(drama-ed with grace and xinlei)
posted by yiiqiiann @2:05 AM
Today is 30th of November already! Left with a bit of science and I'm done! Then, I'll try my best to force myself to read and review all 5 book reviews... :(
Have been staying up quite late recently, panda eyes became darker!
Alright, had a little drama with Xin Lei and Grace AGAIN! Then Grace go and play game. Haha, we're drama queens, aren't we?!
&& Natale deleted her blog without telling us! GRAAA! xD
Just now watched 'Witch Yoo Hee'... Ermm... What should I say... Funny?
A lot of funny animated effects and thoughts lol.
WAHAHAHS! Grace is back and we're continuing the drama lol!
(I miss 6A!)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:23 PM
Haha, was viewing all the pictures taken last year in class and around the school.
Almost cried... x')
And I just noticed... I was that DARK! But that's what I want!
Haiz... Looking at the funny expressions of them makes me want to own a time travel machine and go back to where and what we were...
6A will always be the best class in my heart with the unforgettable memories we had!
posted by yiiqiiann @12:39 AM
Mum attempted to wake me up at 8.30am after sis left for school.
But of course, being a pig as I am, I continued sleeping till 10am+ when mum got really angry at calling me up several times.
Hmm... Yesterday chatted with Xin Lei, Peiwen, Yong En and Tian Fu till... 1am+? Then went to sleep around 1.30am+. Earliest of the morning! ^_^
So, woke up and played the computer. Then helped mum cut food for lunch.
After lunch, helped to wash the woks and bowls. Then folded clothes while watching tv.
After that, did homework for a while, and before falling asleep around 4.30pm, xD asked sis to wake me up at 6pm so that I can watch The Champion.
But she woke me up at 6.20pm while getting me to answer my phone. I totally freaked out! But at least she did call me up.
So watched till 7pm and ate dinner. Then used com and watch anime.
Time now is 1.11am as shown on computer. I have nothing better to do, so blogged for a while.
RAWRRS! Was supposed to go to sentosa on Sunday, but uncle was sick, mum was too...
Hope that we can go sentosa one fine day!
(D.A.I rules!!!)
posted by yiiqiiann @6:46 PM
RAWRS! Just found out that Do As Infinity actually disbanded on 2005...
It's such a pity that they disbanded lahh... I mean... The songs they made are damn nice lahh!!
Haiz... Forgot which year, I think 2004, watch Inuyasha on TV, then many of the songs are from them... Started to like their songs.
RAWRS! I was like so shocked lahh!!
But then, still will continue listening to their songs... xD
&& Hope that they will band up together again! There's always some hope right?
Alright, have to sign off and off lap now, going to watch S-POP! YAYS!
posted by yiiqiiann @11:38 AM
(another boring day passed by..)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:19 PM
Lalals... Today went out to buy dinner AGAIN! I miss dinners cooked by mum so much! But she doesn't have the strength to cook... What to do? But obey her and buy dinner back.
Today... Did a bit of homework, read fanfictions, played games, listened to songs and all the usual things I do almost everyday.
Was chatting with Kian Hui through sms before this post.
Yesterday went to shop&save at late afternoon with mum and saw Xin Lei. Hmm... She was just back from buying school uniform I think?
Alright, currently reading fanfiction again. And I just introduced to Pei Wen the fanfiction that Cai Wen and I wrote during P5. 'Cos she was asking me what's a fanfiction.
posted by yiiqiiann @11:13 PM
Phew! Blogskin and everything is done for now. YAY~
Alright, I put two songs, for the fact that both are short... ^_^
The second one is kind of... Sad? Yeah, it's usually used in sad scenes in D. Gray-Man.
Okay, currently watching D. Gray-Man and posting at the same time.
Went to buy something to cook for dinner and the cooking is done by Sis and I... FRIED RICE!~
Spent almost the whole day searching for blogskins and finding Inuyasha songs.
Lalals~ It is 11.30pm now!! Hmm... Let's see... Read fanfiction, then... Hmm...
(Having problems choosing blogskins)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:31 PM
Lalala... Well, you know... I'm kind of choosy(or however you spell it) when it comes to blogskins.
I prefer those... You know, without navigations, whereby we just need to scroll down and everything is on one page. Reason being: I'm bad at html codes and all this, to be direct- COMPUTER IDIOT.
So, Those kind of blogskin is easier for me to put song from imeem, edit and all this.
