For people that care and like you, say something to them ?
#17 Pass this quiz to 10 person that you wished to know how they feel about you. Pass to people with blogs only.
1. Pei Wen
2. Shi Min
3. Sally
4. Joey
5. Cheryl
6. Xin Lei
7. Santhiya
8. Sarfina
9. Li Jun
10. Sharon
#18 Who is no.6 having relationship with?
{Xin Lei
Don't know? She'll definitely kill me if I said she's having a relationship I suppose? :X
#19 Is no.9 a male or female?
{Li Jun
Let's see.. Is Algernon a male or female?? xD
#20 If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
{Santhiya & Sharon
NOO!!~ Objection with les!! :XX
#21 What is no.2 studying about?
{Shi Min
#22 When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
Long long time ago... :'O
#23 What kind of music band does no.8 like?
Ermm.. Don't know?
#24 Does no.1 have any siblings?
{Pei Wen
#25 Will you woo no.3?
Hmm... I'll consider this question if I'm a boy ok?? xD
#26 How about no.7?
Like I said -.-
#27 Is no.4 single?
Hmm.. Don't think so. If not, I'll have a daddy by now :DD
#28 What is the surname of no.5?
Woon :DD
#29 What 's the hobby of no.10?
Collecting OST for various drama & eating chocolates?
#30 Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
{Cheryl & Li Jun
OF COURSE! They are the legendary Charlie & Algernon! :XX
#31 Where is no.2 studying at?
{Shi Min
#32 Talk something casually about no.1.
{Pei Wen
Kind & Friendly! :DDD
#33 Have you tried developing feelings for no.6?
{Xin Lei
YEPP! Besties~
#34 Where does no.9 live at?
{Li Jun
Somewhere near PYPS :XX
#35 What colour does no.4 like?
Hmm.. Grey or purple? DON'T KILL ME MUMMIE!!~
#36 Are no.5 and 1 best friend?
{Cheryl & Pei Wen
They don't each other.
#37 Does no.1 have any pets?
{Pei Wen
Ermm.. Hamster? Not sure for now xb
#38 Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
She'll kill me if I say no to this question LOL? :XX
#39 What is no. 6 doing now?
{Xin Lei
LOL. CHIA forced me to do this!
& I promise I'll call him CHIA from now on!
CHIA is so noisy~~
Hokkien version of car is QI-AH you see? xD
posted by yiiqiiann @4:42 PM
I'm having mixed feelings again...
Feeling stressed because of choir, music theory, tests and of course... EOY!!
& Feeling excited and happy about my maths test today~~ :DDTuesday, may be failing lit. test Dx
Choir,tried to get our notes using the tuning fork which has the note A (soh).
Had to get the lower doh and soh.
Used up more than 1 hour for it I think?
& I totally
collapsed when I got home -.-
Music Theory,Only Shi Min, Joey, Sharon, Siok Ting and I went.
So we got to revise what Miss Alicia taught for the past few lessons,
which are all the lessons which I totally slacked.Learned about how
"Augmented" and
"Diminished" works.
& I finally understand more about transposition! Dx
Got home at around 4.50pm, did some homework & slept unknowingly.
HEHEHS~Sis tried waking me up for several times till my mum came and wake me up at 8pm xDD
Luckily I revised for Maths few days before.
Read fanfic till 12am+ then slept xDD
Today,went on quite smoothly I suppose?
I never had this much of confidence for tests before :DDHope I'll get full marks~!!
*TK* LIM's class -.-
Time flew pass lol.
*Those in KT LIM's class will understand why it became TK LIM xD*Alright, just a few days before,
Mdm Wong reminded us that
EOY is coming in about 4 - 5 weeks' time.
& I'm totally down right after that.
There are so many subjects that I have totally no clue what to study about!!
I'll surely fail my history lahh..
HOW TO STUDY?!?!Think I'll have to start revising history bahh?
& maybe revise for 2 hour per day?
