(SYF 2008 opening)
posted by yiiqiiann @10:51 PM
Sharon & me :DOkay, today's lessons are all boring to the core.
A new time-table was given to us & it will take effect starting this coming week.
Went for lunch at 12.20pm, then choir at 1.30pm with Joey, Shi Min & Siok Ting.
After which, chiong-ed home at 3pm++.
Charged hp, bathed, ate & prepared to go to watch 2008 SYF opening at SIS.
Left my house at 4.20pm, then went to NTUC to buy pocari sweat & choco pocky.
Reached school around 4.47pm.
There are still very little people.
Then yaddaayaddaa~
Left school around 5.30pm when the form said that it is 5pm.
Alright, reached there, settled in our seats.
After a while, it started.
& I definitely love Deyi's band xD
Watched their performance in this year's SYF on youtube, & this time, I got to watch it live <33
& Then, combined choir & many many performances by different uniform groups & SYF groups.
& The last part~ Shawn Tok 'came down' from the 'ceiling' LOL.
Hope you know what I mean.
& His voice is damn nice :D
But I don't like his looks? :X No offence to anyone out there.
Most important thing is still singing I suppose ;X
I shall try to get the pictures from Sharon's blog once she posts them up.
& Once we got out of SIS, the group of us started going mad xD
Debbie, Cheryl & I were kind of bullying Daven by snatching away the 2 pieces of cloths he took.
Shi Min, Joey & I were chatting about BBT.
& Daven, irritating Daven hit us with the stick that's inside the cloths D<
Thus, Debbie suggested that we take pictures of him. & I managed to take 2 of them! & They are absolutely 2 retarded photos of him :X
Daven's Chinese dance xDLOL! Nice picture right?! We were chatting away happily & he started jumping here & there. HHAHAHS!
Daven's style of quarreling xDHe was quarreling with Joey, & I caught him in this picture xD This is the consequence of beating us! >D
After we reached school, the same group of us walked together to MRT station.
& Joey started pulling at Daven's bag, not allowing him to walk.
& He became a tuo niao (ostrich)?!
Debbie gave him a nickname: DAVEN KU TUO NIAO. xD
(random post)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:16 PM
Reporting time, 12.30am.
I'm currently so into fanfictions xD
& As usual, Friday will be my one & only day spent for anime, since I can't control the timing when I use the laptop >D
& This week, I actually learned a new Chinese saying from sis & mum.
& I got nagged by sis because I only know the things taught in the textbook, but do not know anything unrelated to textbooks.
人不为己 天珠地灭
Hope I got the words correct xD Meaning that if human beings are not selfish, they will be punished and disaster will happen; it will be abnormal for human beings to be unselfish.
But for some reason, when they first told me about this saying, I thought that it is 人不为己 天猪地灭 lol.
I was trying to make some sense of what I said.
& Thus, I said,"If human beings are not selfish, pigs can fly & disaster will happen!" O.o
But still, it makes some sense to me, hhehe... Since it is impossible for a pig to fly, except for the supermanpig called AIR PORK.
Alright, that's all for today... Really have to sleep, since it's 1am already :|
posted by yiiqiiann @7:03 PM
GRAAA! I'm totally going mad already...
My grandmum come to our house to live for 1 week.
& She kept on smoking!! !@#$%^&*
So obvious she secretly bought cigarettes back in Jurong, & now she says that someone stole her $$.
Just less than one month before, her head bled quite seriously because of a hard knock in the wall when sleeping.
& Right after that, she still asks about toto & asks for cigarettes from my mum.
& For her age (lost track of her age... Last time when I was in primary, she's already 81?), she got injuries & still asks for cigarettes, & still climbs up & down the table when we told her not to do so because of her age.
& Thus, she made me hate smokers since I was at the age of 3.
So, to smokers out there, don't blame me if I stare or glare at anyone of you...
Especially those who purposely smoked right in front of others who hate it/small kids.
(wasn't able to adjust back to normal)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:46 PM
Wasn't able to be awake until 1pm lol ><
Since I slept till 12pm+ for the past 2 weeks.
Went to school on time >< phew!
Nothing much ><
Started to learn chapter 5. & My homework is not done yet ><
Miss Kwok~ Well, she left for further studies in the university. Wonder which university.. xD
Ms Xu became our history teacher.
Briefing about tomorrow's history field trip.
Wanted to eat, but wasn't in the mood to do so after thinking about weight ><
Went through D.I.E & almost a whole period of forming questions? Don't think anyone in the class did so, since it's so noisy xD
Drawing... Teacher told us to choose, but in the end, she chose the elephant thingy for me.
& Before I drew in the patterns, she told me it was nice? LOL. It was just the shape of the object lol.
Was supposed to go into the topic of LIGHT. But teacher kept on talking about other things which totally went through the filter in my ears.
Then, went home. Li Jun had to go to her grandma's house, so I walked with Debbie.
& We chatted about __. The two simple little capital letters xD
Then, after I walked pass the bubble tea shop, saw Caiwen :D
