(I'm going M-A-D!)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:50 PM
ANIMES IN PROCESS:D. Gray-Man - Just finished watching episode 64 on arts central just now.Death Note - Just finished watching episode 8 on veoh.com just now.
Romantic Princess is gonna telecast in a month's time on channel u!
Okay, today was an exceptional "
meaningful" day. Woke up in the morning around.. 8.55AM
(Surprised huh?! This is the earliest I woke up throughout the whole holiday). Ate breakfast, then
yaddayaddayadda. Went to shop & save with mum to buy groceries for lunch and dinner. Got back home, helped mum cut the food and received a call from dad, asking us to go down in 10 minutes' time
(he's driving us to the teck whye lane there to collect my uniform from the tailor) when we were getting ready to cook.
Hmm... It was about... 1PM+? So, left my
poor sister at home and went downstairs.
Got there, kind of cut the queue and went to try on my uniform. Then, when we were about to get up the car, dad pointed out a poster, writing about what... funiture store
Didn't get what he was trying to say, then he said,"Tilam lah (
mattress lah)"
So, went in the shop and looked around. Bought a foldable/portable mattress for my sis. Well, we're about to have our new bed, but my sis doesn't have the mattress. Then, we went home.
After all the time spent on going there, coming back, trying on uniform and looking for mattress, we finally managed to get home around 3PM+. My stomach was grumbling like nobody else's business lol...
So, quickly cooked and ate our lunch... T.T
yaddayaddayaddayadda, blahhblahhblahh, this and that, these and those...
Ate dinner, watched tv, drank tea, watched the final episode of Witch Yoo Hee, watched episode 64 of D. Gray-Man, played computer, and here I am posting!
&& I'm going M-A-D!! What should I do with all the book reviews?! SOMEONE HELP ME~!! I'll be damn grateful if you do!! T.T
(Zombie-Loan completed. Death Note in process.)
posted by yiiqiiann @6:26 PM
YIPPEES! Just finished Zombie-Loan. Well, It's a 25mins x 11 vol. anime. Thus, another anime completed!
Overall, what I feel this anime this telling us is... The fate of "The Ring" is inevitable. Well, meaning, death is inevitable. Hmm... And relationship between friends and family.
Alright, proceeding to Death Note later on. Though I've read part of the comic, I still prefer the anime... Haha! 'Cos I need not read all the explanations; There's many IQ thingy in there.
Okay, BYE!
(Anime rules totally!)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:38 PM
Slept at 2AM+ yesterday and woke up at 10AM+ today, but slacked till 11AM then got out of bed.
Brushed teeth, ate breakfast, then used the laptop! Was planning to listen to chipmunk songs on imeem while chatting and surfing net. However, I recalled that there's this anime I've yet to watch; Zombie-Loan. Thus, went to crunchyroll and watched from the first episode to the seventh.
It is a another nice anime! xD
Haiz... Tonight, there won't be D. Gray-Man, reason being: Even Japan also haven't telecast the next episode! Hehe! So, D. Gray-Man is postponed to every Friday. Damn happy when I knew about this... We're equivalent to Japan! xD
Okay, have to eat dinner now, BYE!
(Christmas part 2)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:43 PM
Decided to post another one based on today. It is to prevent the post from being too long.
Trying to improve my English recently, both in spoken and written english. Well, it's for my own welfare... Mum said that if I don't do well; get 70% in secondary 2 EOY exam, then I'll need to transfer to another school.
Well, though I don't like OPSS, but it is impossible for me to adapt to a new school that quickly. For example, it took me almost 6 months, or rather 7,8 and even a year to adapt to secondary life.
Okay, woke up today at 10AM+. Ate breakfast while watching tv at... 11.30AM+? It was telecasting Power Puff Girls... Lol. Then played computer. After that, had 2 french toasts for lunch at around 1PM+.
So... Continued playing the computer. After a while, sis helped me to cut my hair. It is below shoulder length by... A few CM.
