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/Friday, April 3, 2009.
(OPSS 10th Anniversary) posted by yiiqiiann @10:34 PM #


Performance was GREAT!
We took many pictures with one another, & sang many many songs xD
Dinner was th best! xD
Tried to hold my tears just now, but just couldn't Dx
& Ariel really looks like a rapist recently.
To everyone, especially Shin Ying... BEWARE! xD

After that, went down for th fee-na-lei xD
I don't know how to spell it.
Before going out, we were like... Dancing chicken dance with mf, p, pp & p^16 xD
Damn funny! XD
& we got really high during th fee-na-lei xD

I wanted to see Mr. Low D':
But I'm too short T^T
Only got to catch a glimpse of him when th curtain opened during our performance.

Hmm.. I'll be grabbing some photos from some of your blogs,
hope you don't mind!


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