Got home & of course, played computer while having my lunch.
Alright, it is 10 pm now... Really have to go to do my homework... BYE!!
posted by yiiqiiann @9:19 PM
Alright, I'll write about yesterday first :D
As I've mentioned, I went to Aloha Loyang to celebrate my cousin's 21st b`dae.
Bungalow 4 ;D
It's really a nice place for gatherings lahh.. There 4 bedrooms in total! >D
Before going there, mum, sis & I went for window shopping.
& I kind of regretted buying my Vampire Knight key chain at Sun Plaza, because the comic connection that I went yesterday had so much more choices of key chains! Especially D.Gray-Man's...
Uncle came & drove us to Aloha Loyang.
& It's so fun when we're on his van xD We squeezed like hell, & I can feel that it is kind of overweight already; when the van is making a turn, it feels as if the whole van may topple down any seconds.
Reached there & we, as the hungry ghosts, began to scoop whatever things available to eat xD
Went into room 3 & we began to love the pillows ;b Damn comfortable ok?!
So, we went to slack in the room several times after each activity.
We walked by the beach and played basketball.
& Finally, buffet time! The best buffet I've ever had in my whole life? xD
Cos the previous ones have many foods that I dislike.
After buffet, went to find the arcade room.
Played racing only >< Many machines were spoiled.
Then, when we got back, time for cutting 'cake'.
LOL. My cousin clever... After many experiences from my older cousins, she bought nice cupcakes with NO CREAM! xD
So of course, no smashing of cake in her face!
BUT, his brother one of my cousin to hold her... Then open the champagne RIGHT IN FRONT of her LOL.
& The cupcake is nice :D
Went back home, & chiong-ed with all my might to finish the homework left.
Slept at around 1am after ironing my uniform.
& I'm so amazed that I was able to wake up at 6am today lol.
Alright, next post will be on today.
(school reopenning)
posted by yiiqiiann @6:44 PM
School's gonna re-open damn soon.
& I've did my best in doing the given homeworks.
Hmm.. Left with quite a number of them?
Chinese left with 1 journal writing & the book review. But I think I lost the paper? Or teacher didn't give us? :S
Maths left with the reflection.
English left with the 3 newspaper cut-outs & scrapbook activity.
Science left with nothing. As for the fun science thingy, it's a practical thingy, so, I just read throught Dx
Hmm.. May be chionging all of them by tomorrow? Cos I'm going to chalet on Sunday for my cousin's 21st b`dae :DD
& How I hoped that we could stay overnight... But they said that Saturday full already, so only can go on Sunday. T-T
Alright, short post here.. BYEES~!!
(quiz from peiwen)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:42 PM
Another quiz from humble little
peiwen <33
1) If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?- Depends on the situation.2) If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- Go Japan? xD But there seems to be earthquake at there now? D:3) Whose butt would you like to kick?- Those that I hate - Lots of them LoL4) What would you do with a billion dollars?- Go Japan, buy LOADS of anime stuffs from there, buy provisions for SICHUAN people (better not to donate money, since the government of China might keep some of it for themself).5) What's your ideal guy like? (Change the girl/guy if needed)- Has a sense of humour, aware of every single little details about me, filial, polite, honest.6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?- Being loved by someone ><7) How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?- Depends :]8) If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?- Give up on him?? :Z9) Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?- I'm happy joking around with my sister everyday :DD10)If you can die in one way, what will it be?- I peaceful death in any possible ways without me knowing it. :)11) How do you see yourself in ten years time?- I'll be 24 years old by then... Hmm... A graduate of a university, working, become a aunt xD & probably if possible, have my own shop/career.12) Who is currently the most important people to you now?- Family, friends & pillow~!! xD13) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?- Honest, humble, caring, kind, filial & polite.14) Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?- Both is acceptable, since we can work hard to earn money & find a partner.15) What's the first thing you do when you wake up?- Slack on bed xDD then continue sleeping (of cos only during weekends & holidays).16) Would you give all in a relationship?- May & might not. :)17) If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?- The better one in terms of characteristics as priority.18) What type of people do you hate?
- Actually... I also don't know sometimes lol! Dx& Thus, the 8 girls will be:
NONE?!?! xD Many ppl dun like to do quiz >D
(My second week of hols.)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:51 PM
HHOHOHOHS! Didn't post for almost 2 weeks I think?
Have nothing much to post, & when I have something to post, I'm not using the com..
Alright, basically what I did last week.
Started doing maths, but left a lot of questions blank because I forgot how to do.
Referred to both Sec 1 & Sec 2 textbooks for some questions.
Do halfway, got bored & started drawing lol.
Before colouring