Ermm... So might be changing blogskin again. When I've really found one though!
I know it's very tiring to see someone's blogskin change each time you visit their blog.
Okay, things I've did yesterday and today are almost the same.
Mum has not been feeling well, sis and I have been busy helping and looking after her and yaddayaddayadda... Sis washing the clothes and me going out dad to buy dinner... blahblahblah. Used the computer and managed to actually finish 2nd section of science theory chapter 16.
Arghh... Hope that tomorrow won't be the same.
But it is quite fun feeding mum! xD
OHH YA! About the song, I think I won't be putting it till I find the next blogskin. Hmm... The song is one of D. Gray-Man's OST. Hmm... NICE! Is all I can describe about it.
(Blogskin changed)
posted by yiiqiiann @10:13 PM
Ya, I know, I change my blogskin too REGULARLY.
But I've just realised that the previous blog has something wrong. Sorry for realising it so late, but I've been using mozilla fox for the whole time... Well, mozilla fox doesn't works too well, but at least, isn't that lag as internet explorer.
Okay, I'll be putting in song later on. Plus lyrics, maybe?
Already have in mind which song I'll be putting. Hmm.. You'll know it soon!
Alright, today went my aunt's house(finally). Watched the japan version of Hana Kimi with piggie (I'll be mentioning a lot about piggie, for your info, she's smaller than me by 1 year, yet taller than me by 10+ cm T.T. A cousin of mines. Doing this little intro of her, so you all won't be wondering who she is, and her real name won't be mentioned, don't think she like it) and played with Ricky(Cousin's gf's puppy). Then, our cousin decided to bring us(piggie,piggie's little brother and me) to Botanic garden, but on the way there, thunders could be heard. Then they U-TURNED back. But then, brought us to West Coast Park.
Damn fun lol.. The three of us(you should know who) climbed the pyramid(what i call it). But lormi and I did not reach the top. I was afraid of heights, so stopped half way, then lormi.. I don't know why.. Piggie reached the top!
Okay, then yadayadayadayada. So we went back to my aunt's house. Some peoples were eating, then some of us was playing with Ricky. He is so cute! Say kuu-chii kuu-chii, then he'll lie down and let u kuu-chii. Then it went on my lap.. OMG.. Was like so happy plus pain lol.. 'Cos his nails. But then NVM! Hehehs. Kanna licked by him several times. SOO CUTE!
Think I've kind of overcame the fear of dogs? Ermm.. Puppy maybe? Dogs are a bit... Don't know how to say.
(bored to death)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:05 PM
Alright, everything seems fine now.
Everyday is like a replay of the previous day, doing the same thing and typing almost the same things as ever.
Ohh well... Life is boring, isn't it?
Briefly what I did today...
Played clubpenguin for a while, chatted, did quizzes related to anime, blogged, read fanfiction and sms-ed Mr. Yong regarding this friday.
Hmm.. We were planning to go back to PYPS this friday, but then I can't.. :( Mum don't let.
This part is for 6A'o6 pupils.
Mr. Yong said that he will meet us on one of the days in December after he comes back from India on 5th of December with Mr. Hassan. They're going there to visit schools and are leaving next Saturday.
So, must remember okay?! He said that he will be treating us..(Don't know what).
Yepp yepp, and of course, he is busy because of his yet-to-be-born baby and PYPS is changing principle.
Okay, now chatting to a unknown person whom i think i add last time.. but i forgot who.
(miserable life..)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:18 PM
Haiz.. Mum just asked me to go do homework.. Then suddenly dunno sjb for what.
At there say what.."Your sis go poly already ahh, you better go to jc. If cannot go jc, then stop at secondary 4."
WTH lor.. She knew better than anyone else that I can't do better than sis, and yet she still say this. Don't know for what lahh... If like that, might as well quit school now! Waste time and money for what.
Don't feel like doing homework now... Since that's her "ORDER".
It's not that I'm trying to be rebellous... But I just have no mood.
Studying has no meaning to me now...
Hoping that I'll just grow up real soon, and get out of singapore.. Maybe to Japan? Yepp! Japan will be the best place! Animes, mangas, games and foods. Though life will be much more tougher, but as compared to here, it's much more enjoyable!
(homeworks.. T.T)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:08 PM
Arghh! Holiday still left with one month plus, and my holiday homeworks have not been done since last week! T.T
Too lazy to continue with my homeworks now.. There are still 4 book reviews and studies to be done for english, 1 book review and 1 journal for chinese, 1 chapter or more for science.