The war within me has begun..
(What I call the decision war: whether to study or relax more)TT~~
posted by yiiqiiann @3:35 PM
Alright, tagged by Benny and Sharon with the same quiz.
Tagged by peiwen before for this quiz,
but, no harm doing again since I can't find the 3rd episode of hot shot :DD
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
~ frustrated
#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
~ global warming to stop, so that water lvl won't rise & we won't be dead underwater after 40+ years.
#3. What will your dream wedding be like?
~ by the sea or somewhere sceneric.
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
~ yupp. Dx
#5. What's your ideal lover like?
~ kind, respectful, humorous & well-educated.
#6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?
~ being l0ved by someone.
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
~ not sure; the time hasn't come yet.
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
~ give my blessings to them; love cannot be forced :DD
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these day?
~ YES! the lit. test tml!! Dx
#10. Is being tagged fun?
~ quite? depends on my mood.
#11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
~ in the working force.
#12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
~ family and my dear friends :DD
#13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
~ Benny - quite clever, laziness made his results go down. & certainly cares about his hair xDD
Sharon - smart, caring & friendly :DD
#14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
~ both are ok i suppose?
#15. What's the first thing you do every morning?
~ greet my bolster xDD "good morning XIAO MO~!"
#16. Would you give all in a relationship?
~ nope. so that i won't be disappointed if there's any betrayal.
#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
~ i dunno how to explain this lol, depends lah.
#18. What type of friends do you like?
~ someone who will stand up for me & humorous ones :DD
#19. What type of friends do you dislike?
~ betrayers and spill secrets like water flowing.
People i tagged to do the quiz :
No one xDD
Many rejected to do it before.
So, it's opened to anyone who is interested bah? :D
TAGGED BY : Benny and Sharon :DD
(national day celebration)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:45 PM
Friday went on quite smoothly.
The school became so high during the encore :DD
Simply love our performances for this and the previous national day xDD
& Sorry guys, for not able to go out with with u all,
I was so tired running up & down several times to look for Mrs Zaidi to complete a form.
Went to aunt's house on Saturday,
& we could see the helicopters and planes passing by from there :DD
Stayed at home yesterday.
Studied for almost the whole day,
& played merely less than 3 hours of laptop.
Woke up today and studied again.
I'm allowed to use laptop after lunch :DD
& thus, this will be short post ;X
Boring holiday~~~
I'm off to watch heitangqunxiazhuan and hot shot <333
posted by yiiqiiann @3:05 PM
Skipped music theory today,
have to really take a nap later on.
Choir ended at around 6.40pm & I reached home at 7pm.
Was so dizzy that I can see two doors and almost entered the wrong "door".
Got home & ate my dinner,
& without resting, I started on my homework around 8.30pm.
Did not manage to finish them by 10pm.
Couldn't take it anymore & slept at 10.15pm.
Woke up at 6am today with a severe headache.
Wasn't able to concentrate throughout the whole day.
Well, still having a headache now,
& muscle ache because of two consecutive days of playing badminton.
Estimated time with a total of 4-5h.
Alright, think I'll have to rush my homework later after my nap.
posted by yiiqiiann @3:49 PM
Went to shop&save on Saturday evening with sis to buy things for mum,
& of course, we took this opportunity to get our tidbits!
Bought sugar and tomato sauce for mum.
Then, we bought:
- 1 pkt of toblerone dark choc.
- 4 bottles of meiji yoghurt
- 2 pkt of soya bean milk
- 1 pkt of xi-de-dong tube jelly
& we've already get rid of
- half pkt dark choc. (estimated)
- 2 bottles of yoghurt
- 1 pkt of soya bean mlik
- 2 tubes of jelly
Our way of destressing xDD
Well, sis is in first year of uni while me, streaming year.
Alright, today, brought badminton racket to school.