Combination of black & red.
Next day, went to NYP with sis to take her graduation cert., then we went to Sun Plaza's comic connection.

Vampire Knight's Zero key chain I bought for $3.90, but sis paid first.

Sis' Death Note key chain which costs $4.90 or $5.90.
Then went library. Then, we went to Macdonald's to buy the green tea ice-cream. It tastes nice with the vanilla ice-cream I should say... But once it melts, it really irks like hell. Then, went to NTUC while eating the ice-cream. Bought what mum told us to buy & we started shopping for TIDBITS!! xD Two pringles, one munchy & one packet of sweets.
Got home & sis said that I no need to repay her the $3.90. But I still insisted on giving her $3... xD Since she isn't working anymore.
Went to my aunt's house on Sunday. & Cut my hair ytd.
Today, dad got home damn early at 3pm. 'Cos need to wash the leaves all this. Then, we started making dumplings (ba zhang)! Most of mines are total failures lol. NVM.
Here are some pics of my art pieces I submitted for exam. The theme this time is fruits, flowers & vegetables.

What I painted on the spot on art block that day, featuring flower & orange.

What I painted at home on lay-out paper.

Lay-out featuring orange.

Lay-out featuring pineapple.

Anyhow drew this. Was trying to feature pineapple, orange & strawberry into a flower xD

What teacher wrote on the first page. xD

& This is the front view of my class tee! It is plain I know...