After that, every homework will be done!
BUT! For those who knows me very well, would have certainly kind of predict that I won't even touch the storybook and do my book reviews! Hehehs!~
Well, the storybooks borrowed last two weeks.. Only one book was PARTIALLY read. See?! That's how pro I can get.
Will try to do science later on though.
Alright, finally found a nice Inuyasha fanfiction to read! YIPPEES~
Luckily sis will be dismissed at 4pm!!~ If not I'll become bored sitting infront of the com for the whole day!!
posted by yiiqiiann @12:46 PM
Sis went to school finally after her 2 months of holidays. It is so quick lor.
She has been working part-time for the whole holiday lols.
I might have a taste of it next year.. x)
Alright, did nothing much today. Read online comic and chatted for a while.
Couldn't find any nice Inuyasha fanfcition to read. Ahh well, will still continue finding! xb
Sis might be home in 30minutes. Now rushing to read finish another comic before she gets home, so.. BYES!
(Sally's b`dae celebration in advance)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:02 PM
Today went to Orchid Park condominium to "play netball" with Cai Wen, Xin Lei, Pei Wen, Li Ting, Sally and Stella.
Well, you know, we actually didn't really play much lol.. Merely played for almost 10 minutes, then Stella have to go. After Stella go, Sally went market to eat breakfast. So, there was only four of us - Cai Wen, Xin Lei and Li Ting waiting for Sally to come back. She left at 10am and came back around 11am! GRR! LOLS.
Then Cai Wen and I gave an excuse of going out to buy drinks.. Which was when we are going to buy cake. Cai Wen and I were kind of stuck in the cake shop lols.. Not knowing what cake to buy, we just chose a good looking one and went back.. >.< >Guys, there's this lesson that we learned today...
That is...
Hahs.. Because Liting accidently dropped her food onto her handphone on the table and was cleaning the phone with penknife and tissues.
Learned the lesson? HEHEHS
(Choir gathering (games and bbq))
posted by yiiqiiann @9:23 PM
Today went out at 2pm and reached school at 2.30pm.
Then I go Comittee Hunt by myself.
At 3pm, Isabel told us to stop and assemble at the canteen. Then I ask Amanda what time they got to school, and that's when I've finally realised that the starting time is actually 2pm. I actually mistook the starting time as 2.30pm!
Lols.. Broke my own record already. Then in the end got 4 stars only.. :(
Ahh well.. Then we proceed to playing games in parade square. We played a game which needed a blanket. Then play virus(I wasn't caught!) and concentration.
After a while, we were asked to go and eat. Managed to take a picture with Shi Min and Joey.

Shi Min

Then we started eating. Amanda, Shin Ying and Lin Ding was complaining that the chicken wings are not properly cooked! Lols. Then Jia Min and I finished eating and threw away the plate. After a while, Mr. Goh brought his family here. Everyone was like.. Surrounding Mr. Goh's three sons lols! They're so cute! Then later, we saw a rainbow! YIPEES! And then when we were going back, another rainbow showed up!

First rainbow seen

Second rainbow seen!

And that's Mr. Goh's son! His name is Kaylor (I don't know how to spell.. Sorry! And no offence to anyone especially Mr. Goh). After taking this picture, he said,"One more time." SOO CUTE lols. Another picture was supposed to be taken with his twin brother Joshua,and Isabelle Ang.
Isabelle was sitting beside them lols.. Then Kaylor also sat down VERY slowly beside her. But then he followed Joshua when Joshua ran away.
Thus, we bidded farewell.. Then he said,"Bye bye." very softly but can be heard.
There's still another baby of Mr. Goh though, called Amos I think. Of course, he was there!
Alright, signing off!
posted by yiiqiiann @11:56 AM
After much help from my sis,I've finally managed to get a nice blogskin for my blog!
Song is one of the endings for D. Gray-Man.
Okay, have to get ready for choir bbq now..
(To friends from 6A and pyps.. Must Read! Great news from Mr. Yong!)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:19 PM
Know what great news I just heard from Cai Wen about Mr. Yong?
Mr. Yong is becoming a father SOON!So happy for him!
Lols! Cai Wen and I became high for unknown reasons!
Congratulations to Mr. Yong!
posted by yiiqiiann @3:43 PM
Getting bored as each day pasts..