Then, went to buy things with mum. Came back and slacked for a while, then ate dinner, watched tv. And here I am posting!
T.T Christmas is over, Santa is gone, but school is coming... Haiz... Is this what we got from Santa?! :[
posted by yiiqiiann @11:19 PM
Went to one of my relatives' new house to have buffet for dinner yesterday, which is Christmas Eve. Hmm.. At around.. 6PM?
Yupps, reached there for a while, then the buffet came. They set it up, then we ate. Got our Christmas presents after we ate finish.
Piggie and I got the same hot pink Snoopy cushion while lormi got a green one.
Then uncle drive us back.
Got home, switched on the computer, used for a while, watched tv, bathed and counted down for the arrival of Christmas with Xin Lei and Pei Wen. x]
Then, chatted and went crazy with them at 12AM onwards. Said sayonara to Xin Lei around.. 1PM+ I think? 'Cause she went to sleep, hoping to see presents from Santa in her stocking the next day.
So, continued chatting with Pei Wen. She said that she's afraid as she's the only one at home that time. Thus, I decided to accompany her as long as I can until her sis gets home around 3AM+. But in the end, she went off at 2AM+.
Continued reading fanfiction after that.
T.T What should I do?! One week more of happiness before the beginning of a torture! What can I do with my book reviews?! Should I at least complete one? Someone tell me! T.T
(Christmas eve and CAI WEN's birthday.)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:26 AM
YIPPEES! Time really passes fast. We were talking about Christmas at the beginning of the month, and was thinking that it was too early to think about it. But, here it is! Christmas eve!
Okay, beside Christmas eve, today is also Cai Wen's birthday!
Okay, later on around 4pm will be going to one of my relatives' house for dinner.
Planning to use laptop after lunch to watch Zombie-Loan, another anime! xD
Sis read before the comic and recommended it to me, the great old me! =X
(Stupid ulcers)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:02 AM
The time currently is 1.05AM. It's Sunday!
WAAA!! T.T. Tomorrow going to one of my relatives' new house to have dinner.
By right, I should be happy. BUT! There's three irritating ulcers torturing me...! What's more... One on the tongue, one on the left side and one on the right side. How do you expect me to eat PEACEFULLY?! It really hurts you know?!
I was thinking of placing salt on them... But I'm sure the pain will really kill me and I'll be screaming like nobody else's business.
And the medicine for curing ulcers ran out. What to do?... SUFFER!
RAWRRS! Wasn't able to finish my food this few days, thanks to the ulcers. T.T
In the end, I think the only way out is to either put salt (I think I'll bleed) or SUFFER longer. T.T
posted by yiiqiiann @9:06 PM
Okay, 2 posts in a day... But this will be a short one.
CONGRATS TO PIGGIE! She got into Yuan Ching Secondary School.
Though it isn't Jurong Secondary School.
But I believe she likes it too.
(A day out for movie; alvin and the chipmunks)
posted by yiiqiiann @8:14 PM
Went to watch Alvin and the chipmunks with CAI WEN, Xin Lei and Pei Wen.
Amongst the chipmunks, Theodore is the cutest! Fat and round... xD
You know what? The movie actually stopped halfway for terribly 3 times! Then when it started again, we were lost; They did not start at where they stopped, but kept on going...
After watching, we went to northpoint to walk around. We went to the CD shop, then Popular.
Don't know whether the Popular changed to a ZOO? We saw monkey and pig there; Yong En and James.
IDIOTIC SISSY ******* JAMES kept on shouting..."EEYYEERR!! SUAY AHH!" Getting louder each time... His friend was like... DUH?
Damn sissy lor! Never change one... The voice still as disgusting and sissy.
Thus, we immediately turned around and went out of Popular. Then walked around~
Went minitoons. Three of us bought CAI WEN a handphone pouch, since she was looking for one and her b`dae is coming. Well, the main reason to watch movie today, was because of Cai Wen's birthday, which is next monday.