&& This is the back view of it. AYQ 02! xD
Alright, a rare & long post xD
posted by yiiqiiann @12:45 PM
Quiz from Xin Lei :DD
- Firstly, you have to name 20 people out.- At the end of the quiz, choose 5 people whom you wish to do this quiz.
#1 Caiwen
#2 Debbie
#3 Xin Lei
#4 Santhiya
#5 Pei Wen
#6 Cheryl
#7 Li Ting
#8 Li Jun
#9 Natale
#10 Sharon
#11 Sally
#12 Sarfina
#13 Shalice
#14 Clara
#15 Tian Fu
#16 Shi Min
#17 Ling Qing
#18 Benny
#19 Yong En
#20 Kelly
How did you meet #14?2006's annual PSG gathering.What would you do if you didn't meet #1?Rot at home without any 6A gathering.What if #9 & #20 dated?...Would #6 & #17 date?...Decribe #3My best friend in & out of mental hospital xDDIs #8 attractive?YEP! In her own way.Describe #7Hmm.. Can be quiet & crazy at different times :XKnow any of #12's family members?Nope.What would you do if #18 confess to you that he likes you?Ehmm...? Impossible lah -.-What languages does #15 speaks?Rubbish xDDWho is #9 going out with?Her hamster? ><How old is #16?13When is the last time you spoke to #13?Long time ago through phone.Who's #2's favourite band/singer?Linkin' Park & Luo Zhi Xiang. :DDHave you ever dated #4?Once together with our clique.Have you ever dated #1?YEP. Many many times xDIs #19 single?Dunno? Didn't ask for a long time.What is #10 last name?Chia~ :BWould you ever be in relationship with #11?Never, since I'm not a les. But she's our DA JIE xDSchool of #3?PYPS, YSS
Where does #6 live?
Somewhere in Singapore xDD
Whats your favourite thing about #5?
She is honest & caring [[:
Have you seen #2 naked?
ABSOLUTELY NO! Stupid question lah.
The 5 people:
Li Jun
posted by yiiqiiann @11:38 AM
Alright, a quiz from peiwen >D
How to play :1) Answer all the questions.2) After you have done so,tag 8 other people!3) Have fun!Tagged by: peiwen❤
1; What is the most important thing in your life ?- Peace, Family & Friends.2; What is the last thing that you had bought using your own money ?- Vampire Knight *Zero* key chain with rose from comic connection.
3; Where do you wish to get married ?
- First priority will be Japan, second will be overseas, third will be somewhere with good scenery.
4; How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love ?
- Dunno?
5; Are you in love ?
- Certainly N.O!!
6; Where was the last restaurant you had dinner ?
- Jurong Point's Ichiban sushi
7; Name the latest book you had bought.
- The Chinese storybook teacher told us to buy?
8; What is your full name ?
- Hhahas, just look at my profile?
9; Do you prefer your mother or father ?
- Sometimes mum, sometimes dad. xD
10; Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
- Idol (but won't name a specific one, so that it'll come true easier) xDD
11; Christina or Britney ?
- Neither of them: Never heard of Christina & Britney has a bad image in my mind after the news.
12; Do you do your own laundry ?
- Nope.
13; The most exciting place you want to go ?
- Japan during winter.
14; Hugs or Kisses ?
- Hugs; from my bolster. :B
15; Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
- Her world revolves around Japan, anime, music, kindness & her friends.
16; 8 things i am passionate about.
- Anime, visual arts, performing arts, online games,PSP games, Japanese songs, Taiwanese idol dramas, EATING! xD
17; 8 things i say too often.
- Dunno , huh? , ohh.. , uhmm.. , lalala , hmm.. , chey & OHHHH! :X
18; 8 books i've read recently.
- None lol?!?!
19; 8 songs I could listen to over and over again.
- Hikari, Crawl, Doubt & Trust, Wish, Regret, Fukai Mori, Blue Requiem Love Deeper.
20; 8 things i learnt last year.
- New words for English, new words for Chinese, algebra, doing various experiments, history of some countries, map reading, baking, tile painting.
beautiful 8 ladies:
♀ Cai Wen
♀ Poh Hui
♀ Sally
♀ Joey
♀ Li Jun
♀ Santhiya
♀ Sharon
♀ Shi Min
(SYF 2008 opening)
posted by yiiqiiann @10:51 PM
Sharon & me :DOkay, today's lessons are all boring to the core.
A new time-table was given to us & it will take effect starting this coming week.
Went for lunch at 12.20pm, then choir at 1.30pm with Joey, Shi Min & Siok Ting.
After which, chiong-ed home at 3pm++.
Charged hp, bathed, ate & prepared to go to watch 2008 SYF opening at SIS.
Left my house at 4.20pm, then went to NTUC to buy pocari sweat & choco pocky.
Reached school around 4.47pm.
There are still very little people.
Then yaddaayaddaa~
Left school around 5.30pm when the form said that it is 5pm.
Alright, reached there, settled in our seats.
After a while, it started.
& I definitely love Deyi's band xD
Watched their performance in this year's SYF on youtube, & this time, I got to watch it live <33
& Then, combined choir & many many performances by different uniform groups & SYF groups.
& The last part~ Shawn Tok 'came down' from the 'ceiling' LOL.
Hope you know what I mean.
& His voice is damn nice :D