Okay, anyway, changed the blog's song to «背叛» sung by Sin Huey and Daren. Hope the song is working well!
Yesterday Jia Hao chatted with me for a while, and he told me that he saw me at Sun Plaza library on Saturday, whats more, right infront of him.. But I didn't see him.. Well..Think I maybe should be wearing glasses wherever I go?
Lalala.. today logged in at 9am+ and merely chatted for a little while. The other part of the day was still spent reading online comics and fanfictions.
So sian nehh.. Today is already the 5th of November.. Don't know why, but have a feeling that this holiday is a short one, though it is the longest in fact. One month will pass as quickly as usual, hmm.. Might be because I've been reading comics, fanfictions and storybook for the whole day long. (Of course, comics and fanfictionis more than storybook.. Know what I mean?)
Alright, hope that I'll manage to complete all homework exept for book review by this month.. Which might be impossible huh! Hehehs. Homework still stayed at the same standard as before lol.. As in.. The amount completed. Will try to focus more on science yeah?
(First week of holiday is over)
posted by yiiqiiann @2:49 PM
Wow.. Time passes.. Fast? Hehehs.
Yesterday went to the library with mum and sis. Managed to borrow 3 english and 1 chinese storybooks.
I was done borrowing my books at the counter, then, suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder and called me.. I turned around and got a shocked, it was Lu Jing! Hehe! Sis said that my reation very slow lols..Because I turned around and saw Lu Jing for 2 seconds, then say I got shocked lol..
Then mum,sis and I went to popular and bought Sin Huey's newest album with the vouchers I've got through achievement award at PSLE. The album is $18.95. Now, I still have 8 vouchers left! YIPPEES! Then wanted to buy something from sportslink with the poor $5 voucher my tuitor gave me lol.. But forgot all about it..
Then my sis and I bought bun to eat, and then mum wanted to buy groceries to cook for dinner, so went to NTUC and buy a bit of things, then we went home.
When I got home, switched on tv and turned to channel u. Then don't have Goong S, but showed the Singapore Hit Award 2007. I watch till the end, then so happy lols! STEPHANIE got lots of awards!
Okay, that's all.. my first week of holiday is still a boring one.
posted by yiiqiiann @4:28 PM
Damn frustrated! Just now went for "choir practise" huhs.. And spent the whole 1hr 30mins there doing ornaments for next year's CCA orientation.
Then the whole lot of us there was like sian dao.. The committee was learning a new song and they were like having so much fun.
=(.. I thought today go there is learn new songs or what lor. Shouldn't have gone for choir just now.. If not I've already finished quite some volume of Inuyasha.
Okay, won't talk about it anymore, it'll make me regret MORE.
Hmm.. There is this particular person I want to meet up with now.. (secret)
Haiz.. Mum kept on asking me if I want to transfer school. Even though I say no, she kept on say,"Your school now not good lehh, last time your sis study that time then good"
But then I still don't want to change, for the fact that some of the schools have covered D&T already, or some other subjects?
posted by yiiqiiann @6:00 PM
After four days spent sitting infront of the computer and eat snacks, I've really grown horizontally..
POOR ME! Did not really grow much vertically for the whole year round, except for growing horizontally.
Haiz.. Now I know the feeling of being fat, won't dare to make fun of others already.
=( .. The last time I've measured my height (around august?), it is 150cm.. Wonder if I've grown? Don't think so!
As for weight.. BWAAA! Just measured it yesterday, and I swear I won't reveal it! (Who will?)
Alright.. Today was another boring one huh? Chatted online, read online comic, played piano and had afternoon nap from 1pm to 4pm. Aww.. Don't think that I'll enjoy this whole holiday much, except for the fact that THERE'S NO SCHOOL! Lalala!
posted by yiiqiiann @12:01 PM
Hehehs. Yesterday while playing sis's laptop, went to youtube and I got to learn how to play piano version of the song that The Earl of Millenium and Road sang before and after they've killed General Yeegar!
Yepp yepp! It is that creepy song! For those who does not watch D. Gray-Man and does not know what I'm talking about, nevermind hehehs.
SOO happy lols.. Though it is an easy one, but please think.. For one who doesn't learn piano or have any knowledge about it to play a short and completed one, it is quite an achievement ya?