Played badminton during PE with Sharon (:
Played during recess with Debbie, Li Jun & Sharon :DD
& We stayed back after 1.40pm to play too! xDDDDDDDD
Went home at 2.30pm,
& I was prepared to get nagged and scolded by mum as I did not inform her.
But well, I think she forgave me for my honesty :DD
Told her about it right at the moment I stepped into the house,
& I merely get some comments.
Thus, I promised to myself that I'll be honest towards my mum no matter what! ;D
Just that she's really unreasonable sometimes D;
But well! She's unreasonably funny and hilarious most of the time~ :D
& I'm damn confused now.
Are we gonna have lit. test tml or not?!?!
& what will we be tested on?!?!
The whole class wasn't paying attention when Mrs Zaidi
aka msfara told us about it.
I hope it's just some compre-like questions, since she hasn't really started on the themes yet?
Alright, just finished eating and posting at the same time xD
Off to eat my fruits~
posted by yiiqiiann @11:45 PM

Managed to watch the first episode of «篮球火», Hot Shot, yesterday.
All 3 leading male characters damn cool xDD
Especially Jerry and Wu Chun ;DD
Especially Caiwen & Debbie... :XX
It's just that both of them were and are my idol respectively xDD
ANW, the storyline is interesting :DD
I simply love cool dramas >D
posted by yiiqiiann @5:09 PM
During assembly, Mrs Tan talked about importance of time.
After which, my class went for heath check.
The nurse said that I maintained a good posture :DD
But still, she recommended me to do more sit-ups.
Thus, there was no maths.
After health check, we went up to class earlier than majority of the people.
Mdm Yuen was already there with her radio.
Thus, while we're waiting for the others to come up,
Turned the radio to YES 933 and there is bu xiang dong de xD
& Shi Min started to teach us on Angela xD
When everyone returned, Mdm Yuen briefed us on the ORAL this afternoon.
the class just does not know what is "SHUT UP" and kept on chatting.
Cheryl and I was saying that primary 2 are even better then secondary 2 and that they have more discipline. xDD
went to the staircase.
Li Jun and Sharon was jumping down from the stairs from as high as possible.
Then three free periods at the hall.
We secretly climbed up the ladder behind the stage.
It was damn dirty alright?!
Teacher spotted us while we're trying to get down.
& I DEFINITELY AM AFRAID HEIGHTS (hope i spelt right?)
Played one of the D. Gray-Man OST on the piano,
but Major Tan came and asked us not to play.
Then, played the game of split (or whatever u call it)
I can't believe a can do a split even after 2 whole years without training! xD
Bell rang & we rushed down to the canteen for lunch.
Ate golden triangle and shared milo with jelly with Sharon.
Then, went up to hall again to assemble for oral.
It was terrible I shall say?
I never excelled in my oral...
Quite anti-social? Dx
After which, went for choir.
Sang non nobis, domine.
Then, discussed about national day celebrations,
& we "played games" haha.
Then, went home with Sharon and Shi Min.
Sharon & I bought 2 ondeh ondeh each.
I starting on my food hunt once again.
& Here I am posting~!
Gonna find MFBBT episodes later on.
(黑Girl 首张同名专辑)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:08 PM
黑Girl -《首张同名专辑》
o1 叫姊姊
o3 女生
o4 果酱面包
o5 恋爱梦游中
o6 纪念品
o7 哈库呐玛塔塔
o8 笨蛋再见
o9 谁说
1o 爱情弹力带HAHA.
Downloaded the songs on that day itself. :X
Hmm.. Kind of not used to some of the songs initially,
but gradually starting to get used lahh hehe.
The songs that I prefer so far are 1,2,3,6 & 9 :DD
posted by yiiqiiann @5:03 PM
Currently using computer to post.
Went to school at 8am,
& there was acid rain -.-
Had summary test today...
I think I'm so going to fail it :'O
Got our Geography test back.
20/25! xD
But dropped a lot as compared to the previous test.
& we got our D&T test back too!
18/25 for orthographical drawing.