But I don't like his looks? :X No offence to anyone out there.
Most important thing is still singing I suppose ;X
I shall try to get the pictures from Sharon's blog once she posts them up.
& Once we got out of SIS, the group of us started going mad xD
Debbie, Cheryl & I were kind of bullying Daven by snatching away the 2 pieces of cloths he took.
Shi Min, Joey & I were chatting about BBT.
& Daven, irritating Daven hit us with the stick that's inside the cloths D<
Thus, Debbie suggested that we take pictures of him. & I managed to take 2 of them! & They are absolutely 2 retarded photos of him :X
Daven's Chinese dance xDLOL! Nice picture right?! We were chatting away happily & he started jumping here & there. HHAHAHS!
Daven's style of quarreling xDHe was quarreling with Joey, & I caught him in this picture xD This is the consequence of beating us! >D
After we reached school, the same group of us walked together to MRT station.
& Joey started pulling at Daven's bag, not allowing him to walk.
& He became a tuo niao (ostrich)?!
Debbie gave him a nickname: DAVEN KU TUO NIAO. xD
(random post)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:16 PM
Reporting time, 12.30am.
I'm currently so into fanfictions xD
& As usual, Friday will be my one & only day spent for anime, since I can't control the timing when I use the laptop >D
& This week, I actually learned a new Chinese saying from sis & mum.
& I got nagged by sis because I only know the things taught in the textbook, but do not know anything unrelated to textbooks.
人不为己 天珠地灭
Hope I got the words correct xD Meaning that if human beings are not selfish, they will be punished and disaster will happen; it will be abnormal for human beings to be unselfish.
But for some reason, when they first told me about this saying, I thought that it is 人不为己 天猪地灭 lol.
I was trying to make some sense of what I said.
& Thus, I said,"If human beings are not selfish, pigs can fly & disaster will happen!" O.o
But still, it makes some sense to me, hhehe... Since it is impossible for a pig to fly, except for the supermanpig called AIR PORK.
Alright, that's all for today... Really have to sleep, since it's 1am already :|
posted by yiiqiiann @7:03 PM
GRAAA! I'm totally going mad already...
My grandmum come to our house to live for 1 week.
& She kept on smoking!! !@#$%^&*
So obvious she secretly bought cigarettes back in Jurong, & now she says that someone stole her $$.
Just less than one month before, her head bled quite seriously because of a hard knock in the wall when sleeping.
& Right after that, she still asks about toto & asks for cigarettes from my mum.
& For her age (lost track of her age... Last time when I was in primary, she's already 81?), she got injuries & still asks for cigarettes, & still climbs up & down the table when we told her not to do so because of her age.
& Thus, she made me hate smokers since I was at the age of 3.
So, to smokers out there, don't blame me if I stare or glare at anyone of you...
Especially those who purposely smoked right in front of others who hate it/small kids.
(wasn't able to adjust back to normal)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:46 PM
Wasn't able to be awake until 1pm lol ><
Since I slept till 12pm+ for the past 2 weeks.
Went to school on time >< phew!
Nothing much ><
Started to learn chapter 5. & My homework is not done yet ><
Miss Kwok~ Well, she left for further studies in the university. Wonder which university.. xD
Ms Xu became our history teacher.
Briefing about tomorrow's history field trip.
Wanted to eat, but wasn't in the mood to do so after thinking about weight ><
Went through D.I.E & almost a whole period of forming questions? Don't think anyone in the class did so, since it's so noisy xD
Drawing... Teacher told us to choose, but in the end, she chose the elephant thingy for me.
& Before I drew in the patterns, she told me it was nice? LOL. It was just the shape of the object lol.
Was supposed to go into the topic of LIGHT. But teacher kept on talking about other things which totally went through the filter in my ears.
Then, went home. Li Jun had to go to her grandma's house, so I walked with Debbie.
& We chatted about __. The two simple little capital letters xD
Then, after I walked pass the bubble tea shop, saw Caiwen :D
Got home & of course, played computer while having my lunch.
Alright, it is 10 pm now... Really have to go to do my homework... BYE!!
posted by yiiqiiann @9:19 PM
Alright, I'll write about yesterday first :D
As I've mentioned, I went to Aloha Loyang to celebrate my cousin's 21st b`dae.
Bungalow 4 ;D
It's really a nice place for gatherings lahh.. There 4 bedrooms in total! >D
Before going there, mum, sis & I went for window shopping.
& I kind of regretted buying my Vampire Knight key chain at Sun Plaza, because the comic connection that I went yesterday had so much more choices of key chains! Especially D.Gray-Man's...