(drama-ed with grace and xinlei)
posted by yiiqiiann @2:05 AM
Today is 30th of November already! Left with a bit of science and I'm done! Then, I'll try my best to force myself to read and review all 5 book reviews... :(
Have been staying up quite late recently, panda eyes became darker!
Alright, had a little drama with Xin Lei and Grace AGAIN! Then Grace go and play game. Haha, we're drama queens, aren't we?!
&& Natale deleted her blog without telling us! GRAAA! xD
Just now watched 'Witch Yoo Hee'... Ermm... What should I say... Funny?
A lot of funny animated effects and thoughts lol.
WAHAHAHS! Grace is back and we're continuing the drama lol!
(I miss 6A!)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:23 PM
Haha, was viewing all the pictures taken last year in class and around the school.
Almost cried... x')
And I just noticed... I was that DARK! But that's what I want!
Haiz... Looking at the funny expressions of them makes me want to own a time travel machine and go back to where and what we were...
6A will always be the best class in my heart with the unforgettable memories we had!
posted by yiiqiiann @12:39 AM
Mum attempted to wake me up at 8.30am after sis left for school.
But of course, being a pig as I am, I continued sleeping till 10am+ when mum got really angry at calling me up several times.
Hmm... Yesterday chatted with Xin Lei, Peiwen, Yong En and Tian Fu till... 1am+? Then went to sleep around 1.30am+. Earliest of the morning! ^_^
So, woke up and played the computer. Then helped mum cut food for lunch.
After lunch, helped to wash the woks and bowls. Then folded clothes while watching tv.
After that, did homework for a while, and before falling asleep around 4.30pm, xD asked sis to wake me up at 6pm so that I can watch The Champion.
But she woke me up at 6.20pm while getting me to answer my phone. I totally freaked out! But at least she did call me up.
So watched till 7pm and ate dinner. Then used com and watch anime.
Time now is 1.11am as shown on computer. I have nothing better to do, so blogged for a while.
RAWRRS! Was supposed to go to sentosa on Sunday, but uncle was sick, mum was too...
Hope that we can go sentosa one fine day!
(D.A.I rules!!!)
posted by yiiqiiann @6:46 PM
RAWRS! Just found out that Do As Infinity actually disbanded on 2005...
It's such a pity that they disbanded lahh... I mean... The songs they made are damn nice lahh!!
Haiz... Forgot which year, I think 2004, watch Inuyasha on TV, then many of the songs are from them... Started to like their songs.
RAWRS! I was like so shocked lahh!!
But then, still will continue listening to their songs... xD
&& Hope that they will band up together again! There's always some hope right?
Alright, have to sign off and off lap now, going to watch S-POP! YAYS!
posted by yiiqiiann @11:38 AM
(another boring day passed by..)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:19 PM
Lalals... Today went out to buy dinner AGAIN! I miss dinners cooked by mum so much! But she doesn't have the strength to cook... What to do? But obey her and buy dinner back.
Today... Did a bit of homework, read fanfictions, played games, listened to songs and all the usual things I do almost everyday.
Was chatting with Kian Hui through sms before this post.
Yesterday went to shop&save at late afternoon with mum and saw Xin Lei. Hmm... She was just back from buying school uniform I think?
Alright, currently reading fanfiction again. And I just introduced to Pei Wen the fanfiction that Cai Wen and I wrote during P5. 'Cos she was asking me what's a fanfiction.
posted by yiiqiiann @11:13 PM
Phew! Blogskin and everything is done for now. YAY~
Alright, I put two songs, for the fact that both are short... ^_^
The second one is kind of... Sad? Yeah, it's usually used in sad scenes in D. Gray-Man.
Okay, currently watching D. Gray-Man and posting at the same time.
Went to buy something to cook for dinner and the cooking is done by Sis and I... FRIED RICE!~
Spent almost the whole day searching for blogskins and finding Inuyasha songs.
Lalals~ It is 11.30pm now!! Hmm... Let's see... Read fanfiction, then... Hmm...
(Having problems choosing blogskins)
posted by yiiqiiann @11:31 PM
Lalala... Well, you know... I'm kind of choosy(or however you spell it) when it comes to blogskins.
I prefer those... You know, without navigations, whereby we just need to scroll down and everything is on one page. Reason being: I'm bad at html codes and all this, to be direct- COMPUTER IDIOT.
So, Those kind of blogskin is easier for me to put song from imeem, edit and all this.