& I think I have problems with maths lol?
15+35= 70?!?!
I wanted to slap myself for that lol.
& D&T teacher changed to Mr. Matthew Tan.
He's really a nice teacher lah :DD
After D&T, wanted to go NTUC with Li Jun, Shi Min & Joey.
But after I came out from the washroom,
they were gone.
Thus, walked home with Sharon,
& it began raining again!!
GRAWRR!!Alright, gonna use laptop now :D
posted by yiiqiiann @6:36 PM
Have been staying back for almost everyday since last week, all thanks to lit play.
Monday,Packed chicken rice and ate in classroom after school,
then played while they are doing lit play xD
Listened to many songs too :D
Tuesday,Went to NEWater and Lu Jing was there too! :DD
Got back to school at 6pm & went for choir.
& I'm back in
Today,Had Chinese test, should be okay?
After school, packed fried rice & ate outside classroom.
Went for music theory at CR4,
& our
algernon-gordon effect aroused lol.
Then went back to class to help with the props.
& I got
25.5/30 for Science theory test!! YIPPEES~
5/8 for practical (:
Considered good for me as it's individual work.
Alright, I'll be busy watching anime and shows for now xDD
(❤邱胜翊 xD)
posted by yiiqiiann @10:49 PM
Alright, I've finally changed my blogskin after
1 year?
LOLJust that it's quite an
old blogskin ya?
Music this time are OST of Hot Shot,
Superman & 绝对无敌U Got Me.
Watched finished the exchanging of presents for MFBBT's graduation.
Damn touching :'O
Although it's good for them to pursue higher levels for their career.
But... TT
I don't think the show will be interesting w/o them.Alright, was thinking of going to library today,
but it rained for almost the whole day..
So mum suggested to go another day.
I really have to rush finish my scrapbook activity you see.
Thus, have been using the laptop since 2pm+ till now?
& mum said that we may be out for the whole day tml,
& I haven't done any homework yet X.x
posted by yiiqiiann @9:37 PM
TT Heard that MFBBT didi are gonna graduate from MFBBT...:'OLess entertainment in the future...& Less opportunity to know more about them...HAIZ!Alright, today is really a long day, so I'll just summarize all up.
Before recess, had Maths, Chinese and English lessons.
Halfway through Chinese, there was a fire drill.
When we got back on English lesson, only 10mins left.
Chatted outside the classroom during recess.
After recess, RICH3.
Then went down to find Mrs Sasi at 11am.
After which, went to eat, then choir.
After choir, around 3.30pm.
Went out of school cos Joey and guys wanted to buy snacks.
Got back to school and ate outside classroom.
5.30pm, went to foyer to wait for my mum.
She came at around 6pm.
So, went to hall, then settled down.
& mum was like sitting behind TK.. Dx
Was surprised that she didn't glare at him lol.Alright, went home at around 8.15pm.
Bought french fries to eat.. Too hungry.
&& HURRAY! Teachers' Day is coming~
Looking forward to meet my 6A buddies~ :DD
posted by yiiqiiann @11:45 AM
LIJUN here posting!
YIQIAN is a stupiddddd ___________ xD
Mdm Yuen bring to CR2 to find information & do compo.
So I'm secretly posting here~~
Secretly listened to songs & things hehe!
& theres free period later on~ YIPPEES!!!
Okay, have to close blogger..
Need to ask teacher something xD
posted by yiiqiiann @3:30 PM
Feeling troubled for no reasons lol.
Maybe because of geography test, choir and lit play?
So, summarizing everything up,
PE was damn boring.
Science was tiring.
Geography was confusing.
hide&seek lol.
Lit play was once again boring.
Amanda, Debbie & I were asked to see Ms Soo for something confidential.
So don't bother to ask what it is about.
English, totally don't understand what Mrs Zaidi was talking about as we missed about half of the lesson.
Music, watched funny and scary videos.
Maths, half-asleep but doing my work lol.