Alright, then we went home together.
Once I got home, I fell down on my mattress; I was feeling quite sleepy. Crapped with my sis, but couldn't, 'cos she was feeling sick. Then, I fell asleep unknowingly.
Woke up on time at 6PM to watch "The Champion". I'm so pro, ain't I? My body is adjusted to the time itself... xD
Okay, that's for all today. Tomorrow will be a fine day, I hope.
Anyway, take good care of your body okay? Many pupils have been falling sick recently.
(Pictures drawn by me!)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:00 PM
Yeah, yesterday I did said that I drew some pictures. They're all posted up today!

Accidentally drew it till too fat. Well, it makes it look even cute, doesn't it?

Little BobDog. Lols... Another failed attempt I think? Looks kind of weird.

And this is the best piece ever! It was drawn today. I was actually going to draw the second boy from the left, but failed terribly... So I decided to erase everything except for the face's shape, and then draw one that comes from my imagination. And here it is!

Hair styled by ME! (It kind of looks weird when I look at it now...) Clothes' opinion by sis. Hmm... But with help from the previous picture I have. Frinch left unshaded to show that it is not black (eg. gold or white).

Then while trying to reach the back of the CPU the plug in the cable... I got scalded by the IRON! Y.Y 'Cos my dad just finished ironning and just switched off it.
Anyway, I'm so happy! For unknown reasons.
Haiz... Did not manage to watch Star Awards just now... 'Cos sis wanna watch Hwangjini. Have to watch the replayed version of it next week.
Okay, I'm off to read fanfictions AGAIN! xD
posted by yiiqiiann @9:31 PM
I'm so happy and glad today! I'll tell you later on about it!
Okay, another boring day at home... Drew some pictures that is on my bed sheet and pillow while listening to music in the afternoon. Then watched Green Forest My Home, had dinner and then played computer.
This is the part!
Played until 9pm+, then started to chat with Amelissa (I'm sorry if I spelled it wrongly! Is it with double 's' or single 's'?).
Yupp, then we chatted a lot about our present class and a lot of things.
You know why I'm happy? Because... It's been a long long time since anyone chatted so much with me online about herself and many things.
Okay, I'm off to watch television!
(School re-opening in 2 weeks time! T.T)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:46 AM
Help~ School is re-opening in 2 weeks time! Y.Y I think I'm not gonna do my book reviews...! T.T
I DON'T WANT ANY SIPs! What should I do?!
Humphf! Sis siok lor... 2 weeks of holiday from now on... Then when her school re-opens, she just need to study for... Don't know how many months, and she'll graduate from poly. And if she's going university, well! While I still have more than 6 years of suffering! T.T And I think my mum is bound to let me go jc and complete university.
Well, I'm mentally prepared to suffer this remaining 3 years; I can't confirm after this 3 years!
Alright, everything around me is driving me mad recently, especially my sis... THE FUNNIEST DRAMA QUEEN. HOHOHOH!
Hmm...! 5 more days to know which school piggie is going to. EXCITED!!!
(a treat to sakae sushi)
posted by yiiqiiann @5:11 PM
Mr. Yong treated us to sakae sushi today at northpoint.
Started preparing at 1pm. Then Xin Lei called me at 1.20pm to tell me to hurry up. (To Xin Lei: You went there too early le lahh! =X) Lol.. I'll getting beaten up by her! Y.Y Lols, JKJK.
Then I went out at 1.25pm. Reached there right on the point! Hyahyahyah! The first time I'm not late! x)
We chatted while waiting for Li Ting. Then Mr. Yong popped out of nowhere... =X Lol... Was supposed to meet him at northpoint, but he went to school for a while, so saw us there.
So, we took the MRT to northpoint when Li Ting came.
yaddayaddayadda... Went to sakae sushi and sat at the big table. Hmm... There's something I MUST NOT mention. If not, Mr. Yong will lose his face. xD Then chatted with them and went crazy with Xin Lei. (To Xin Lei AGAIN: I really suspect whether you're from the hospital we've always mentioned?!) I'll get killed!! ARGHH!
