Had a... Boring day today.
Firstly, woke up damn early at 0615 to wash up and prepare for SPA. Thanks goodness, I wasn't late. SPA this time is on reflection and refraction
again, as predicted. And I actually finished on time?!?! O.o... But I think my 4th reading is totally out, resulting in the reading for the 5th and 6th one to be out too. Alright alright, IT'S OVER! Then had to wait for a very long time for
idunnowhy, before they are willing to dismiss us. Walked to the MRT station with Shaheera. On the way, both of us bought shuttle cocks :\
And my mouth was itching like hell, so went to the shop near the bridge. While I was choosing what to eat, I accidentally kicked the metal part of the displaying cabinet, and I said,"SORRY" for
idunnowhy too. And the aunty told me..."His leg is very pain, and even OUCH-ed" xD However, bought a doughstick, 'cos I miss it! xD
And because I forgot to bring my 6.4 to school, I went back home, to take it and walked back to school to put in Mrs Cheah's locker. It's like... So few of them handed up? Then, walked back home again -.-
Bought the honeydew drink at the fruitstall on the way home.
OhMyOhMy... I so going to grow fat because of holiday.
I'll be eating, eating, and nothing else but eating.
Wanted to play badminton with mum just now. But the noise from the construction work actually made me fell asleep while waiting for my mum?!?! T^T
Alright, choir camp tomorrow, I shall started packing, FINALLY.
To end the post with...
SHAHEERAAAAAA! (I secretly took ur backview on Monday hehe!)