I don't think I'll be able to post this few days..
Will be busy with homeworks and tests.
posted by yiiqiiann @2:40 PM
#1 The first person who tag/pass you is?
#2 Your relationship with him/her?
#3 Your first impression of him/her?
Irritating lol
#4 The most memorable thing he/she had done for you ?
Don't know?
#5 The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
Don't Know.
#6 If he/she become your lover, you will ?
DON'T Know.
#7 If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be ?
Less vulgarities & his laziness.
#8 If he/she become your enemy, you will?
#9 If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be ?
Calling each other by our surnames.
#10 The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is ?
Mess up his hair xD
#11 Your overall impression of him/her is .
Quite nice, but IRRITATING!!
#12 How you think people around you will feel about you ?
#13 The characters you love of yourself are ?
Clowning around at home.
#14 On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are,
Being way too kind-hearted.
#15 The most ideal person you want to be is ?
#16 For people that care and like you, say something to them ?
#17 Pass this quiz to 10 person that you wished to know how they feel about you. Pass to people with blogs only.
1. Pei Wen
2. Shi Min
3. Sally
4. Joey
5. Cheryl
6. Xin Lei
7. Santhiya
8. Sarfina
9. Li Jun
10. Sharon
#18 Who is no.6 having relationship with?
{Xin Lei
Don't know? She'll definitely kill me if I said she's having a relationship I suppose? :X
#19 Is no.9 a male or female?
{Li Jun
Let's see.. Is Algernon a male or female?? xD
#20 If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
{Santhiya & Sharon
NOO!!~ Objection with les!! :XX
#21 What is no.2 studying about?
{Shi Min
#22 When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
Long long time ago... :'O
#23 What kind of music band does no.8 like?
Ermm.. Don't know?
#24 Does no.1 have any siblings?
{Pei Wen
#25 Will you woo no.3?
Hmm... I'll consider this question if I'm a boy ok?? xD
#26 How about no.7?
Like I said -.-
#27 Is no.4 single?
Hmm.. Don't think so. If not, I'll have a daddy by now :DD
#28 What is the surname of no.5?
Woon :DD
#29 What 's the hobby of no.10?
Collecting OST for various drama & eating chocolates?
#30 Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
{Cheryl & Li Jun
OF COURSE! They are the legendary Charlie & Algernon! :XX
#31 Where is no.2 studying at?
{Shi Min
#32 Talk something casually about no.1.
{Pei Wen
Kind & Friendly! :DDD
#33 Have you tried developing feelings for no.6?
{Xin Lei
YEPP! Besties~
#34 Where does no.9 live at?
{Li Jun
Somewhere near PYPS :XX
#35 What colour does no.4 like?
Hmm.. Grey or purple? DON'T KILL ME MUMMIE!!~
#36 Are no.5 and 1 best friend?
{Cheryl & Pei Wen
They don't each other.
#37 Does no.1 have any pets?
{Pei Wen
Ermm.. Hamster? Not sure for now xb
#38 Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
She'll kill me if I say no to this question LOL? :XX
#39 What is no. 6 doing now?
{Xin Lei
LOL. CHIA forced me to do this!
& I promise I'll call him CHIA from now on!
CHIA is so noisy~~
Hokkien version of car is QI-AH you see? xD
posted by yiiqiiann @4:42 PM
I'm having mixed feelings again...
Feeling stressed because of choir, music theory, tests and of course... EOY!!
& Feeling excited and happy about my maths test today~~ :DDTuesday, may be failing lit. test Dx
Choir,tried to get our notes using the tuning fork which has the note A (soh).
Had to get the lower doh and soh.
Used up more than 1 hour for it I think?
& I totally
collapsed when I got home -.-
Music Theory,Only Shi Min, Joey, Sharon, Siok Ting and I went.
So we got to revise what Miss Alicia taught for the past few lessons,
which are all the lessons which I totally slacked.Learned about how
"Augmented" and
"Diminished" works.