Okay, then when we ate finish, we went out while Mr. Yong paid for the bill.
And SOMEONE forgot that he/she ordered for drink! Keep on drinking and refilling the tea! HYAHYAHS! So we told him/her that he/she forgot to drink the ice lemon tea. LOL! Waste Mr. Yong's money sia! xD
Then, took picture, blahhblahhblahh. Then went home. Xin Lei and Pei Wen chionging for life lol... They disappeared at a blink of eye! Then Natale, Li Ting, Cai Wen and I walked back home.
Did not take picture using my phone today... It was yelling for help for the whole day... Lol. I did not feed it well yesterday... Then there's no electricity just now as it was on maintenance.
*SIGH* I think we can't live without electricity yeah?
posted by yiiqiiann @9:44 AM
GRAA!! I think I'll really die a horrible death! My mum and sis do not have the time to accompany me to the library! All the four english book reviews have not been touched! MAMA~
Haiz... Getting ready to serve for SIPs next year ALREADY! I was hoping to only serve for SIP at Secondary 3 onwards. T.T Nevermind... I'm born to have a miserable life without anything I wish or hope to be fulfilled.
And yays! I've finished watching Romantic Princess! Damn nice! Lalala~ Looking forward to the next show with Wu Zun in it.
Hmm... Started playing warcraft yesterday. I SHALL say, I'm so damn bad at strategy games! x(
Well, as long as I complete the mission, it's okay right?
Found some nice themes for my phone recently and slacked a lot.
Okay, that's all for today! Enjoy your last 3 weeks of holidays!
(at episode 12!! ;D)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:45 PM
YAY! I've watched till episode 12 for Romantic Princess! Next one will be the last episode! YIPPEES! Don't know why... But I've fallen in love with short TV series... xD
Haiz... But then, the last episode isn't uploaded yet.
5pm gonna watch Green Forest My Home on Channel U. Lalala~
One week without fun has passed real fast... None of the book reviews are done, touched, or even being cared about.
Looking forward to this Wednesday as Mr. Yong is treating us to sakae sushi. It is also the day whereby there'll be no electricity from 8am - 5pm. So... Lucky me! But my mum will be alone at home... :[
Alright, signing off... Bye!
(blog song changed)
posted by yiiqiiann @12:23 PM
Song changed to 不想懂得(bu xiang dong de) by Angela Zhang Shao Han. It is also the ending theme song for 公主小妹 'Romantic Princess'.
Alright, gonna watch it now.
(«公主小妹» 'Romantic Princess')
posted by yiiqiiann @11:23 PM
«公主小妹» 'Romantic Princess' is damn nice. Managed to watch one episode of it while using sis' laptop today. Well... Might be because WuZun is in it? xD
Alright, I'm having this bad feeling that I won't be able to complete all of the book reviews... That's all left for holiday homework. Well, tried to read the Chinese storybook that teacher distributed to us, but failed; I fell asleep after reading three chapters of it. As for the 4 English storybooks that I have to borrow from library... I don't think I can make it! 4 weeks to complete all... Y.Y
Today chatted with Sally online. Haiz... But then Myanmar there blogger and youtube got banned, so... She will not be able to blog till she comes back.
posted by yiiqiiann @11:16 PM
Today went to aunt's house and chit-chatted with piggie and yaddayaddayadda.
Then at night after dinner, ate ice-cream and watched 881.
Mostly in hokkien (Luckily I'm hokkien, and understands mostly of it, if not, I'll be reading the english subs throughout the whole film), and very funny... xD Caught all the balls! x)
Watch till 9pm+ then went home.
Currently watching Meteor Garden 1. Alright, I know it's... old fashioned? Watched it in Primary 2.
Uhh... Did TRY to watch Meteor Garden 2. But I just... Don't like it.