Ermm... So might be changing blogskin again. When I've really found one though!
I know it's very tiring to see someone's blogskin change each time you visit their blog.
Okay, things I've did yesterday and today are almost the same.
Mum has not been feeling well, sis and I have been busy helping and looking after her and yaddayaddayadda... Sis washing the clothes and me going out dad to buy dinner... blahblahblah. Used the computer and managed to actually finish 2nd section of science theory chapter 16.
Arghh... Hope that tomorrow won't be the same.
But it is quite fun feeding mum! xD
OHH YA! About the song, I think I won't be putting it till I find the next blogskin. Hmm... The song is one of D. Gray-Man's OST. Hmm... NICE! Is all I can describe about it.
(Blogskin changed)
posted by yiiqiiann @10:13 PM
Ya, I know, I change my blogskin too REGULARLY.
But I've just realised that the previous blog has something wrong. Sorry for realising it so late, but I've been using mozilla fox for the whole time... Well, mozilla fox doesn't works too well, but at least, isn't that lag as internet explorer.
Okay, I'll be putting in song later on. Plus lyrics, maybe?
Already have in mind which song I'll be putting. Hmm.. You'll know it soon!
Alright, today went my aunt's house(finally). Watched the japan version of Hana Kimi with piggie (I'll be mentioning a lot about piggie, for your info, she's smaller than me by 1 year, yet taller than me by 10+ cm T.T. A cousin of mines. Doing this little intro of her, so you all won't be wondering who she is, and her real name won't be mentioned, don't think she like it) and played with Ricky(Cousin's gf's puppy). Then, our cousin decided to bring us(piggie,piggie's little brother and me) to Botanic garden, but on the way there, thunders could be heard. Then they U-TURNED back. But then, brought us to West Coast Park.
Damn fun lol.. The three of us(you should know who) climbed the pyramid(what i call it). But lormi and I did not reach the top. I was afraid of heights, so stopped half way, then lormi.. I don't know why.. Piggie reached the top!
Okay, then yadayadayadayada. So we went back to my aunt's house. Some peoples were eating, then some of us was playing with Ricky. He is so cute! Say kuu-chii kuu-chii, then he'll lie down and let u kuu-chii. Then it went on my lap.. OMG.. Was like so happy plus pain lol.. 'Cos his nails. But then NVM! Hehehs. Kanna licked by him several times. SOO CUTE!
Think I've kind of overcame the fear of dogs? Ermm.. Puppy maybe? Dogs are a bit... Don't know how to say.
(bored to death)
posted by yiiqiiann @9:05 PM
Alright, everything seems fine now.
Everyday is like a replay of the previous day, doing the same thing and typing almost the same things as ever.
Ohh well... Life is boring, isn't it?
Briefly what I did today...
Played clubpenguin for a while, chatted, did quizzes related to anime, blogged, read fanfiction and sms-ed Mr. Yong regarding this friday.
Hmm.. We were planning to go back to PYPS this friday, but then I can't.. :( Mum don't let.
This part is for 6A'o6 pupils.
Mr. Yong said that he will meet us on one of the days in December after he comes back from India on 5th of December with Mr. Hassan. They're going there to visit schools and are leaving next Saturday.
So, must remember okay?! He said that he will be treating us..(Don't know what).
Yepp yepp, and of course, he is busy because of his yet-to-be-born baby and PYPS is changing principle.
Okay, now chatting to a unknown person whom i think i add last time.. but i forgot who.
(miserable life..)
posted by yiiqiiann @1:18 PM
Haiz.. Mum just asked me to go do homework.. Then suddenly dunno sjb for what.
At there say what.."Your sis go poly already ahh, you better go to jc. If cannot go jc, then stop at secondary 4."
WTH lor.. She knew better than anyone else that I can't do better than sis, and yet she still say this. Don't know for what lahh... If like that, might as well quit school now! Waste time and money for what.
Don't feel like doing homework now... Since that's her "ORDER".
It's not that I'm trying to be rebellous... But I just have no mood.
Studying has no meaning to me now...
Hoping that I'll just grow up real soon, and get out of singapore.. Maybe to Japan? Yepp! Japan will be the best place! Animes, mangas, games and foods. Though life will be much more tougher, but as compared to here, it's much more enjoyable!