& I finally understand more about transposition! Dx
Got home at around 4.50pm, did some homework & slept unknowingly.
HEHEHS~Sis tried waking me up for several times till my mum came and wake me up at 8pm xDD
Luckily I revised for Maths few days before.
Read fanfic till 12am+ then slept xDD
Today,went on quite smoothly I suppose?
I never had this much of confidence for tests before :DDHope I'll get full marks~!!
*TK* LIM's class -.-
Time flew pass lol.
*Those in KT LIM's class will understand why it became TK LIM xD*Alright, just a few days before,
Mdm Wong reminded us that
EOY is coming in about 4 - 5 weeks' time.
& I'm totally down right after that.
There are so many subjects that I have totally no clue what to study about!!
I'll surely fail my history lahh..
HOW TO STUDY?!?!Think I'll have to start revising history bahh?
& maybe revise for 2 hour per day?
The war within me has begun..
(What I call the decision war: whether to study or relax more)TT~~
posted by yiiqiiann @3:35 PM
Alright, tagged by Benny and Sharon with the same quiz.
Tagged by peiwen before for this quiz,
but, no harm doing again since I can't find the 3rd episode of hot shot :DD
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
~ frustrated
#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
~ global warming to stop, so that water lvl won't rise & we won't be dead underwater after 40+ years.
#3. What will your dream wedding be like?
~ by the sea or somewhere sceneric.
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
~ yupp. Dx
#5. What's your ideal lover like?
~ kind, respectful, humorous & well-educated.
#6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?
~ being l0ved by someone.
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
~ not sure; the time hasn't come yet.
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
~ give my blessings to them; love cannot be forced :DD
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these day?
~ YES! the lit. test tml!! Dx
#10. Is being tagged fun?
~ quite? depends on my mood.
#11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
~ in the working force.
#12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
~ family and my dear friends :DD
#13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
~ Benny - quite clever, laziness made his results go down. & certainly cares about his hair xDD
Sharon - smart, caring & friendly :DD
#14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
~ both are ok i suppose?
#15. What's the first thing you do every morning?
~ greet my bolster xDD "good morning XIAO MO~!"
#16. Would you give all in a relationship?
~ nope. so that i won't be disappointed if there's any betrayal.
#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
~ i dunno how to explain this lol, depends lah.
#18. What type of friends do you like?
~ someone who will stand up for me & humorous ones :DD
#19. What type of friends do you dislike?
~ betrayers and spill secrets like water flowing.
People i tagged to do the quiz :
No one xDD
Many rejected to do it before.
So, it's opened to anyone who is interested bah? :D
TAGGED BY : Benny and Sharon :DD
(national day celebration)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:45 PM
Friday went on quite smoothly.
The school became so high during the encore :DD
Simply love our performances for this and the previous national day xDD
& Sorry guys, for not able to go out with with u all,
I was so tired running up & down several times to look for Mrs Zaidi to complete a form.
Went to aunt's house on Saturday,
& we could see the helicopters and planes passing by from there :DD
Stayed at home yesterday.
Studied for almost the whole day,
& played merely less than 3 hours of laptop.
Woke up today and studied again.
I'm allowed to use laptop after lunch :DD
& thus, this will be short post ;X
Boring holiday~~~
I'm off to watch heitangqunxiazhuan and hot shot <333
posted by yiiqiiann @3:05 PM
Skipped music theory today,
have to really take a nap later on.
Choir ended at around 6.40pm & I reached home at 7pm.
Was so dizzy that I can see two doors and almost entered the wrong "door".
Got home & ate my dinner,
& without resting, I started on my homework around 8.30pm.
Did not manage to finish them by 10pm.
Couldn't take it anymore & slept at 10.15pm.
Woke up at 6am today with a severe headache.
Wasn't able to concentrate throughout the whole day.
Well, still having a headache now,
& muscle ache because of two consecutive days of playing badminton.