(I'm going M-A-D!)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:50 PM
ANIMES IN PROCESS:D. Gray-Man - Just finished watching episode 64 on arts central just now.Death Note - Just finished watching episode 8 on veoh.com just now.
Romantic Princess is gonna telecast in a month's time on channel u!
Okay, today was an exceptional "
meaningful" day. Woke up in the morning around.. 8.55AM
(Surprised huh?! This is the earliest I woke up throughout the whole holiday). Ate breakfast, then
yaddayaddayadda. Went to shop & save with mum to buy groceries for lunch and dinner. Got back home, helped mum cut the food and received a call from dad, asking us to go down in 10 minutes' time
(he's driving us to the teck whye lane there to collect my uniform from the tailor) when we were getting ready to cook.
Hmm... It was about... 1PM+? So, left my
poor sister at home and went downstairs.
Got there, kind of cut the queue and went to try on my uniform. Then, when we were about to get up the car, dad pointed out a poster, writing about what... funiture store
Didn't get what he was trying to say, then he said,"Tilam lah (
mattress lah)"
So, went in the shop and looked around. Bought a foldable/portable mattress for my sis. Well, we're about to have our new bed, but my sis doesn't have the mattress. Then, we went home.
After all the time spent on going there, coming back, trying on uniform and looking for mattress, we finally managed to get home around 3PM+. My stomach was grumbling like nobody else's business lol...
So, quickly cooked and ate our lunch... T.T
yaddayaddayaddayadda, blahhblahhblahh, this and that, these and those...
Ate dinner, watched tv, drank tea, watched the final episode of Witch Yoo Hee, watched episode 64 of D. Gray-Man, played computer, and here I am posting!
&& I'm going M-A-D!! What should I do with all the book reviews?! SOMEONE HELP ME~!! I'll be damn grateful if you do!! T.T
(Zombie-Loan completed. Death Note in process.)
posted by yiiqiiann @6:26 PM
YIPPEES! Just finished Zombie-Loan. Well, It's a 25mins x 11 vol. anime. Thus, another anime completed!
Overall, what I feel this anime this telling us is... The fate of "The Ring" is inevitable. Well, meaning, death is inevitable. Hmm... And relationship between friends and family.
Alright, proceeding to Death Note later on. Though I've read part of the comic, I still prefer the anime... Haha! 'Cos I need not read all the explanations; There's many IQ thingy in there.
Okay, BYE!
(Anime rules totally!)
posted by yiiqiiann @7:38 PM
Slept at 2AM+ yesterday and woke up at 10AM+ today, but slacked till 11AM then got out of bed.
Brushed teeth, ate breakfast, then used the laptop! Was planning to listen to chipmunk songs on imeem while chatting and surfing net. However, I recalled that there's this anime I've yet to watch; Zombie-Loan. Thus, went to crunchyroll and watched from the first episode to the seventh.
It is a another nice anime! xD
Haiz... Tonight, there won't be D. Gray-Man, reason being: Even Japan also haven't telecast the next episode! Hehe! So, D. Gray-Man is postponed to every Friday. Damn happy when I knew about this... We're equivalent to Japan! xD
Okay, have to eat dinner now, BYE!
(Christmas part 2)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:43 PM
Decided to post another one based on today. It is to prevent the post from being too long.
Trying to improve my English recently, both in spoken and written english. Well, it's for my own welfare... Mum said that if I don't do well; get 70% in secondary 2 EOY exam, then I'll need to transfer to another school.
Well, though I don't like OPSS, but it is impossible for me to adapt to a new school that quickly. For example, it took me almost 6 months, or rather 7,8 and even a year to adapt to secondary life.
Okay, woke up today at 10AM+. Ate breakfast while watching tv at... 11.30AM+? It was telecasting Power Puff Girls... Lol. Then played computer. After that, had 2 french toasts for lunch at around 1PM+.
So... Continued playing the computer. After a while, sis helped me to cut my hair. It is below shoulder length by... A few CM.