(homeworks.. T.T)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:08 PM
Arghh! Holiday still left with one month plus, and my holiday homeworks have not been done since last week! T.T
Too lazy to continue with my homeworks now.. There are still 4 book reviews and studies to be done for english, 1 book review and 1 journal for chinese, 1 chapter or more for science.
After that, every homework will be done!
BUT! For those who knows me very well, would have certainly kind of predict that I won't even touch the storybook and do my book reviews! Hehehs!~
Well, the storybooks borrowed last two weeks.. Only one book was PARTIALLY read. See?! That's how pro I can get.
Will try to do science later on though.
Alright, finally found a nice Inuyasha fanfiction to read! YIPPEES~
Luckily sis will be dismissed at 4pm!!~ If not I'll become bored sitting infront of the com for the whole day!!
posted by yiiqiiann @12:46 PM
Sis went to school finally after her 2 months of holidays. It is so quick lor.
She has been working part-time for the whole holiday lols.
I might have a taste of it next year.. x)
Alright, did nothing much today. Read online comic and chatted for a while.
Couldn't find any nice Inuyasha fanfcition to read. Ahh well, will still continue finding! xb
Sis might be home in 30minutes. Now rushing to read finish another comic before she gets home, so.. BYES!
(Sally's b`dae celebration in advance)
posted by yiiqiiann @4:02 PM
Today went to Orchid Park condominium to "play netball" with Cai Wen, Xin Lei, Pei Wen, Li Ting, Sally and Stella.
Well, you know, we actually didn't really play much lol.. Merely played for almost 10 minutes, then Stella have to go. After Stella go, Sally went market to eat breakfast. So, there was only four of us - Cai Wen, Xin Lei and Li Ting waiting for Sally to come back. She left at 10am and came back around 11am! GRR! LOLS.
Then Cai Wen and I gave an excuse of going out to buy drinks.. Which was when we are going to buy cake. Cai Wen and I were kind of stuck in the cake shop lols.. Not knowing what cake to buy, we just chose a good looking one and went back.. >.< >Guys, there's this lesson that we learned today...
That is...
Hahs.. Because Liting accidently dropped her food onto her handphone on the table and was cleaning the phone with penknife and tissues.
Learned the lesson? HEHEHS
(Choir gathering (games and bbq))
posted by yiiqiiann @9:23 PM
Today went out at 2pm and reached school at 2.30pm.
Then I go Comittee Hunt by myself.
At 3pm, Isabel told us to stop and assemble at the canteen. Then I ask Amanda what time they got to school, and that's when I've finally realised that the starting time is actually 2pm. I actually mistook the starting time as 2.30pm!
Lols.. Broke my own record already. Then in the end got 4 stars only.. :(
Ahh well.. Then we proceed to playing games in parade square. We played a game which needed a blanket. Then play virus(I wasn't caught!) and concentration.
After a while, we were asked to go and eat. Managed to take a picture with Shi Min and Joey.

Shi Min

Then we started eating. Amanda, Shin Ying and Lin Ding was complaining that the chicken wings are not properly cooked! Lols. Then Jia Min and I finished eating and threw away the plate. After a while, Mr. Goh brought his family here. Everyone was like.. Surrounding Mr. Goh's three sons lols! They're so cute! Then later, we saw a rainbow! YIPEES! And then when we were going back, another rainbow showed up!

First rainbow seen

Second rainbow seen!

And that's Mr. Goh's son! His name is Kaylor (I don't know how to spell.. Sorry! And no offence to anyone especially Mr. Goh). After taking this picture, he said,"One more time." SOO CUTE lols. Another picture was supposed to be taken with his twin brother Joshua,and Isabelle Ang.
Isabelle was sitting beside them lols.. Then Kaylor also sat down VERY slowly beside her. But then he followed Joshua when Joshua ran away.
Thus, we bidded farewell.. Then he said,"Bye bye." very softly but can be heard.
There's still another baby of Mr. Goh though, called Amos I think. Of course, he was there!
Alright, signing off!
posted by yiiqiiann @11:56 AM
After much help from my sis,I've finally managed to get a nice blogskin for my blog!
Song is one of the endings for D. Gray-Man.
Okay, have to get ready for choir bbq now..
(To friends from 6A and pyps.. Must Read! Great news from Mr. Yong!)
posted by yiiqiiann @3:19 PM
Know what great news I just heard from Cai Wen about Mr. Yong?
Mr. Yong is becoming a father SOON!So happy for him!
Lols! Cai Wen and I became high for unknown reasons!