Uncle came & drove us to Aloha Loyang.
& It's so fun when we're on his van xD We squeezed like hell, & I can feel that it is kind of overweight already; when the van is making a turn, it feels as if the whole van may topple down any seconds.
Reached there & we, as the hungry ghosts, began to scoop whatever things available to eat xD
Went into room 3 & we began to love the pillows ;b Damn comfortable ok?!
So, we went to slack in the room several times after each activity.
We walked by the beach and played basketball.
& Finally, buffet time! The best buffet I've ever had in my whole life? xD
Cos the previous ones have many foods that I dislike.
After buffet, went to find the arcade room.
Played racing only >< Many machines were spoiled.
Then, when we got back, time for cutting 'cake'.
LOL. My cousin clever... After many experiences from my older cousins, she bought nice cupcakes with NO CREAM! xD
So of course, no smashing of cake in her face!
BUT, his brother one of my cousin to hold her... Then open the champagne RIGHT IN FRONT of her LOL.
& The cupcake is nice :D
Went back home, & chiong-ed with all my might to finish the homework left.
Slept at around 1am after ironing my uniform.
& I'm so amazed that I was able to wake up at 6am today lol.
Alright, next post will be on today.
(school reopenning)
posted by yiiqiiann @6:44 PM
School's gonna re-open damn soon.
& I've did my best in doing the given homeworks.
Hmm.. Left with quite a number of them?
Chinese left with 1 journal writing & the book review. But I think I lost the paper? Or teacher didn't give us? :S
Maths left with the reflection.
English left with the 3 newspaper cut-outs & scrapbook activity.
Science left with nothing. As for the fun science thingy, it's a practical thingy, so, I just read throught Dx
Hmm.. May be chionging all of them by tomorrow? Cos I'm going to chalet on Sunday for my cousin's 21st b`dae :DD
& How I hoped that we could stay overnight... But they said that Saturday full already, so only can go on Sunday. T-T
Alright, short post here.. BYEES~!!
(quiz from peiwen)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:42 PM
Another quiz from humble little
peiwen <33
1) If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?- Depends on the situation.2) If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- Go Japan? xD But there seems to be earthquake at there now? D:3) Whose butt would you like to kick?- Those that I hate - Lots of them LoL4) What would you do with a billion dollars?- Go Japan, buy LOADS of anime stuffs from there, buy provisions for SICHUAN people (better not to donate money, since the government of China might keep some of it for themself).5) What's your ideal guy like? (Change the girl/guy if needed)- Has a sense of humour, aware of every single little details about me, filial, polite, honest.6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?- Being loved by someone ><7) How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?- Depends :]8) If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?- Give up on him?? :Z9) Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?- I'm happy joking around with my sister everyday :DD10)If you can die in one way, what will it be?- I peaceful death in any possible ways without me knowing it. :)11) How do you see yourself in ten years time?- I'll be 24 years old by then... Hmm... A graduate of a university, working, become a aunt xD & probably if possible, have my own shop/career.12) Who is currently the most important people to you now?- Family, friends & pillow~!! xD13) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?- Honest, humble, caring, kind, filial & polite.14) Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?- Both is acceptable, since we can work hard to earn money & find a partner.15) What's the first thing you do when you wake up?- Slack on bed xDD then continue sleeping (of cos only during weekends & holidays).16) Would you give all in a relationship?- May & might not. :)17) If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?- The better one in terms of characteristics as priority.18) What type of people do you hate?
- Actually... I also don't know sometimes lol! Dx& Thus, the 8 girls will be:
NONE?!?! xD Many ppl dun like to do quiz >D
(My second week of hols.)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:51 PM
HHOHOHOHS! Didn't post for almost 2 weeks I think?
Have nothing much to post, & when I have something to post, I'm not using the com..
Alright, basically what I did last week.
Started doing maths, but left a lot of questions blank because I forgot how to do.
Referred to both Sec 1 & Sec 2 textbooks for some questions.
Do halfway, got bored & started drawing lol.
Before colouring