Estimated time with a total of 4-5h.
Alright, think I'll have to rush my homework later after my nap.
posted by yiiqiiann @3:49 PM
Went to shop&save on Saturday evening with sis to buy things for mum,
& of course, we took this opportunity to get our tidbits!
Bought sugar and tomato sauce for mum.
Then, we bought:
- 1 pkt of toblerone dark choc.
- 4 bottles of meiji yoghurt
- 2 pkt of soya bean milk
- 1 pkt of xi-de-dong tube jelly
& we've already get rid of
- half pkt dark choc. (estimated)
- 2 bottles of yoghurt
- 1 pkt of soya bean mlik
- 2 tubes of jelly
Our way of destressing xDD
Well, sis is in first year of uni while me, streaming year.
Alright, today, brought badminton racket to school.
Played badminton during PE with Sharon (:
Played during recess with Debbie, Li Jun & Sharon :DD
& We stayed back after 1.40pm to play too! xDDDDDDDD
Went home at 2.30pm,
& I was prepared to get nagged and scolded by mum as I did not inform her.
But well, I think she forgave me for my honesty :DD
Told her about it right at the moment I stepped into the house,
& I merely get some comments.
Thus, I promised to myself that I'll be honest towards my mum no matter what! ;D
Just that she's really unreasonable sometimes D;
But well! She's unreasonably funny and hilarious most of the time~ :D
& I'm damn confused now.
Are we gonna have lit. test tml or not?!?!
& what will we be tested on?!?!
The whole class wasn't paying attention when Mrs Zaidi
aka msfara told us about it.
I hope it's just some compre-like questions, since she hasn't really started on the themes yet?
Alright, just finished eating and posting at the same time xD
Off to eat my fruits~
posted by yiiqiiann @11:45 PM

Managed to watch the first episode of «篮球火», Hot Shot, yesterday.
All 3 leading male characters damn cool xDD
Especially Jerry and Wu Chun ;DD
Especially Caiwen & Debbie... :XX
It's just that both of them were and are my idol respectively xDD
ANW, the storyline is interesting :DD
I simply love cool dramas >D
posted by yiiqiiann @5:09 PM
During assembly, Mrs Tan talked about importance of time.
After which, my class went for heath check.
The nurse said that I maintained a good posture :DD
But still, she recommended me to do more sit-ups.
Thus, there was no maths.
After health check, we went up to class earlier than majority of the people.
Mdm Yuen was already there with her radio.
Thus, while we're waiting for the others to come up,
Turned the radio to YES 933 and there is bu xiang dong de xD
& Shi Min started to teach us on Angela xD
When everyone returned, Mdm Yuen briefed us on the ORAL this afternoon.
the class just does not know what is "SHUT UP" and kept on chatting.
Cheryl and I was saying that primary 2 are even better then secondary 2 and that they have more discipline. xDD
went to the staircase.
Li Jun and Sharon was jumping down from the stairs from as high as possible.
Then three free periods at the hall.
We secretly climbed up the ladder behind the stage.
It was damn dirty alright?!
Teacher spotted us while we're trying to get down.
& I DEFINITELY AM AFRAID HEIGHTS (hope i spelt right?)
Played one of the D. Gray-Man OST on the piano,
but Major Tan came and asked us not to play.
Then, played the game of split (or whatever u call it)
I can't believe a can do a split even after 2 whole years without training! xD
Bell rang & we rushed down to the canteen for lunch.
Ate golden triangle and shared milo with jelly with Sharon.
Then, went up to hall again to assemble for oral.
It was terrible I shall say?
I never excelled in my oral...
Quite anti-social? Dx
After which, went for choir.
Sang non nobis, domine.
Then, discussed about national day celebrations,
& we "played games" haha.
Then, went home with Sharon and Shi Min.
Sharon & I bought 2 ondeh ondeh each.
I starting on my food hunt once again.
& Here I am posting~!
Gonna find MFBBT episodes later on.