Then, went to buy things with mum. Came back and slacked for a while, then ate dinner, watched tv. And here I am posting!
T.T Christmas is over, Santa is gone, but school is coming... Haiz... Is this what we got from Santa?! :[
posted by yiiqiiann @11:19 PM
Went to one of my relatives' new house to have buffet for dinner yesterday, which is Christmas Eve. Hmm.. At around.. 6PM?
Yupps, reached there for a while, then the buffet came. They set it up, then we ate. Got our Christmas presents after we ate finish.
Piggie and I got the same hot pink Snoopy cushion while lormi got a green one.
Then uncle drive us back.
Got home, switched on the computer, used for a while, watched tv, bathed and counted down for the arrival of Christmas with Xin Lei and Pei Wen. x]
Then, chatted and went crazy with them at 12AM onwards. Said sayonara to Xin Lei around.. 1PM+ I think? 'Cause she went to sleep, hoping to see presents from Santa in her stocking the next day.
So, continued chatting with Pei Wen. She said that she's afraid as she's the only one at home that time. Thus, I decided to accompany her as long as I can until her sis gets home around 3AM+. But in the end, she went off at 2AM+.
Continued reading fanfiction after that.
T.T What should I do?! One week more of happiness before the beginning of a torture! What can I do with my book reviews?! Should I at least complete one? Someone tell me! T.T
(Christmas eve and CAI WEN's birthday.)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:26 AM
YIPPEES! Time really passes fast. We were talking about Christmas at the beginning of the month, and was thinking that it was too early to think about it. But, here it is! Christmas eve!
Okay, beside Christmas eve, today is also Cai Wen's birthday!
Okay, later on around 4pm will be going to one of my relatives' house for dinner.
Planning to use laptop after lunch to watch Zombie-Loan, another anime! xD
Sis read before the comic and recommended it to me, the great old me! =X
(Stupid ulcers)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:02 AM
The time currently is 1.05AM. It's Sunday!
WAAA!! T.T. Tomorrow going to one of my relatives' new house to have dinner.
By right, I should be happy. BUT! There's three irritating ulcers torturing me...! What's more... One on the tongue, one on the left side and one on the right side. How do you expect me to eat PEACEFULLY?! It really hurts you know?!
I was thinking of placing salt on them... But I'm sure the pain will really kill me and I'll be screaming like nobody else's business.
And the medicine for curing ulcers ran out. What to do?... SUFFER!
RAWRRS! Wasn't able to finish my food this few days, thanks to the ulcers. T.T
In the end, I think the only way out is to either put salt (I think I'll bleed) or SUFFER longer. T.T
posted by yiiqiiann @9:06 PM
Okay, 2 posts in a day... But this will be a short one.
CONGRATS TO PIGGIE! She got into Yuan Ching Secondary School.
Though it isn't Jurong Secondary School.
But I believe she likes it too.
(A day out for movie; alvin and the chipmunks)
posted by yiiqiiann @8:14 PM
Went to watch Alvin and the chipmunks with CAI WEN, Xin Lei and Pei Wen.
Amongst the chipmunks, Theodore is the cutest! Fat and round... xD
You know what? The movie actually stopped halfway for terribly 3 times! Then when it started again, we were lost; They did not start at where they stopped, but kept on going...
After watching, we went to northpoint to walk around. We went to the CD shop, then Popular.
Don't know whether the Popular changed to a ZOO? We saw monkey and pig there; Yong En and James.
IDIOTIC SISSY ******* JAMES kept on shouting..."EEYYEERR!! SUAY AHH!" Getting louder each time... His friend was like... DUH?
Damn sissy lor! Never change one... The voice still as disgusting and sissy.
Thus, we immediately turned around and went out of Popular. Then walked around~
Went minitoons. Three of us bought CAI WEN a handphone pouch, since she was looking for one and her b`dae is coming. Well, the main reason to watch movie today, was because of Cai Wen's birthday, which is next monday.
