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/Sunday, June 21, 2009.
(Random) posted by yiiqiiann @2:44 AM #

It's been YEARS since I last stayed up till 2-3AM, using the computer. Used to do that when I'm in Primary 6 lols; Don't know how I tahan-ed. Alright, facebook is really addictive - I was planning to do the Chemistry assignment after bathing at 11PM+, but ended up using facebook after Joey told me to do a quiz on it? LOLS. And when I search for the word "alkali", I see what bases, insoluble/soluble, and all the things I don't know... -.-
BIG NEWS! - I haven't touched any of those assignments listed on the previous post; I did nothing healthy for the brain this week. ;x Have been watching shows and playing a pet dog game on PSP lol.

Sis is so going to kill me when she reads this post and knows that I stayed up so late! *I know you're reading~* But I still won't make your tea until you help me!! :B

{Layout by thegatecrasher}