Congratulations to Mr. Yong!
posted by yiiqiiann @3:43 PM
Getting bored as each day pasts..
Okay, anyway, changed the blog's song to «背叛» sung by Sin Huey and Daren. Hope the song is working well!
Yesterday Jia Hao chatted with me for a while, and he told me that he saw me at Sun Plaza library on Saturday, whats more, right infront of him.. But I didn't see him.. Well..Think I maybe should be wearing glasses wherever I go?
Lalala.. today logged in at 9am+ and merely chatted for a little while. The other part of the day was still spent reading online comics and fanfictions.
So sian nehh.. Today is already the 5th of November.. Don't know why, but have a feeling that this holiday is a short one, though it is the longest in fact. One month will pass as quickly as usual, hmm.. Might be because I've been reading comics, fanfictions and storybook for the whole day long. (Of course, comics and fanfictionis more than storybook.. Know what I mean?)
Alright, hope that I'll manage to complete all homework exept for book review by this month.. Which might be impossible huh! Hehehs. Homework still stayed at the same standard as before lol.. As in.. The amount completed. Will try to focus more on science yeah?
(First week of holiday is over)
posted by yiiqiiann @2:49 PM
Wow.. Time passes.. Fast? Hehehs.
Yesterday went to the library with mum and sis. Managed to borrow 3 english and 1 chinese storybooks.
I was done borrowing my books at the counter, then, suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder and called me.. I turned around and got a shocked, it was Lu Jing! Hehe! Sis said that my reation very slow lols..Because I turned around and saw Lu Jing for 2 seconds, then say I got shocked lol..
Then mum,sis and I went to popular and bought Sin Huey's newest album with the vouchers I've got through achievement award at PSLE. The album is $18.95. Now, I still have 8 vouchers left! YIPPEES! Then wanted to buy something from sportslink with the poor $5 voucher my tuitor gave me lol.. But forgot all about it..
Then my sis and I bought bun to eat, and then mum wanted to buy groceries to cook for dinner, so went to NTUC and buy a bit of things, then we went home.
When I got home, switched on tv and turned to channel u. Then don't have Goong S, but showed the Singapore Hit Award 2007. I watch till the end, then so happy lols! STEPHANIE got lots of awards!
Okay, that's all.. my first week of holiday is still a boring one.
posted by yiiqiiann @4:28 PM
Damn frustrated! Just now went for "choir practise" huhs.. And spent the whole 1hr 30mins there doing ornaments for next year's CCA orientation.
Then the whole lot of us there was like sian dao.. The committee was learning a new song and they were like having so much fun.
=(.. I thought today go there is learn new songs or what lor. Shouldn't have gone for choir just now.. If not I've already finished quite some volume of Inuyasha.
Okay, won't talk about it anymore, it'll make me regret MORE.
Hmm.. There is this particular person I want to meet up with now.. (secret)
Haiz.. Mum kept on asking me if I want to transfer school. Even though I say no, she kept on say,"Your school now not good lehh, last time your sis study that time then good"
But then I still don't want to change, for the fact that some of the schools have covered D&T already, or some other subjects?
posted by yiiqiiann @6:00 PM
After four days spent sitting infront of the computer and eat snacks, I've really grown horizontally..
POOR ME! Did not really grow much vertically for the whole year round, except for growing horizontally.
Haiz.. Now I know the feeling of being fat, won't dare to make fun of others already.
=( .. The last time I've measured my height (around august?), it is 150cm.. Wonder if I've grown? Don't think so!
As for weight.. BWAAA! Just measured it yesterday, and I swear I won't reveal it! (Who will?)
Alright.. Today was another boring one huh? Chatted online, read online comic, played piano and had afternoon nap from 1pm to 4pm. Aww.. Don't think that I'll enjoy this whole holiday much, except for the fact that THERE'S NO SCHOOL! Lalala!
posted by yiiqiiann @12:01 PM
Hehehs. Yesterday while playing sis's laptop, went to youtube and I got to learn how to play piano version of the song that The Earl of Millenium and Road sang before and after they've killed General Yeegar!
Yepp yepp! It is that creepy song! For those who does not watch D. Gray-Man and does not know what I'm talking about, nevermind hehehs.
SOO happy lols.. Though it is an easy one, but please think.. For one who doesn't learn piano or have any knowledge about it to play a short and completed one, it is quite an achievement ya?