Alright, then we went home together.
Once I got home, I fell down on my mattress; I was feeling quite sleepy. Crapped with my sis, but couldn't, 'cos she was feeling sick. Then, I fell asleep unknowingly.
Woke up on time at 6PM to watch "The Champion". I'm so pro, ain't I? My body is adjusted to the time itself... xD
Okay, that's for all today. Tomorrow will be a fine day, I hope.
Anyway, take good care of your body okay? Many pupils have been falling sick recently.
(Pictures drawn by me!)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:00 PM
Yeah, yesterday I did said that I drew some pictures. They're all posted up today!

Accidentally drew it till too fat. Well, it makes it look even cute, doesn't it?

Little BobDog. Lols... Another failed attempt I think? Looks kind of weird.

And this is the best piece ever! It was drawn today. I was actually going to draw the second boy from the left, but failed terribly... So I decided to erase everything except for the face's shape, and then draw one that comes from my imagination. And here it is!

Hair styled by ME! (It kind of looks weird when I look at it now...) Clothes' opinion by sis. Hmm... But with help from the previous picture I have. Frinch left unshaded to show that it is not black (eg. gold or white).

Then while trying to reach the back of the CPU the plug in the cable... I got scalded by the IRON! Y.Y 'Cos my dad just finished ironning and just switched off it.
Anyway, I'm so happy! For unknown reasons.
Haiz... Did not manage to watch Star Awards just now... 'Cos sis wanna watch Hwangjini. Have to watch the replayed version of it next week.
Okay, I'm off to read fanfictions AGAIN! xD
posted by yiiqiiann @9:31 PM
I'm so happy and glad today! I'll tell you later on about it!
Okay, another boring day at home... Drew some pictures that is on my bed sheet and pillow while listening to music in the afternoon. Then watched Green Forest My Home, had dinner and then played computer.
This is the part!
Played until 9pm+, then started to chat with Amelissa (I'm sorry if I spelled it wrongly! Is it with double 's' or single 's'?).
Yupp, then we chatted a lot about our present class and a lot of things.
You know why I'm happy? Because... It's been a long long time since anyone chatted so much with me online about herself and many things.
Okay, I'm off to watch television!
(School re-opening in 2 weeks time! T.T)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:46 AM
Help~ School is re-opening in 2 weeks time! Y.Y I think I'm not gonna do my book reviews...! T.T
I DON'T WANT ANY SIPs! What should I do?!
Humphf! Sis siok lor... 2 weeks of holiday from now on... Then when her school re-opens, she just need to study for... Don't know how many months, and she'll graduate from poly. And if she's going university, well! While I still have more than 6 years of suffering! T.T And I think my mum is bound to let me go jc and complete university.
Well, I'm mentally prepared to suffer this remaining 3 years; I can't confirm after this 3 years!
Alright, everything around me is driving me mad recently, especially my sis... THE FUNNIEST DRAMA QUEEN. HOHOHOH!
Hmm...! 5 more days to know which school piggie is going to. EXCITED!!!
(a treat to sakae sushi)
posted by yiiqiiann @5:11 PM
Mr. Yong treated us to sakae sushi today at northpoint.
Started preparing at 1pm. Then Xin Lei called me at 1.20pm to tell me to hurry up. (To Xin Lei: You went there too early le lahh! =X) Lol.. I'll getting beaten up by her! Y.Y Lols, JKJK.
Then I went out at 1.25pm. Reached there right on the point! Hyahyahyah! The first time I'm not late! x)
We chatted while waiting for Li Ting. Then Mr. Yong popped out of nowhere... =X Lol... Was supposed to meet him at northpoint, but he went to school for a while, so saw us there.
So, we took the MRT to northpoint when Li Ting came.
yaddayaddayadda... Went to sakae sushi and sat at the big table. Hmm... There's something I MUST NOT mention. If not, Mr. Yong will lose his face. xD Then chatted with them and went crazy with Xin Lei. (To Xin Lei AGAIN: I really suspect whether you're from the hospital we've always mentioned?!) I'll get killed!! ARGHH!