Combination of black & red.
Next day, went to NYP with sis to take her graduation cert., then we went to Sun Plaza's comic connection.

Vampire Knight's Zero key chain I bought for $3.90, but sis paid first.

Sis' Death Note key chain which costs $4.90 or $5.90.
Then went library. Then, we went to Macdonald's to buy the green tea ice-cream. It tastes nice with the vanilla ice-cream I should say... But once it melts, it really irks like hell. Then, went to NTUC while eating the ice-cream. Bought what mum told us to buy & we started shopping for TIDBITS!! xD Two pringles, one munchy & one packet of sweets.
Got home & sis said that I no need to repay her the $3.90. But I still insisted on giving her $3... xD Since she isn't working anymore.
Went to my aunt's house on Sunday. & Cut my hair ytd.
Today, dad got home damn early at 3pm. 'Cos need to wash the leaves all this. Then, we started making dumplings (ba zhang)! Most of mines are total failures lol. NVM.
Here are some pics of my art pieces I submitted for exam. The theme this time is fruits, flowers & vegetables.

What I painted on the spot on art block that day, featuring flower & orange.

What I painted at home on lay-out paper.

Lay-out featuring orange.

Lay-out featuring pineapple.

Anyhow drew this. Was trying to feature pineapple, orange & strawberry into a flower xD

What teacher wrote on the first page. xD

& This is the front view of my class tee! It is plain I know...

&& This is the back view of it. AYQ 02! xD
Alright, a rare & long post xD
posted by yiiqiiann @12:45 PM
Quiz from Xin Lei :DD
- Firstly, you have to name 20 people out.- At the end of the quiz, choose 5 people whom you wish to do this quiz.
#1 Caiwen
#2 Debbie
#3 Xin Lei
#4 Santhiya
#5 Pei Wen
#6 Cheryl
#7 Li Ting
#8 Li Jun
#9 Natale
#10 Sharon
#11 Sally
#12 Sarfina
#13 Shalice
#14 Clara
#15 Tian Fu
#16 Shi Min
#17 Ling Qing
#18 Benny
#19 Yong En
#20 Kelly
How did you meet #14?2006's annual PSG gathering.What would you do if you didn't meet #1?Rot at home without any 6A gathering.What if #9 & #20 dated?...Would #6 & #17 date?...Decribe #3My best friend in & out of mental hospital xDDIs #8 attractive?YEP! In her own way.Describe #7Hmm.. Can be quiet & crazy at different times :XKnow any of #12's family members?Nope.What would you do if #18 confess to you that he likes you?Ehmm...? Impossible lah -.-What languages does #15 speaks?Rubbish xDDWho is #9 going out with?Her hamster? ><How old is #16?13When is the last time you spoke to #13?Long time ago through phone.Who's #2's favourite band/singer?Linkin' Park & Luo Zhi Xiang. :DDHave you ever dated #4?Once together with our clique.Have you ever dated #1?YEP. Many many times xDIs #19 single?Dunno? Didn't ask for a long time.What is #10 last name?Chia~ :BWould you ever be in relationship with #11?Never, since I'm not a les. But she's our DA JIE xDSchool of #3?PYPS, YSS
Where does #6 live?
Somewhere in Singapore xDD
Whats your favourite thing about #5?
She is honest & caring [[:
Have you seen #2 naked?
ABSOLUTELY NO! Stupid question lah.
The 5 people:
Li Jun
posted by yiiqiiann @11:38 AM
Alright, a quiz from peiwen >D
How to play :1) Answer all the questions.2) After you have done so,tag 8 other people!3) Have fun!Tagged by: peiwen❤
1; What is the most important thing in your life ?- Peace, Family & Friends.2; What is the last thing that you had bought using your own money ?- Vampire Knight *Zero* key chain with rose from comic connection.
3; Where do you wish to get married ?
- First priority will be Japan, second will be overseas, third will be somewhere with good scenery.
4; How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love ?
- Dunno?
5; Are you in love ?
- Certainly N.O!!
6; Where was the last restaurant you had dinner ?
- Jurong Point's Ichiban sushi
7; Name the latest book you had bought.
- The Chinese storybook teacher told us to buy?
8; What is your full name ?
- Hhahas, just look at my profile?
9; Do you prefer your mother or father ?
- Sometimes mum, sometimes dad. xD
10; Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
- Idol (but won't name a specific one, so that it'll come true easier) xDD
11; Christina or Britney ?
- Neither of them: Never heard of Christina & Britney has a bad image in my mind after the news.
12; Do you do your own laundry ?
- Nope.
13; The most exciting place you want to go ?
- Japan during winter.
14; Hugs or Kisses ?
- Hugs; from my bolster. :B
15; Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
- Her world revolves around Japan, anime, music, kindness & her friends.
16; 8 things i am passionate about.
- Anime, visual arts, performing arts, online games,PSP games, Japanese songs, Taiwanese idol dramas, EATING! xD
17; 8 things i say too often.
- Dunno , huh? , ohh.. , uhmm.. , lalala , hmm.. , chey & OHHHH! :X
18; 8 books i've read recently.
- None lol?!?!
19; 8 songs I could listen to over and over again.
- Hikari, Crawl, Doubt & Trust, Wish, Regret, Fukai Mori, Blue Requiem Love Deeper.
20; 8 things i learnt last year.
- New words for English, new words for Chinese, algebra, doing various experiments, history of some countries, map reading, baking, tile painting.
beautiful 8 ladies:
♀ Cai Wen
♀ Poh Hui
♀ Sally
♀ Joey
♀ Li Jun
♀ Santhiya
♀ Sharon
♀ Shi Min