Okay, then when we ate finish, we went out while Mr. Yong paid for the bill.
And SOMEONE forgot that he/she ordered for drink! Keep on drinking and refilling the tea! HYAHYAHS! So we told him/her that he/she forgot to drink the ice lemon tea. LOL! Waste Mr. Yong's money sia! xD
Then, took picture, blahhblahhblahh. Then went home. Xin Lei and Pei Wen chionging for life lol... They disappeared at a blink of eye! Then Natale, Li Ting, Cai Wen and I walked back home.
Did not take picture using my phone today... It was yelling for help for the whole day... Lol. I did not feed it well yesterday... Then there's no electricity just now as it was on maintenance.
*SIGH* I think we can't live without electricity yeah?
posted by yiiqiiann @9:44 AM
GRAA!! I think I'll really die a horrible death! My mum and sis do not have the time to accompany me to the library! All the four english book reviews have not been touched! MAMA~
Haiz... Getting ready to serve for SIPs next year ALREADY! I was hoping to only serve for SIP at Secondary 3 onwards. T.T Nevermind... I'm born to have a miserable life without anything I wish or hope to be fulfilled.
And yays! I've finished watching Romantic Princess! Damn nice! Lalala~ Looking forward to the next show with Wu Zun in it.
Hmm... Started playing warcraft yesterday. I SHALL say, I'm so damn bad at strategy games! x(
Well, as long as I complete the mission, it's okay right?
Found some nice themes for my phone recently and slacked a lot.
Okay, that's all for today! Enjoy your last 3 weeks of holidays!
(at episode 12!! ;D)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:45 PM
YAY! I've watched till episode 12 for Romantic Princess! Next one will be the last episode! YIPPEES! Don't know why... But I've fallen in love with short TV series... xD
Haiz... But then, the last episode isn't uploaded yet.
5pm gonna watch Green Forest My Home on Channel U. Lalala~
One week without fun has passed real fast... None of the book reviews are done, touched, or even being cared about.
Looking forward to this Wednesday as Mr. Yong is treating us to sakae sushi. It is also the day whereby there'll be no electricity from 8am - 5pm. So... Lucky me! But my mum will be alone at home... :[
Alright, signing off... Bye!
(blog song changed)
posted by yiiqiiann @12:23 PM
Song changed to 不想懂得(bu xiang dong de) by Angela Zhang Shao Han. It is also the ending theme song for 公主小妹 'Romantic Princess'.
Alright, gonna watch it now.
(«公主小妹» 'Romantic Princess')
posted by yiiqiiann @11:23 PM
«公主小妹» 'Romantic Princess' is damn nice. Managed to watch one episode of it while using sis' laptop today. Well... Might be because WuZun is in it? xD
Alright, I'm having this bad feeling that I won't be able to complete all of the book reviews... That's all left for holiday homework. Well, tried to read the Chinese storybook that teacher distributed to us, but failed; I fell asleep after reading three chapters of it. As for the 4 English storybooks that I have to borrow from library... I don't think I can make it! 4 weeks to complete all... Y.Y
Today chatted with Sally online. Haiz... But then Myanmar there blogger and youtube got banned, so... She will not be able to blog till she comes back.
posted by yiiqiiann @11:16 PM
Today went to aunt's house and chit-chatted with piggie and yaddayaddayadda.
Then at night after dinner, ate ice-cream and watched 881.
Mostly in hokkien (Luckily I'm hokkien, and understands mostly of it, if not, I'll be reading the english subs throughout the whole film), and very funny... xD Caught all the balls! x)
Watch till 9pm+ then went home.
Currently watching Meteor Garden 1. Alright, I know it's... old fashioned? Watched it in Primary 2.
Uhh... Did TRY to watch Meteor Garden 2. But I just... Don't like it.